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Announcements: National Women's Health Week — May 13–19, 2012

National Women's Health Week, May 13–19, 2012, is an annual observance to encourage women to make their health a priority and take simple steps for a safer and healthier life. The week-long celebration brings together communities, health agencies and organizations, business, government, and others across the country to promote women's health.

National Women's Health Week starts on Mother's Day, and this year's theme is "It's Your Time." Activities and events around the country will include free health screenings; lectures, workshops, and conferences; educational training for health-care professionals; wellness and fitness expos; and webinars and online sessions. On May 14, which is National Women's Checkup Day, women are encouraged to visit their health-care provider to receive recommended check-ups, screenings, and vaccinations.

CDC promotes and advances the health and safety of women through the development, implementation, and support of research, disease surveillance, and national, state, and local disease and injury prevention and health promotion programs. Through numerous partnerships and programs, CDC works to improve women's health in many areas, including reproductive, occupational, global and environmental health, and to prevent injury, chronic and infectious diseases, and birth defects and disabilities.

CDC encourages women to be physically active, eat well, maintain a healthy weight, be tobacco free, manage stress, get enough sleep, prevent injury, and get vaccinations and periodic check-ups to help lead a safer and healthier life (1). More information on how to make those habits an integral part of daily life is available at Additional information about National Women's Health Week is available at


  1. CDC. Tips for a safe and healthy life. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services, CDC; 2011. Available at Accessed May 1, 2012.

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