DLAD 4165.14




18 Sep 96


{This publication has been revised significantly

and must be reviewed in its entirety.]




1. DLAR 4165.14, Personnel Parking Program, 21 Oct 1986, superseded.


2. Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 101-119.6, Federal Property Management Regulation.


3. DoD Instruction 4500.44, DoD Ridesharing Program.


B. PURPOSE.  This directive:


1. Supersedes reference A1.


2. Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and implements Federal Property Management Regulation (FPMR) (41 CFR, Ch.101-19.6, App. A); DoD Instruction 4500.44, DoD Ridesharing Program; and the applicable portions of General Services Administration (GSA) regulations that govern the acquisition and allocation of Federal administrative parking facilities.


C. APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE.  This DLAD is applicable to all DLA primary level field activities (PLFAs), and secondary level field activities not located in contractor facilities. Its provisions encompass military installations, facilities, and properties, whether permitted or leased, in the U.S. and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and its provisions apply to all parking space in Government-owned or leased buildings assigned to DLA components. The parking requirements for DLA activities that are tenants at a DoD host installation will be covered by the host regulation.




1. Executive. A Government employee with management responsibilities which, in the judgement of the Head of the DLA activity, requires preferential assignment of parking privileges.


2. Facility. A single building or a group of buildings or work locations at a common site.


3. Handicapped Employee. An employee who has a severe, permanent physical or mental impairment which, for all practical purposes, precludes use of public transportation. Employees unable to operate a car as a result of a permanent impairment (such as the blind) who are driven to their place of employment by someone else shall receive a parking space assignment only when the driver remains at the work site.


4. Military and Civilian Personnel. All U.S. and foreign military personnel and all civilian, contractor, and nonappropriated fund personnel assigned for duty at the DLA activity.


5. Military Installation Parking. Vehicle parking spaces under the control of a DoD component that are used for Government vehicles, other official vehicles, visitor vehicles, and POVs (military, civilian, contractor, nonappropriated).


6. Official Parking. Parking spaces reserved for Government-owned or leased vehicles, which do not include spaces for POVs.


7. Parking Space. The area allocated in a parking facility for the temporary storage of one motor vehicle.


8. Personnel Parking. The parking spaces assigned for the use of POVs, other than those classified as official parking.


9. Regular Member of a Carpool. A person who normally travels to work in a carpool for a minimum distance of 1 mile each way.


10. Ridematching. Any system used for mapping and matching home and work locations to identify prospects for ridesharing for interested commuters.


11. Ridesharing. Any mode of commuting not involving driving alone in one's personal automobile.


12. Shift Worker. An employee whose scheduled duty hours are established as a shift starting or ending outside his/her organization's normal duty hours. This term includes an employee on swing or midnight shifts but does not include an employee on overtime or flexitime, or an executive who works hours beyond the usual 8-hour workday.


13. Unusual Hours. Work hours that are frequently required to be varied and do not coincide with any regular work schedule. This category includes individuals who regularly or frequently work significantly more than 8 hours per day. Unusual hours do not include shift workers, those on alternate work schedules, and those granted exceptions to the normal work schedule (e.g., flexitime).


14. Vanpool/Carpool. A group of two or more people regularly using a motor vehicle for transportation to and from work. The number of persons in a vanpool/carpool will be normally the basis for priority of assignment.


15. Visitor Parking. Parking spaces reserved for the exclusive use of visitors to a DLA activity.


E. POLICY.  It is DLA policy to provide adequate parking facilities while supporting a program of energy conservation and a cleaner environment through the encouragement of greater use of public transportation and carpooling. This effort shall be aided by a program that:


1. Limits Federal installation parking facilities to the minimum necessary to administer those facilities in full compliance with the DoD ridesharing instruction.


2. Acquires parking space only for official vehicles, visitors, handicapped employees, and privately-owned vehicles (POVs) used for Government business where the owners are reimbursed for mileage and parking fees.


a. Total number of parking spaces is not to exceed 60 percent of the total population of the installation.

b. Any valid, negotiated agreement between management and a union covering any provision of employee parking shall remain in effect until the expiration of the agreement.


3. Provides adequate reserve handicapped parking in accordance with the following table:


Total Parking in Lot

Handicap Spaces


1 space


2 spaces


3 spaces


4 spaces


5 spaces


6 spaces


7 spaces


8 spaces


9 spaces


2 percent

1001 and Over

20+1 per 100 spaces over 1000


4. Provides reserve parking spaces for executives and vanpools/carpools not to exceed 10 percent of available spaces.


5. Annually determines the value of employee-provided parking. Should the parking value exceed the IRS threshold ($160.00 per month as of July 1995), the activity must notify each affected employee and the servicing Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) civilian payroll office. Such excess amounts are subject to withholdings for Federal income tax, FICA/Medicare tax, and state and local taxes.


6. Does not exempt individuals who temporarily have a need for a handicapped parking space (e.g., due to a strained back, during convalescence from an illness, or a broken leg) from any parking charges due. Justification for a handicap designation requires certification by a DoD component medical unit, the Veterans Administration, or the Public Health Service (DLA Form 1711, DLA Certification of Handicap for Reserved Parking). Provisions of free handicapped parking are not a requirement and should only be furnished when spaces are available.


