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Office of Speaker Boehner - Washington, DC

Office of Speaker Boehner
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  2. "This report underscores President Obama’s failed promises to get our economy moving again. The unemployment rate has been higher than eight percent for 43 consecutive months. Wages are stagnant, gas prices and health care costs are up, our...
    national debt has surpassed $16 trillion, and millions of Americans remain out of work or underemployed. President Obama made a spirited pitch for the failed status quo this week, but the fact is: we can do better." - Speaker John Boehner
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  3. Democrats may think the American people are “absolutely” “better off” under their policies – but according to The Hill, “a majority of voters believe the country is worse off today” under President Obama. The unemployment rate has been high...
    er than eight percent for 42 straight months – the longest stretch since the Great Depression. And if Democrats get their way, we’d get more of the same:
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    Photo: Democrats may think the American people are “absolutely” “better off” under their policies – but according to The Hill, “a majority of voters believe the country is worse off today” under President Obama. The unemployment rate has been higher than eight percent for 42 straight months – the longest stretch since the Great Depression. And if Democrats get their way, we’d get more of the same:
  4. Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) discusses the devastation caused by Hurricane Isaac and thanks all Americans for their prayers and support. Rep. Scalise represents some of the areas hardest hit by Isaac, ...
    including St. Tammany and Tangipahoa Parishes, where the floodwaters continue to recede. In the address, the lawmaker also commends local residents for their selflessness and resilience. These, he notes, are values we honor on Labor Day weekend as we pay tribute to America’s workers and rededicate ourselves to addressing the challenges they face in this tough economy.
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  5. “This CBO report underscores why on August 1, I and other House GOP leaders urged the Senate to follow the House in passing legislation that would steer our nation clear of the fiscal cliff. Instead of threatening to drive us off the fiscal cliff and tank our economy in their quest for higher taxes, I would urge President Obama and congressional Democrats to work with us to stop the coming tax hike that threatens our economy and replace the looming defense cuts with common sense reforms.” - Speaker John Boehner
  6. CNN reports that in the Weekly Republican Address, Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) talks about how Washington Democrats are “asleep at the wheel” on the big challenges facing our economy, including the president’s proposed tax hike on small businesses. Read more and watch it here:
  7. Tax hike on small businesses
    9 votes
    Government takeover of health care
    66 votes
    Blocking the Keystone XL pipeline
    5 votes
    A tax-and-spend budget that got zero votes in Congress
    5 votes
    ‘Stimulus’ that failed to work as promised
    4 votes
    National energy tax
    3 votes
    Unilaterally gutting welfare reform's work requirements
    5 votes