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Imagine the Unimaginable: Ending Genocide in the 21st Century

Imagine the Unimaginable: Ending Genocide in the 21st Century

Ending Genocide | Agenda | Bios | Poll Results | Video | Resources

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
9 a.m.–1 p.m.


Michael Abramowitz, Director, Committee on Conscience, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
James M. Lindsay, Senior Vice President, Director of Studies, and Maurice R. Greenberg Chair, Council on Foreign Relations

Polling Presentation
US Attitudes and Awareness of Genocide
Results of national poll by Penn Schoen Berland
What inspires people to take action against genocide and under what circumstances should the US engage to prevent it?
Mark Penn, Worldwide CEO, Burson-Marsteller, and CEO, Penn Schoen Berland

Sara J. Bloomfield, Director, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Keynote Address
Hillary Rodham Clinton
US Secretary of State
What might genocide look like in the 21st century and how is the US preparing to meet the challenge?

Panel I
Over the Horizon: Global Trends Affecting Genocide
How might global trends such as economic uncertainty, political upheaval, resource scarcity, and population migration increase the risk of genocide? What new forms might genocide and mass atrocities take in the future?
Christopher A. Kojm, Chairman, US National Intelligence Council
Peter Schwartz, Senior Vice President for Global Government Relations and Strategic Planning, Salesforce.com
Timothy Snyder, Bird White Housum Professor of History, Yale University
Dana Priest, Investigative Reporter, Washington Post

Panel II
Innovative Solutions in Responding to Future Challenges
How can we mobilize existing resources and create new capacities to respond to potential threats? What roles do technology solutions such as crowd-sourcing and social networks play, and what innovative solutions might be developed by the political, legal, and business sectors?
Arwa Damon, Beirut Correspondent, CNN
Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and Chairman, Econet Wireless
Sarah Sewall, Founder and Faculty Director, Mass Atrocity Response Operations Project, Harvard Kennedy School
Richard Williamson, Nonresident Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy, Brookings Institution
Wolf Blitzer, Anchor, CNN