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A Supercomputer's Psychiatrist

Similar to how anti-virus software searches for suspicious content, Laboratory researchers are using supercomputers to look for suspicious behavior—sort of how a psychiatrist peeks into the psyches of its patients.

Instead of monitoring content, the LLNL researchers monitor behavior in hopes of discovering the "fingerprint" of hackers. If a computer starts to behave suspiciously, they pull its plug to the network.

The technology relies on an agent on every desktop—a tiny, almost invisible application that takes up almost no memory and acts as a digital "psychiatrist." It uses techniques developed by LLNL's Celeste Matarazzo and fellow scientists, on a Livermore supercomputer to build a software model of the activity of all the Lab's 40,000 unclassified computers.

The Lab is sharing its application with the private sector for use by the public.

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Computation aspires to be the preeminent high-performance computing and computer science organization in order to enable scientific discovery and Laboratory missions.

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