Defense Logistics Agency Instruction



DLAI 7518

September 2, 2010

DLA Logistics Operations



Technical and Quality Workforce Development



Releasability:  UNCLASSIFIED.  For Public Release.



Reference:   This Instruction cancels DLA Directive 4155.7, Quality Assurance Technical Development Program for the Defense Logistics Agency Inventory Control Points, December 5, 1996, and DLA Instruction 4155.7, Defense Logistics Agency Inventory Control Point Quality Assurance Technical Development Program Course Catalog, December 5, 1996.



1.  Purpose:  


1.1. Establishes technical and quality workforce development programs.


1.2. Provides the infrastructure for obtaining the RIGHT ITEM.

1.3. Enables Agency Strategic Goal Number 3:  Ensure our workforce is enabled and empowered to deliver and sustain logistics excellence.

1.4. Establishes policies, defines common agency-wide procedures, and assigns responsibilities for providing a basic level of training related to technical product definition and quality assurance.

1.5. Technical and quality assurance expertise related to product conformance also ensures that national inventories satisfy the requirements of the military or civilian end user.


1.6. The Technical and Quality Workforce Development Programs provide a consistent approach to obtaining the necessary expertise.


1.7. Establishes guidelines and assigns responsibilities for the development, preparation, review, and revision of course materials, and for the administration of training.


1.8. These courses provide the training to employees to enable them to achieve a level of technical expertise in order to answer seven questions in the logistics process:


1.8.1. What item does the customer want?


1.8.2. What item do we buy to satisfy the customer’s requirements?


1.8.3. Where can we buy the item?


1.8.4. Did we get the item the customer wanted?


1.8.5. Is the item we delivered to the customer in the same condition as the item we purchased?


1.8.6. What do we do when things go wrong?


1.8.7. Have we complied with related technical and quality management regulations?


1.9. The output of the courses is the development and maintenance of technical and quality staff expertise related to:


1.9.1. Product Requirements technical and quality staff expertise.


1.9.2. Manufacturing and service sources technical and quality staff expertise.


1.9.3. Product conformance technical and quality staff expertise.



2.  Applicability:  This Instruction applies to Headquarters (HQ) DLA, DLA Supply Chains (DLA Aviation, DLA Energy, DLA Land and Maritime, and DLA Troop Support), and Product Testing Center (PTC) employees performing technical and quality assurance functions.



3.  Policy:


3.1. The DLA Supply Chains and PTCs shall develop and maintain technical and quality assurance staff expertise relating to product requirements, sources, and conformance. This expertise ensures that controls on procurements and inventory meet customer requirements and expectations. These controls ensure the usability of items in inventory.   The necessary expertise involves the following:  detailed product knowledge related to specific methods, processes, and controls used to manufacture a commodity; knowledge of the market and standard procedures and terms applicable to that market; and knowledge of customer application of the item or service.    


3.2. The DLA shall establish the career development and training program to ensure that employees performing technical and quality functions possess the knowledge and skills for their assigned commodities.


3.3. The Product Specialist Quality/Technical Certification Program (Q/TCP) defines the minimum knowledge required to perform technical and quality functions at the DLA Supply Chains.


3.4. Employees who perform or will perform Product Specialist functions at the DLA Supply Chains or PTCs and DLA Energy Quality Assurance Specialists shall participate in the (Q/TCP).  Each employee performing Product Specialist functions PTCs and DLA Energy Quality Assurance Specialists shall attain certification in the skill areas (including Basic or System Skills) related to those commodity functions.


4.  Responsibilities:


4.1 The Technical and Quality Workforce Development Programs Manager in the Technical and Quality Policy Division at HQ DLA has the responsibility for technical and quality training.


4.2. The Technical and Quality Policy Division at HQ DLA has program management/administration responsibility and will manage the program in accordance with accepted program management principles.  Additionally, the Technical and Quality Policy Division at HQ DLA may, at its option, contract Product Specialist Q/TCP Program Management functions to a commercial or government entity outside DLA.


4.3. The Technical and Quality Policy Division at HQ DLA will manage the technical and Quality Workforce Training Program on a Fiscal Year basis.  Training projects and funding will be performed and tracked on an annual basis.


