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LT Gen. Jouas' statement concerning Osan area incident

I want to express my regret and offer a sincere apology to the individuals affected by the actions of a small group of Airmen who were involved in the unfortunate incident on Thursday outside the Osan gate. 

I have ordered a full investigation of this incident.  The individuals involved have been suspended, and will not perform their normal duties until the investigation is completed.  We are working closely with the Korean National Police, and have provided witness statements as they requested. 

Yesterday, I met with my Foreign Ministry counterpart on the SOFA Joint Committee, Director General Lee, Baek-soon, to exchange views and offer our apology.  I also met with General Thurman, the Commanding General for US Forces Korea, and received guidance from him regarding the investigation into this incident.  We will thoroughly evaluate our town patrol procedures and ensure they are in accordance with SOFA and USFK regulations and guidelines.

We will maintain our close relationship with the Songtan community, business leaders, and the Korean National Police as we conduct our investigation and adjust our operations.  I assure you that we are taking this incident very seriously, and are profoundly committed to conducting ourselves within the parameters established by USFK and the SOFA, with complete respect for the laws of the Republic of Korea and the rights of its citizens. 

Again, I sincerely regret that this incident took place, and I apologize to

the individuals involved and our community.