Category Archives: Labor-Management

State and District Education Leaders Collaborate to Transform the Teaching Profession

Cross-posted from the White House Blog. Last week, state and district education leaders from across the country traveled to Cincinnati, Ohio to share their stories, strategies, and best practices around a topic in education that seldom sees the spotlight: labor-management … Continue reading

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2012 Labor-Management Conference Kicks Off – Watch Live

Secretary Arne Duncan, national education leaders and over 100 district and state leadership teams are converging in Cincinnati today to kick off the two-day 2012 Labor-Management Conference. The conference will encourage participants – teams of state and district school chiefs, … Continue reading

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Announcing the 2012 Labor-Management Collaboration Conference

The invitation to this year’s Labor-Management Collaboration Conference is now open. The conference, titled Collaborating to Transform the Teaching Profession, will take place May 23-24 in Cincinnati, and brings together management and labor teams from across the country. For those interested … Continue reading

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Finding Courage in Labor-Management Collaboration

At a recent Teacher Union Reform Network (TURN) meeting in Long Beach, Calif., I learned how labor-management collaboration can change the working dynamic in a school district. TURN is a national organization that supports union-driven reform to improve education for … Continue reading

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AFT and TFT Share “The Toledo Plan” with Secretary Duncan

Ed. Note: Maryann Woods Murphy is a Spanish teacher and a Washington Teaching Ambassador Fellow on loan from her school in Allendale, NJ. This former New Jersey State Teacher of the Year and 33-year teaching veteran travelled with Secretary Duncan’s … Continue reading

Posted in Back to School Tour 2011, Labor-Management, Listening Tour, News, Teacher Practitioner, Teachers, Teaching Profession, What We Heard | 2 Comments

Duncan and Officials Observe Mock Presentation of Innovative Teacher Mentoring and Evaluation Program at AFT Hall

An innovative teacher evaluation plan, developed with the participation of the teachers union in Toledo, Ohio, was the focus of the final stop on the first day of the “Education and the Economy” bus tour. Secretary Duncan paid a visit … Continue reading

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Secretary Duncan Kicks Off Back-to-School Tour in Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH- The U.S. Department of Education’s “Education and the Economy” back-to-school bus tour got off to a rousing start with a brassy welcome at the tour’s first stop, Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School. Education Secretary Arne Duncan’s arrival at … Continue reading

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Back-to-School Bus Heads to the Great Lakes

During last week’s #AskArne Twitter Town Hall, Sarah, a third grade teacher, asked if it is possible for Arne to “tour and sponsor real town halls with educators.” This week, ED announced that Secretary Duncan and his senior staff will … Continue reading

Posted in Back to School Tour 2011, Civil Rights, Early Learning, ESEA Reauthorization, Headlines, Innovation, Join the Conversation, Labor-Management, Listening Tour, News, P-12 Reform, Promise Neighborhoods, Race to the Top, Rural, Schools and Community, Science and Math (STEM), Standards and assessments, Teacher Practitioner, Teachers, Teaching Profession, Turnaround Schools | Tagged , , | Comments Off

The Quiet Revolution Turning Around Michigan City Area Schools

On a visit to Lake Hills Elementary School in Michigan City, Ind., earlier today, Secretary Duncan saluted the community for renewing a spirit of enthusiasm and pride among teachers, staff, parents, students, and the community and he commended everyone for … Continue reading

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Celebrating Collaboration and Race to the Top

Secretary Duncan joined Vice President Joe Biden earlier today in Wilmington, Del., to celebrate the first anniversary of Race to the Top, and to highlight the importance of collaboration between labor and management.  Delaware received $100 million in Race to … Continue reading

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Helping States Address Budget Pressures

Across the country, governments at every level are facing enormous financial pressures. Many school districts are facing layoffs, reductions in state funding, and massive budget deficits. Secretary Duncan calls these challenging financial times “The New Normal,” and to assist states, … Continue reading

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A Classroom Teaching Ambassador Fellow Reflects on Accomplishments of the Denver Labor Management Collaboration Conference

The Labor Management Collaboration Conference in Denver was the Department of Education at its best, connecting people, ideas and resources and setting a vision for change. The 150 participating districts, each represented by a union president, superintendent, and a board … Continue reading

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