4.4. The Technical and Quality Policy Division at HQ DLA as the Office of Primary Responsibility (OPR) for training and certification requirements will:


4.4.1. Serve as the final approval body for prioritizing training projects, incorporating changes in accordance with DoD and DLA policy, course additions, modifications, or deletions.


4.4.2. Provide staff supervision over the implementation and operation of the program.


4.4.3. Review input concerning need for training and determine applicability, feasibility, validity, and duplication of existing courses.


4.4.4. Monitor approved courses from the point of view of professional quality, currency of subject matter, and effectiveness.


4.4.5. Track, monitor, and exercise staff supervision over the development of new courses and Programs of Instruction (POIs).


4.4.6. Coordinate with an established source for training.


4.4.7. Validate new POIs for format, purpose, and desired learning objectives.


4.4.8. Attend, review, and evaluate the initial (pilot) presentation of any course after development or significant revisions.  Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and/or Program Manager(s) (if knowledgeable) will perform this review and evaluation.


4.4.9. Obtain feedback on courses to use in a review process.


4.4.10. Conduct an annual review of courses and review course evaluation summaries to ensure that individual courses achieve program objectives.


4.4.11. Assess compliance to the requirements of this directive.


4.4.12. Designate an SME for applicable courses.


4.4.13. Conduct a Program Management Review or Staff Assistance Visit at each DLA Supply Chain at regular intervals, as prescribed by the Chief of the Technical and Quality Policy Division.  This program review, conducted by the Program Manager, will evaluate each Center’s program performance.  Forward any findings to the Center’s Commander.


4.5. DLA Supply Chain Commanders will:


4.5.1. Assume responsibility for management of the program at the DLA Supply Chain.


4.5.2. Assign a high level priority to fulfillment of training requirements and authorize appropriate funds in support of this objective.


4.5.3. Obtain commitment of DLA Supply Chain managers to actively support and participate in the program.


4.6. The DLA Supply Chain will:


4.6.1. Implement and effectively manage the program as required by this instruction.


4.6.2. Identify to the Technical and Quality Policy Division at HQ DLA and DLA Training Center (DTC) the need for new training course development and the revision of training courses that are no longer current or adequate.


            4.6.3. Develop commodity specific courses as identified by the Technical and Quality Policy Division at HQ DLA.


4.6.4. Establish a DLA Supply Chain Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel.  Members of the DLA Supply Chain Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel will consist of three or more technical and quality SMEs, and one of the senior SMEs will serve as chairperson.  The Panel will invite a representative of the workforce development division of the DLA Supply Chain human resources office a representative from the local union to attend the panel meetings.


4.6.5. For any specific Technical and Quality Workforce Development Program certifications: complete DLA Form 1538, or any other instrument utilized by the Center, forward it to the Center’s, appropriate certification authority or panel, and submit it for inclusion in the employee’s official personnel folder. 


4.6.6. Prepare a Product Specialist Q/TCP Certification certificate for presentation to the employee.  The Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel Chairperson will sign the completed certificate.  The DLA Supply Chain will issue a certification for each system or commodity skill area.


4.6.7. Coordinate with DTC or the training provider to prepare on-site training schedules and provide a copy of those schedules to DTC and the Technical and Quality Policy Division at HQ DLA.


4.6.8. Coordinate arrangements, as necessary, to support course delivery at their location. 


4.6.9. In support of human resources training responsibilities, obtain space allocations for training. 


4.6.10. Maintain accurate records on courses and certifications completed.


4.6.11. Provide for cost effective implementation and maintenance of the Product Specialist Q/TCP.


4.6.12. Establish a regular system of review, analysis, and evaluation of Product Specialist Q/TCP data records.


4.7. The Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel will:


4.7.1. Meet formally as required, but not less than twice per year.  The Panel Chairperson shall arrange and call the meeting. 


4.7.2. Review certification applications and approve employees for certification when they meet the requirements. 


4.7.3. Review Product Specialist Q/TCP-related course descriptions for related training sources and approve or disapprove crediting such training for equivalency. The type and availability of courses that can be considered equivalent varies from activity to activity.


4.7.4. Review previous experience documentation and approve or disapprove substitution of that experience for required training.


