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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

PHE Widgets Library

A widget is an application that displays the featured content directly on personalized home pages, blogs, and other sites. After embedding the widget using the code provided, no maintenance is required. will update the content automatically. Preparedness-Emergency-Response Widget

The Preparedness-Emergency-Response Widget links you to the latest public health emergency preparedness, response and recovery information. During a national public health emergency, the widget will change to direct you to the information related to the current emergency.

Public Health Emergency. Share This Copy the following code for the Preparedness-Emergency-Response Widget:

<img width="175" height="220" width="175" height="220" alt="Public Health Emergency." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#phewidget" /> <map name="phewidget" id="phewidget">
<area shape="rect" coords="2,191,172,219" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,191,172,219" alt="Share This Widget" />
<area shape="rect" coords="1,1,175,189" href="" shape="rect" coords="1,1,175,189" alt="" />

PHE Newsroom Widget

The PHE Newsroom provides a central location for news and information on federal initiatives related to public health emergency preparedness, response, and recovery.

Public Health Emergency Newsroom. Emergency Response GuidebookShare this Widget Copy the following code for the PHE Newsroom Widget:

<img width="175" height="250" width="175" height="250" alt="Public Health Emergency Newsroom." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#newswidget" complete="complete" /> <map name="newswidget" id="newswidget">
<area shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" alt="Public Health Emergency Newsroom" />
<area shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" href="" shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" alt="Share this Widget" /></map> 

PHE Situation Room Widget

The PHE Situation Room is your one stop shop for situational awareness on issues related to public health emergencies.

Public Health Emergency Situation Room. Public Health Emergency Situation Room WidgetShare this Widget

Copy the following code for the PHE Situation Room Widget:

<img width="175" height="250" width="175" height="250" alt="Public Health Emergency Situation Room." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#situationwidget" complete="complete" /> <map name="situationwidget" id="situationwidget">
<area shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" alt="Public Health Emergency Situation Room Widget" />
<area shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" href="" shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" alt="Share this Widget" /></map>

Emergency Response Guidebook Widget

The Emergency Response Guidebook provides information to help responders make informed decisions regarding chemical spills or hazardous materials releases.

Emergency Response Guidebook. Emergency Response GuidebookShare this Widget Copy the following code for the Emergency Response Guidebook Widget:

<img width="175" height="250" width="175" height="250" alt="Emergency Response Guidebook." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#ergwidget" complete="complete" /> <map name="ergwidget" id="ergwidget">
<area shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" alt="Emergency Response Guidebook" />
<area shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" href="" shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" alt="Share this Widget" /></map>

Emergency Preparedness Resources for At-Risk Individuals, Behavioral Health & Community Resilience Widget

This widget connects you with resources related to different aspects of planning for at-risk individuals and behavioral health, including tools like the HHS Disaster Behavioral Health Concept of Operations and fact sheets on disaster response for homeless individuals and families, or maintaining calm at a point-of-dispensing.

ABC Widget Emergency Preparedness Resources for At-Risk Older Adults.  www.PHE.govShare this Widget  

Copy the following code for the Emergency Preparedness Resources for At-Risk Individuals, Behavioral Health, and Community Resilience Widget:

<img src="" alt="ABC Widget" width="175" height="190" border="0" usemap="#ABC" />
<map name="ABC" id="ABC"><area shape="rect" coords="0,4,177,163" href="" alt="Emergency Preparedness Resources for At-Risk Older Adults." />
<area shape="rect" coords="8,164,165,188" href="" alt="Share this Widget" />

bReddi Facebook Application Widget

ASPR has partnered with developers to create Facebook apps that help people develop these connections and create “Lifelines” that they can call on in an emergency.  Before a disaster strikes, you can use the and bReddi app to designate your Lifelines.  Your Lifelines are the Facebook friends that you can count on to check on you and to help you get the basic necessities that you need to keep you safe and healthy throughout the disaster and recovery. 

bReddi Facebook Application Widget.  Be Aware.  Be Prepared.  bReddi.  Make a Plan.  Know your Threat Level.  Get your Lifelines.Share this Widget  
Copy the following code for the bReddi Facebook Application Widget:
<img width="175" height="250" width="175" height="250" alt="bReddi Facebook Application Widget." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#breddi" complete="complete" /> <map name="breddi" id="breddi">
<area shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" alt=" Be Aware.  Be Prepared.  bReddi.  Make a Plan.  Know your Threat Level.  Get your Lifelines." />
<area shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" href="" shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" alt="Share this Widget" /></map>

Project:  Lifeline Facebook Application Widget

ASPR has partnered with developers to create Facebook apps that help people develop these connections and create “Lifelines” that they can call on in an emergency.  Before a disaster strikes, you can use the and Project: Lifeline app to designate your Lifelines.  Your Lifelines are the Facebook friends that you can count on to check on you and to help you get the basic necessities that you need to keep you safe and healthy throughout the disaster and recovery. 

Lifeline Facebook Application Widget. Project: Lifeline.  When disaster strikes, you don't just need a friend.  You need a Lifeline.  ASPR Logo.Share this Widget  
Copy the following code for the Project:  Lifeline Facebook Application Widget:
<img width="175" height="250" width="175" height="250" alt="Lifeline Facebook Application Widget." src="" border="0" complete="complete" usemap="#lifeline" complete="complete" /> <map name="lifeline" id="lifeline">
<area shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" href="" shape="rect" coords="2,2,173,222" alt="Project: Lifeline.  When disaster strikes, you don&#39;t just need a friend.  You need a Lifeline.  ASPR Logo." />
<area shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" href="" shape="rect" coords="6,225,170,246" alt="Share this Widget" /></map>  

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  • This page last reviewed: July 18, 2012