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Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) in the Material Measurement Laboratory

About the Program

The Professional Research Experience Program (PREP) is designed by the NIST Material Measurement Laboratory to provide valuable laboratory experience and financial assistance to undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students. Fellowships are awarded to assure continued growth and progress of science and engineering in the United States. 

Areas of Research

Fellowships are available in MML at the NIST, Gaithersburg Laboratories in Gaithersburg, MD or at the NIST Hollings Marine Laboratory (HML) in Charleston, SC. In Gaithersburg, MML carries out programs in the following fields of measurement science research, focused on reference methods, reference materials and reference data. In Charleston, MML carries out programs in the following fields of measurement science research, focused on reference methods, reference materials, and reference data: Biochemical Science, Chemical and Biochemical Reference Data, and Analytical Chemistry. For additional information about research areas in MML go to Visit MML online.


Undergraduate and graduate students who receive fellowships under the PREP-MML must show evidence of a 3.0 or higher grade point average in a curriculum acceptable to the sponsoring educational institution and NIST/MML and must be enrolled full-time at a sponsoring institution. Post-doctoral associates must be affiliated with a sponsoring institution of higher education and be no more than 5 years beyond receiving their Ph.D. The program provides fellowships to undergraduate and graduates for a maximum of 5 years duration.

Current Collaborating Universities
At this time, NIST/MML, has a PREP collaboration with the University of Maryland, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Institution Student Applications

The following three forms can be adapted by the individual institution for use as applications for its students applying to the PREP program:


For information, please contact:
Margaret Phillips
301-975-4350 Telephone

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8500
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8500