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Other Sources of DoD Records

  • Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC).
    All visitors can search DTIC´s publicly accessible collections and read or download scientific and technical information, using DTIC Online service. DTIC also makes available sensitive and classified information to eligible users who register for DTIC services.

  • National Technical Information Service (NTIS).
    The National Technical Information Service serves as our nation's largest central source for government-sponsored scientific, technical, engineering, and related business information. NTIS has over 3 million information titles in its collection.

  • National Archives and Records Administration

  • George W. Bush Presidential Library

  • William J. Clinton Presidential Library

  • George Bush Presidential Library

  • Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

  • Other Presidential Libraries

  • The National Archives at College Park

  • The National Security Archive, George Washington University.
    An independent non-governmental research institute and library located at The George Washington University, the Archive collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. The Archive also serves as a repository of government records on a wide range of topics pertaining to the national security, foreign, intelligence, and economic policies of the United States.  The Archive is our most frequent requester, with their requests representing approximately one third of our overall workload.  Consequently, the Archive is a good source of DoD information.

  • DoD Publications Archive

  • The Center for Public Integrity-Databases
    The Center for Public Integrity is a nonprofit organization dedicated to producing original, responsible investigative journalism on issues of public concern. The website contains a variety of documents from the Department of Defense and other Federal agencies, all searchable using subject specific databases.

  • GoverntmentDocs.org
    GovernmentDocs.org is a project of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), in partnership with several other non-profit organizations (e.g., Electronic Frontier Foundation, Project on Government Oversight (POGO), Public Citizen, The Sunlight Foundation). The website contains documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act from the Department of Defense and other Federal agencies.

  • Pentagon Library

  • FamilySearch.org
    FamilySearch.org is a non-profit service sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The Church believes that every person is important and that families are meant to be both sacred and eternal. The Church encourages all people to find their ancestors and preserve their family histories. To help in this great pursuit, the Church has been actively gathering and preserving genealogical records worldwide for over 100 years. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints learned that interest in family history is not limited by culture, ethnicity or religious faith. People around the world are innately and intensely interested in their family heritage. Because the Church's family history efforts are funded by charitable donations, it freely offers its resources to anyone interested in finding their family's roots.

  • Military Services History Offices
  • Footnote.com
    The National Archives and Footnote.com are working as partners to bring unprecedented access to selections of the vast holdings of the National Archives. See NARA press release. Please note that FootNote.com is a fee -based service, but select groupings of records are available at no cost.

  • GovernmentAttic.org
    This site claims to make available materials that are unavailable elsewhere. According to the site, there is no topic-oriented theme to their content. They further state that if they have a theme, it is one of openness. They have a number of FOIA logs posted for various agencies.

* USCG is a component of the Dept. of Homeland Security, not DoD.

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