Health IT Journey - Stories from the Road

HIT Policy Committee Meaningful Use Workgroup: Two Hearings on MU Criteria
Monday, August 9th, 2010 | Posted by: Judy Sparrow | Category: HIT Policy Committee

The final rules on the meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) are out, and they are expected to help improve Americans’ health, increase safety and reduce health care costs through expanded use of EHRs. The regulation defines the “meaningful use” objectives that providers must meet to qualify for Medicare and Medicaid incentive payments. This commences a five-year national initiative to adopt and meaningfully use electronic health records for health care. (more…)

HIT Policy Committee’s Enrollment Workgroup Solicits Comments–Deadline August 10th
Monday, August 2nd, 2010 | Posted by: Judy Sparrow | Category: FACA, HIT Policy Committee, HIT Standards Committee

On July 30, the HIT Policy Committee’s Enrollment Workgroup held a Listening Session for the public to respond to the Workgroup’s draft recommendations and suggest issues for future consideration. (more…)

HIT Policy Committee 7/21: Meeting Summary
Monday, August 2nd, 2010 | Posted by: Judy Sparrow | Category: FACA, HIT Policy Committee

On July 21, the HIT Policy Committee held a meeting in Washington, DC. Following Dr. Blumenthal’s opening remarks Paul Tang approved the minutes from the previous meeting and reviewed the upcoming agenda. (more…)