Financial Opportunities

Photo of dollar bills.

Funding Terms

The U.S. Department of Energy publicizes available funding through competitive funding opportunity announcements (FOAs), similar to requests for proposals (RFPs) or solicitations.

Laws and Incentives

Clean Cities' Alternative Fuels Data Center maintains a comprehensive database of Federal and State Laws and Incentives related to alternative fuels and vehicles, air quality, fuel efficiency, and other transportation-related topics.

Securing funding is critical to the success of efforts to reduce petroleum use in transportation. Financial opportunities for Clean Cities projects are available from many sources inside and outside the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

When applying for funding, contact your Clean Cities coordinator forĀ helpĀ navigating the process successfully.

Current Financial Opportunities

Find current transportation-related financial opportunities, including Clean Cities Funding Opportunity Announcements issued by DOE, when available.

Related Financial Opportunities

Learn about related financial opportunities to pursue through organizations and federal agencies outside Clean Cities.

Funded Clean Cities Projects

Clean Cities has awarded more than $300 million to fund hundreds of projects across the country that reduce petroleum use in transportation.