EPLS - Excluded Parties List System
EPLS - Excluded Parties List System
Search Help

The following information is provided to assist in performing searches on EPLS.

Search Tips

Select multiple items for search criteria with multiple options

On some browsers, it may be necessary to hold down the CONTROL or SHIFT key to select multiple items.
MAC users should use the APPLE key to mark multiple items.

Wildcard Searches

To perform a single character wildcard search use the "?" symbol.

The single character wildcard search looks for names that match that with the single character replaced. For example, to search for "text" or "test" you can use the search "te?t".

To perform a multiple character wildcard search use the "*" symbol.

Multiple character wildcard searches looks for 0 or more characters. For example, to search for test, tests or tester, you can use the search "test*". You can also use the wildcard searches in the middle of a name.

Note: You cannot use a * or ? symbol as the first character of a search.

Name Search Type Select a Name Search Type to determine the type of search you want to perform and display the corresponding search fields. The following Name Search Types are available.

Individual (Basic): Search for individuals by First and Last name only.
Individual (Full): Search for individuals by Prefix, First, Middle, Last, and Suffix.
Firm, Entity, or Vessel: Search for records with a Classification of Firm, Entity, or Vessel by Name.

Name (Firm, Entity, or Vessel) Enter all or part of the name of a record with a Classification of Firm, Entity, or Vessel. Case does not matter.

Individual To search for an individual, enter values in one or more of the following fields. Case does not matter.

Prefix: Used for professional or military designations (e.g. Dr., Lt., etc.)
First: Individual's first name
Middle: Individual's middle name or initial
Last: Individual's last name
Suffix: Used for personal suffixes (e.g. Jr., III) or professional (e.g. Ph.D)

Note that search results will only contain records that match every search field you have filled. For example, suppose you perform a search using the following criteria.

First: John Middle: Q. Last: Public
This will not match either of the following records.
First: John Middle: Last: Public
First: John Middle: Quincy Last: Public
Therefore, it is usually recommended to search by only First and Last names.

Exact Name Enter a name exactly as it will appear in the search results. Case does not matter, but punctuation does.

Action/Termination Date Range Limit search results to records having an Action Date or Termination Date falling within the range entered. You must supply both a starting and an ending date.

What is Action Date?
The Action Date is the date that an exclusion became active.

What is Termination Date?
The Termination Date is the date that an exclusion will expire.

Create Date Range Limit search results to records having a Create Date falling within the range entered. You must supply both a starting and an ending date.

Modify Date Range (current only) Limit search results to records having a Modify Date falling within the range entered. You must supply both a starting and an ending date.

Delete Date Range (archive only) Limit search results to records having a Delete Date falling within the range entered. You must supply both a starting and an ending date.

SSN / TIN SSN/TIN are unique 9-digit identifiers. A name must be entered in the Exact Name field to perform an SSN/TIN search. All records exactly matching the name will be displayed in the search results. An additional message will be displayed with each record to indicate if the SSN/TIN that you entered matched the record. The actual SSN/TIN will never be displayed in the search results.

DUNS DUNS is a unique 9-digit identifier. If you specify a number in this field, the search will find zero or one result.

NOTE: This may not be the optimal way to determine if an entity is excluded because we may not have a DUNS for each listed entity. It is recommended that you try other search options.

Classification Limit search results according to Classification. Reference the following definitions for assistance in selecting the proper Classification.
  • Individual -- A person.
  • Firm -- A company or organization.
  • Entity (OFAC records only) -- A person, organization, or thing capable of bearing legal rights and responsibilities.
  • Vessel (OFAC records only) -- A mode of transportation capable of transport by water.

Exclusion Type Limit search results according to Exclusion Type.

CT Code Limit search results according to CT code. Each CT code is associated with an Exclusion Type and a single code may be associated with several Exclusion Types. Consequently, CT codes may be selected for each of the available Exclusion Types.

NOTE: If one or more Exclusion Types are selected, all selected CT codes must correspond to the selected Exclusion Types. For example, it is incorrect to select an Exclusion Type of Procurement and a CT code from the Reciprocal list.

Agency Each exclusion record in the database is maintained by a federal agency.

You may limit the search results to records belonging to an agency of your selection.

U.S. State All entities in the EPLS have one or more addresses. All addresses have an assigned State (for U.S. addresses) or Country.

You may limit the search results to records having an address in the state you select.

Country All entities in the EPLS have one or more addresses. All addresses have an assigned State (for U.S. addresses) or Country.

You may limit the search results to records having an address in the country you select.

OFAC Sanctions Program The U.S. Treasury Department, Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) publishes a list of individuals and companies. The list is grouped into "Programs".

You may limit the search results to only records belonging to an OFAC Program of your selection.

Agency Identifier Entities in the EPLS may have one or more unique agency identifiers (such as Cage Code) associated with them that are maintained by federal agencies that list the records. Use this field to search for a record using this method of identification.