4.7.5. Maintain a list of courses which have been determined to be equivalent to Product Specialist Q/TCP courses.


4.7.6. Provide written approval or disapproval notification to employees on requests for course equivalency and certification.


4.7.7. Distribute course equivalency information, as appropriate.


4.7.8. Resolve problems.  The panel shall have the final word at the DLA Supply Chain concerning resolution of local problems. Problems that could impact the overall Product Specialist Q/TCP will be referred to the Technical and Quality Policy Division at HQ DLA for action.


4.7.9. Review and take action on all cases of revocation of certification.


4.8. DLA Supply Chain First Line Supervisors (FLSs) will:


4.8.1. Identify training and career development needs of subordinate personnel in order to provide for the required skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform their duties. Give particular attention to identifying the additional training requirements that are over and above those prescribed by the Basic Certification Matrix and Commodity Certification Matrix for the Product Specialist Q/TCP.


4.8.2. Review and discuss technical development requirements and status with subordinate personnel.


4.8.3. Obtain a training summary for each assigned technical and quality employee to aid in the assignment process.


4.8.4. Ensure that subordinate personnel are provided with a sufficient amount of hands-on experience to demonstrate commodity or related technical skills that will enable them to perform satisfactorily.


4.8.5. Ensure the training records, whether in LMS or any other Technical and Quality Workforce Development Program local record-keeping and reporting system, contain accurate, timely information on the training and certification status of employees performing technical and quality functions.  


4.8.6. Assist subordinate personnel in the development of requests for equivalencies for training courses.


4.8.7. Determine appropriate commodity skill area(s) for subordinate personnel and submit changes as they occur.


4.8.8. Initiate action to change a Product Specialist’s commodity certification code when the employee has not worked in the skill area for more than 24 months.


4.8.9. Initiate action to revoke an employee's certification when an employee's unsatisfactory performance is directly related to a basic or commodity skill area deficiency. 


4.9. Technical and Quality Employees will:


4.9.1. Prepare, review, and submit course application forms.  Provide evidence of completion of training to their supervisor upon return to their duty station.


4.9.2. Review and discuss basic and commodity certification requirements and their status with the FLS.


4.9.3. Prepare and submit requests for course equivalencies for training and/or experience through the FLS to the Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel.


4.9.4. Notify their FLS of additional specialized technical development training required by current item assignments.


4.9.5. Identify other training needs to their FLS as the need arises.



5.  Procedures:


5.1. Upon the assignment of the employee to the technical and quality organization the DLA Supply Chains will:


5.1.1. Review the employee’s records.


5.1.2. Discuss with the new employee the Technical and Quality Workforce Development Program requirements that affect that new employee.


5.1.3. Enter that employee’s data into the DLA Learning Management System (LMS) and any Technical and Quality Workforce Development Program local record-keeping and reporting system.


5.2. Verify the input of program data into the LMS.  Prior to the deployment of the LMS and the inclusion of all necessary technical and quality workforce development reports, the DLA Supply Chains will maintain accurate records on courses and certifications completed and required locally.


5.3. Ensure the training records, whether in LMS or any other Technical and Quality Workforce Development Program local record-keeping and reporting system, contain accurate, timely information on the training and certification status of employees performing technical and quality assurance functions.


5.4. For any specific Technical and Quality Workforce Development Program certifications: complete DLA Form 1538, Request for Certificate of Quality Assurance Certification or any other instrument utilized by the Center’s notification process; submit it for inclusion in the employee’s official personnel folder; and prepare the applicable Technical and Quality Workforce Development Program certificate.


5.5. Competencies.

5.5.1. Competencies define the minimum knowledge required to perform Quality Assurance, Product Specialist and DLA Energy Quality Assurance Specialist, Product Data Specialist, Packaging Specialist, Engineer, and Engineer Support Specialist, functions at the DLA Supply Chains.

5.5.2. The following links identify specific knowledge requirements needed by employees performing the functions above: Technical and Quality Job Title-Based Workforce Development Technical and Quality Program-Based Training


Enclosure 1 - Additional Information


1. Assignment is the induction of a full-time employee to a technical and quality function.  The assignment may be for a corporate or local intern or a new employee assigned to the technical and quality functions. For Product Specialists, the assignment becomes the official entry of the employee into Product Specialist Q/TCP. 


