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HOME Set Up and Completion Forms

Introducing the revised HOME Set Up and Completion Forms! The HOME Set Up and Completion forms are useful tools for HOME Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) to assist in collecting the required data in order to ease data entry into IDIS for HOME activities. The four forms - one for each HOME tenure type (i.e., homebuyer, homeowner rehabilitation, rental, and tenant-based rental assistance) - were recently revised to include the data elements required to be collected and reported on as a result of the performance measurement changes added to IDIS in version 10.0. Note: Because IDIS is the official data collection tool for HOME, the Set Up and Completion Forms are not required forms. However, many PJs find the forms useful for collecting the specific HOME activity-level information required for entry into IDIS.

Content current as of 19 May 2009   Follow this link to go  Back to top