Federal Aviation Administration

NextGen Library

NextGen Implementation Plan

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2012 Plan Cover Thumbnail FAA's NextGen Implementation Plan 2012 Cover
2011 Plan Cover Thumbnail FAA's NextGen Implementation Plan 2011 Cover
2010 Plan Cover Thumbnail FAA's NextGen Implementation Plan 2010 Cover
Phases of Flight Thumbnail NextGen Phases of Flight 2012
Simplified Phases of Flight Thumbnail The Simplified NextGen Phases of Flight 2012
Expanded Surveillance Map Thumbnail Expanded Satellite-Based Surveillance
Improved Airport Surface Operations Map Thumbnail Improved Airport Surface Operations and Airspace Access in 2011
Selected NextGen Capabilities Map Thumbnail Selected NextGen Capabilities by Portfolio for Implementation in 2011-2012
Why NextGen Matters Thumbnail Why NextGen Matters 2012

High-Resolution Photographs

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image thumbnail ADS-B In increases situational awareness in the cockpit, providing pilots of equipped aircraft with a clear picture of the traffic flying in their immediate area and up-to-the-minute weather information.
image thumbnail NextGen leverages existing surveillance technology on the airport surface to foster collaborative decision making and improve efficiency in the National Airspace System.
image thumbnail Data Communications will replace air traffic controller voice instructions with digital information that can be autoloaded into an aircraft's flight management system.
image thumbnail NextGen test beds, such as the NextGen Integration and Evaluation Capability lab at the FAA's William J. Hughes Technical Center, help validate the effectiveness of NextGen advances.
image thumbnail Partnerships are critical to NextGen success. The petroleum and helicopter industries joined forces with the FAA to bring ADS-B to the Gulf of Mexico, providing surveillance where it had never before been available.

Page Last Modified: 08/22/12 16:57 EDT

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