Managing Energy Efficiency Projects

The size and complexity of the energy-efficiency project your business undertakes will most likely be the main factor in deciding who will manage the project. For something as simple as replacing HVAC filters or replacing incandescent lamps (light bulbs) with ENERGY STAR compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), you or your staff could do it yourselves. Depending on the skills on your staff, installing caulking and weather-stripping, ceiling fans, occupancy sensors for lights, LED exit signs, and programmable thermostats may be "do-it-yourself" projects not requiring outside help.

A more complex project, such as designing and replacing your facility's entire lighting system, will require the help of someone who has experience managing that type of project. Here are some resources to assist you in the process of managing your energy-efficiency projects:

Resources for Business Owners

Learn about energy efficient business practices that can be implemented immediately to realize energy cost savings

For larger businesses, these guidelines for energy management can assist your organization in improving its energy and financial performance while distinguishing your organization as an environmental leader.

An online, interactive energy management tool that allows you to track and assess energy and water consumption across your entire portfolio of buildings in a secure online environment.

A strategic guide to help you plan, implement and manage profitable energy saving building upgrades. You can maximize energy savings by sequentially following the building upgrade stages 1-5.

Get a broad range of tools and resources to help you implement a successful energy management strategy.

For Home Based Businesses

Improve your Home's Energy Efficiency with ENERGY STAR.

Learn how these products can help your home based business save energy.

Hiring Energy Management Services

From professional engineers to non-profits providing technical assistance, this directory of energy efficient experts will help you improve and manage energy performance.

Energy Service Companies provide a full range of services to help you implement energy efficiency projects, from project financing to operation and maintenance of equipment. This handbook provides comprehensive information on how to hire a contractor to assist with creating energy efficient upgrades to your building. Produced by the California Energy Commission.

Once you have decided which energy improvements to make, the next step is to decide how to install your improvements. This handbook will help you decide if you need to hire a construction manager, how to determine the services you need, and how to choose the right contractor. Produced by the California Energy Commission.

As your business implements energy-efficient projects it is good practice to continuously assess energy performance to ensure that savings are being achieved. ENERGY STAR offers tools to help you understand and assess your facility's energy performance.


Produced in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration, Business Gateway and ENERGY STAR®

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