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Export Import Bank of the United States
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History Archives
Caption: 1992: Ex-Im Bank opens regional offices. One year after the regional offices were opened, Ex-Im Bank submitted this report (first page) to Congress that details their history, assets and activities.[Contact the library to read the complete seven-page report to Congress.]
Caption: 1992: Ex-Im Bank opens regional offices. One year after the regional offices were opened, Ex-Im Bank submitted this report (first page) to Congress that details their history, assets and activities. [Contact the library to read the complete seven-page report to Congress.]

Ex-Im Bank History By Month: September

1940: Congress increases Ex-Im Bank’s lending authority to $700 million to support exports to Latin America.

1961: Ex-Im Bank’s authority to insure exporters against political and commercial risks is increased to $1 billion.

1992: Insurance programs are brought in house from FCIA. Also, regional offices for Ex-Im Bank are opened in New York, Miami, Chicago, Houston, and Los Angeles.

1996: The first guarantee of $134.6 million is approved under the Memorandum of Understanding between Ex-Im Bank and Gazprom, Russia’s gas production and distribution company.

2000: Ex-Im Bank signs the final documents on $500 million in guarantees to Tyumen Oil Company in Russia. The agreement is considered by Ex-Im Bank as one of the agency’s historically significant transactions.

Chairmen, Presidents and Directors Sworn-In in September:
1959: James S. Bush, Director
1962: Walter C. Sauer, Vice Chairman
1965: Hobart Taylor, Director
1988: Richard Houseworth, Director

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