7. Collection and Deposit of Fees. Collection for parking fees from employees at GSA-controlled locations shall be made by the activity at the beginning of each fiscal quarter (GSA requires payment in advance). If necessary for operational purposes, a limited number of parking permits may be issued on a fee basis to individuals who regularly use their POVs for Government business. These are vehicles used 12 or more workdays per month for Government business for which the individual receives reimbursement for mileage and parking fees under Government travel regulations.


a. Parking space fringe benefits are reported to the civilian payroll office on a quarterly (fiscal year) basis. The FPMR prohibits GSA from collecting fees from employees, so it is the activity's duty to collect parking fees from its employees. Since DLA is obligated to pay GSA for space 120 days after notification of intent to cancel, it is important that employees serve timely notice when no longer needing parking space. Commanders should make every effort to backfill space in order to provide a smooth transition. In any event, employees may continue to use parking space assigned during the 120 days after notification. Collection for parking fees shall be deposited to 97-0100.51XX 001 C912 P937.60 SXXXX account. Submission of this information should be done as follows:

(1) 1st through 3rd quarters

10 calendar days after end of quarter

4th quarter

15th of each December

(2) Data to be reported. The following data should be included in the civilian payroll office quarterly report:

(a) Employee's name

(b) Employee's SSN

(c) Monthly value of fringe benefit

(d) Monthly reportable taxable benefit

(e) Quarterly taxable amount

(3) Format. Hard copy report.




1. The Assistant Executive Director of Installations, HQ DLA (MMBI) will act as the DLA office of primary interest in administering the personnel parking program.


2. The Heads of DLA PLFAs will:


a. Be responsible for the allocation and assignment of parking spaces allocated to the activity, to include allocation of spaces for personnel parking.

(1) Outside and inside parking facilities shall be identified and assigned according to the following priorities, which are based on convenience, in the case of inside parking, and/or the shortest walking distance to the building, in the case of outside parking.

(a) The Heads of DLA PLFAs responsible for administering a program in a geographic area of more than one state.

(b) Government-owned (official) vehicles. If feasible, areas assigned for Government-owned vehicles may be used during other than early morning or late afternoon hours for visitor, service, or other vehicles, as appropriate.

(c) Visitor parking.

(d) Severely handicapped persons and those drivers who regularly provide transportation to such handicapped persons.

(e) Executive personnel and persons who work unusual hours.

(f) Vanpools with five or more members.

(g) Carpools with four or more members.

(h) Carpools with three members.

(i) Carpools with two members.

(j) POVs of employees which are regularly used for Government business. (Vehicles used for 12 or more workdays per month for which the employee receives reimbursement for mileage and fees under Government travel regulations.)

(k) Other POVs of employees, on a space available basis.

(l) Other paid parking spaces may be made available for use by employees who reimburse DLA the full fee assessed the Agency.

b. Develop the following kinds of incentives to encourage and facilitate the use of carpools and vanpools: stabilizing and enforcing official duty hours, when possible; providing special privileges for those carpools using compact and subcompact cars; matching work schedules to available public transportation; assisting installation personnel in forming carpools and vanpools; making fair assignment, use, and enforcement of parking regulations; and arranging and controlling parking areas, as provided for in this DLAD.

c. Reserve areas for the parking of bicycles and other two wheeled vehicles. Bicycles shall be given special consideration including storage type space in buildings and improved bicycle locking devices where practical and funds are available.

d. Appoint an Employee Transportation Coordinator at each activity to operate or participate in a system for carpool and vanpool matching among personnel, and to maintain current information about public transit service to the activity. At facilities occupied by more than one DLA component, the coordinator shall be from the component having the largest number of employees at the facility.

e. Implement an effective mechanism for deterring abuse of parking space assignments made to visitors, handicapped persons, executives, vanpools, carpools and POVs of employees regularly used for Government business..

f. Ensure that parking fees are collected, where appropriate.

g. Determine appropriate penalties for violating provisions of this DLAI.

h. Use and promote existing ridematching services, or establish such services.

i. Require the certification on DLA Form 1711, DLA Certification of Handicap for Reserved Parking, of all handicapped personnel applying for reserved handicapped parking before the assignment of a handicapped parking space. Certification must be done by a DoD component medical unit, the Veterans Administration, or the Public Health Service. Certification as handicapped by State Motor Vehicle departments is insufficient.

j. In urban areas, where several GSA-controlled facilities are within easy walking distance of each other, parking spaces may be pooled by GSA on a zonal allocation basis rather than on an Agency-by-Agency basis, to ensure that an equitable number of spaces exist among all personnel and to maximize carpooling opportunities. Pooled allocations shall be administered primarily on the basis of vanpool/carpool membership.


3. The General Services Administration. GSA shall equitably allocate parking facilities at Federal buildings, including leased buildings, in accordance with FPMRs.


4. Commanders of military installations. Installation commanders shall allocate parking spaces on their individual installations. To maximize the efficient use of available parking spaces, assignments of spaces to personnel shall be on the basis of the FPMRs.


G. EFFECTIVE DATE.  This publication is effective immediately.


H. INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS.  (Reserved for future use.)










DASC Administrator