2. Product Specialist Q/TCP Course Equivalency Credit.


2.1. Credit for previous experience and related training toward technical development may be given to specific employees when considered equivalent to the prescribed course. Other sources such as correspondence courses, vocational schools, community colleges, professional societies (e.g. American Society for Quality, National Contract Management Association), and universities may provide equivalent training. Contractor‑furnished training may also qualify as equivalent training provided it is obtained in accordance with DOD Instruction 5000.66, Operation of the Defense Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Workforce Education, Training, and Career Development Program ( , and DLAR 1430.12, Civilian Employee Development and Training.  The equivalency guidelines contained herein govern a determination of credit for equivalent training for Product Specialist Q/TCP courses.


2.2. Employees may receive equivalency credit by the following methods:


2.2.1. Successful completion of an equivalent course using the criteria in paragraph number 2.5.2.


2.2.2. Experience in the skill area that is directly related to the material covered in the prescribed Product Specialist Q/TCP course as determined by using the criteria in paragraph 2.5.3.


2.3. An equivalency determination will stand on its own merit on a case‑by‑case basis.


2.4. The employee submits requests for course equivalency for training and/or experience through the FLS to the Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel.


2.5. The Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel:


2.5.1. Promptly reviews requests for course equivalencies and recommends approval or disapproval.  Unless extenuating circumstances exist, the panel will provide final disposition on requests within one calendar month.


2.5.2. Utilizes the following criteria to determine the equivalency of a course to a prescribed course: Length of course. Course content. Currency of subject matter. Scope and range of subject.


2.5.3. Utilizes the following criteria to determine the equivalency to a prescribed course based upon experience: Experience in the related skill area encompasses the latest technological developments or changes included in the course curriculum. The employee has at least one (1) year of hands‑on experience in the skill area in which certification is being sought. The employee's technical expertise and knowledge would not be enhanced by attending the prescribed course.  The degree to which significant knowledge can be gained by attending a course should be taken into account before expending resources.


2.5.4. Notifies employees of approvals and disapprovals concerning both equivalency requests and certification requests. Includes rationale for disapprovals.


2.5.5. Ensures that an equivalency appropriately credits an employee’s experience or previous training toward certification.  Employees cannot primarily utilize equivalency credits to attain certification goals.  In order to maintain program integrity, the Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel shall document how each approved equivalency met the applicable criteria by recording meeting minutes and keeping them on file.


3. Maintaining Product Specialist Q/TCP certification and knowledge required for the position.


3.1. Basic and Commodity Certifications serve as the end result (output) of the Product Specialist Q/TCP.  Eligibility for certification occurs when employees reach the full performance level, as evidenced by fulfilling the training requirements in the applicable matrix and completing one year of on-the-job experience.  


3.2. Certification in any of the technical and quality assurance Basic Skill Areas (BSA) will be completed no later than 24 months after the employee’s assignment.  Commodity Certifications will be accomplished within 18 months after certification in the BSA.  Certification in any additional commodities will be accomplished no later than 18 months after the requirement is identified.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


3.3. Employees, who are certified in a skill area, will normally maintain certification as long as they maintain an acceptable performance rating and perform acceptably in the commodity skill area in which they are certified.


3.4. FLSs will periodically review their employees' skills to ensure that their employees are not dealing with commodities that require additional training, even though they may already be certified in a commodity skill area.


3.5. When a policy change or new item assignment dictates new mandatory requirements, the FLS will identify additional mandatory courses as Priority 1, and the FLS and employee will promptly schedule attendance or equivalency evaluation.  


3.6. Employees will not lose credit for technical and quality assurance development courses already completed or Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel equivalency credits granted for any of those courses.


3.7. Factors, which include unsatisfactory performance, excessive time away from the commodity in question, advances in the technology governing the commodity, or substantive changes in course content, may require retraining in one or more courses related to system or commodity skills.  The FLS and the applicable employee will identify areas of retraining. The Product Specialist Q/TCP Panel and the cognizant human resources training coordinator will provide assistance.