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Advanced Water Treatment Grants

The Advanced Water Treatment Pilot and Demonstration Grants are new to the WaterSMART Grants Program in 2010.  Technical developments in field of water treatment have increased the use of impaired waters that previously weren previously unusable. Through this WaterSMART Grant opportunity, Reclamation is making available cost-shared funding on a competitive basis to accelerate the adoption and use of advanced water treatment technologies to increase water supply.  The aim of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to encourage pilot and demonstration projects that address the technical, economic, and environmental viability of treating and using brackish groundwater, seawater, impaired waters, or otherwise creating new water supplies within a specific locale.

Reclamation Awards $2.09 Million to Study New Water Treatment Technologies - (July 25, 2011) Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner Michael L. Connor has announced that four projects have been awarded $2.09 million to accelerate the adoption and use of innovative advanced water treatment technologies that increase usable water supplies. Demonstrating the feasibility of new treatment methods for impaired waters is one of the strategies of the Department of the Interior's WaterSMART Program to work toward a sustainable water future. More...

Last updated: 3/7/12

Current Status

Due to limited funding for WaterSMART this year, Reclamation will not be awarding Advanced Water Treatment grants in fiscal year 2012.