
    Here you will find information on DOE-affiliated events, sessions, and webinars centered on topics related to energy efficiency.

    For more opportunities, visit the Advanced Manufacturing Office's Training Calendar and find upcoming training sessions that will help you improve the efficiency of your compressed air, motor, fan, pump, steam, and process heating systems.

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    October 29, 2012-November 1, 2012
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Certified Practitioner for Energy Management Systems Training A live, four-day training seminar prepares individuals to become a Certified Practitioner for Energy Management Systems (CP EnMS) in conjunction with the World Energy Engineering Congress 2012 and hosted by Georgia Tech Research Corporation and The Association for Engineers. Participants will gain the expertise to assist facilities seeking certification to the ISO 50001 standard and the Superior Energy Performance (SEP) program by implementing energy management best practices and developing energy performance indicators that allow a facility to track improvements in performance.


    See past events for a listing of previous AMO events.