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Promotions Branch Article

My Board File MBF and Officer Promotions


We cannot overemphasize the importance of aggressively updating your board file as early as possible in the promotion selection board process.  A board file that is reviewed and certified by the officer is what a promotion selection board looks for in every officer's promotion board file. It is recommended that you visit your unit S1 or Installation Adjutant General (AG) during your birth month to ensure your ORB, OMPF and photo are current.  At a minimum, review your ORB and OMPF at least once per year. Ensure changes in your duty history, military/civilian education, awards, OERs and any other event that affects the ORB is updated through your S1/AG as soon as a change takes place. 

There are essentially two different avenues you can take to prepare an ORB for a selection board. The first and best method is through your unit S1 or Installation AG where they retrieve and print your ORB on the spot.  All corrections are placed into eMILPO/TOPMIS and should remain on the system as corrections.  The second source is your Branch, because Assignment officers have the ability to generate ORBs.  Work with your assignment manager one-on-one to ensure your board ORB gets to your promotion selection board file. The best method is going through your unit S1/AG early in the promotion selection board process.  Once your ORB is correct, certify using MBF. 

Officer Promotion Selection Boards are announced 90 days in advance for each and every promotion selection board using worldwide Army message, electronic mail and HRC Homepage. Start the ORB/photo/OMPF review process at least 90 days prior to the convene date of your promotion board to ensure your promotion board selection file is at its best.   

The Promotions Branch and Officer Promotions Section do not handle ORBs. Contact your unit S1/AG or Branch Manager/Assignment Officer to assist you with any updates/corrections that need to be made to your ORB.