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Work means an opportunity to provide hope and success to newly released federal prisoners. Employers are invited to create this opportunity by helping an individual to become a productive citizen. Two programs, the UNICOR Federal Bonding Program and the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, are available to assist employers in meeting this goal. Among the benefits of employing ex-offenders are:

  • Service to the public: Help a person become a tax paying citizen who contributes to the community. By changing lives with work opportunities you give someone a chance to share in the American dream.

  • Skilled employees: Most ex-offenders have completed programs designed to make them successful in the "world of work." Many have had employment and training in UNICOR (Federal Prison Industries), and in up-to-date occupational training programs. Some have valuable skills and can fill jobs for which skilled workers are hard to find.

  • Bonding Program: Some states offer a free service that gives individual fidelity bonds to employers for job applicants with a conviction record.

  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit: Gives an immediate contribution to your "bottom line" by providing some employers a federal tax credit for hiring an ex-offender. service that gives individual fidelity.

  • Job Training Partnership Act: Can reimburse some training wages. Additional services provided vary by state. Many are willing to start in minimum wage jobs that offer a future.

  • Local Employment Service offices have current information on Bonding, Work Opportunity Tax Credit, and the Job Training Partnership Act.