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Multifamily Housing's Participation in the Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project (RHIIP) Initiative

The Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project (RHIIP) is in response to one item on the President's Management Agenda. The objective of RHIIP is to reduce errors in the administration of HUD's rental assistance funds by taking actions that better assure the "right benefits go to the right persons." To help obtain that objective, HUD has created the Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) System for Multifamily Housing Program Users.

Instructional Packet for Owners and Agents for Implementing the Refinement of Income and Rent Determination Requirements in Public and Assisted Housing Programs: Implementation of EIV-Amendments; Final Rule

The enclosures described in the letter you will soon receive from your HUD Program Center Director which will assist you in complying with the mandatory use of EIV and the revised SSN disclosure and verification requirements of the final rule can be found here.

Listserv-Multifamily RHIIP Tips

 - Multifamily RHIIP Tips--Introductory Letter from DAS
 - RHIIP Tips Archives


RHIIP Publications

 - RHIIP Newsletter, Fall 2007/Winter 2008
 - RHIIP Newsletter, Fall 2005/Winter 2006
 - RHIIP Newsletter, Spring/Summer 2005
 - RHIIP Newsletter, Winter 2005
 - RHIIP Newsletter, Fall 2004
 - RHIIP Newsletter, Spring 2004
 - RHIIP Newsletter, Winter 2004
 - RHIIP Newsletter, Summer 2003

Other Publications

 - EIV & You
 - RHIIP & You

Occupancy Handbook 4350.3 Rev-1 and Related Materials

 - Occupancy Requirements of Subsidized Multifamily Housing Programs Handbook,
4350.3 Rev-1
 - Crosswalk Between Old & Revised Handbook
 - New Policies of the Occupancy Handbook
 - Handbook Summary for Owners
 - Handbook Summary for Tenants
 - Questions and Answers about 4350.3 Rev-1
 - Rent and Income Determination Quality Control Monitoring Guide
 - Special Claims Processing Guide Frequently Asked Questions
 - HUD Housing Notice H2012-11 State Lifetime Sex Offender Registration
 - HUD Model Lease forms (HUD-90105-a through 90105-d including translated formats)
 - HUD Model leases Questions and Answers
 - What Lease do I use?
 - HUD forms requirement matrix


Eligibility of Students for Section 8


 - Federal Register Notice: Eligibility of Students for Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937; Final Rule, Dec. 30, 2005
 - Federal Register Notice: Eligibility of Students for Assisted Housing Under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937; Supplementary Guidance, April 10, 2006
 - Student Eligibility Restrictions - Qs & As


Interview Techniques


 - A Guide to Interviewing for Owners of HUD Subsidized Multifamily Housing Projects


Information Sheets


Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage:
 - Housing Notice H-2005-21, "Income calculation and verification guidance regarding the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan - Part D Program"
 - Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage


RHIIP General Information:

 - RHIIP Information Sheet for Contract Administrators
 - RHIIP Information Sheet for HUD Field Staff
 - RHIIP Information Sheet for Owners
 - RHIIP Information Sheet for Tenants


Other Information Sheets:
 - Fact Sheets on how rents are determined
 - Multifamily Housing Automation Rule 03
 - Fraud Pamphlet

RHIIP Support and Training

 - EIV Monitoring for HUD/CA Staff Conference Call on4/22/08
 - General RHIIP Presentation
 - Help Desk Representatives
 - RHIIP Training & Seminar Calendar of Events (Sept - Oct)
 - Occupancy Training Manual
 - RHIIP Case Study Training
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