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Office of Data Management


The Office of Data Management (ODM) provides the following services to our customers:

Corrections to Patent Application Publications due to USPTO error

As set forth in 37 CFR 1.221(b), the Office will grant a request for correction to a published patent application only where the Office has made a material mistake which is apparent from Office records.


Note: Only errors that are material will be corrected.


 What is the criteria for a material mistake? 

A material mistake must affect the public's ability to:

  • appreciate the technical disclosure of the patent application publication,
  • determine the scope of the patent application publication; or
  • determine the scope of the provisional rights that an applicant might seek to enforce upon issuance of a patent.

Examples of errors that may be considered to be material errors :

  • missing claims
  • missing pages of the specification
  • missing pages of drawings

Examples of errors that are not material errors :

  • missing assignment information
  • missing section headings
  • minor typographical errors

See Changes to Implement Eighteen-Month Publication of Patent Applications, 65 FR 57023, 57038 (Sept. 20, 2000), 1239 Off. Gaz. Pat. Office Notices, 75 (Oct. 10, 2000)(final rule).

**Time limitation ** The request for a corrected patent application must be filed within two months from the date of the patent application publication. Extensions of time are not permitted.

How to file a request to correct a material error in a patent application publication:

Requests for correction(s) to a patent application publication due to a USPTO error must be submitted in writing. A request for a corrected patent application publication should include:

  • a copy of the patent application publication with the errors clearly marked; and
  • reference to the page and line number of the originally filed application where the information was correctly submitted.

Requests for corrected patent application application publications can be faxed to 571.273.8300 or mailed to:

Mail Stop PGPub
Commissioner for Patents
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

For additional information, contact the Application Assistance Unit at: 571.272.4200 or e-mail .

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Corrections to Patents

A request for correction to a published patent is initiated by completion and submission of USPTO form 1050 to the Office of Certificates of Correction.

 USPTO Form 1050 is accessible via USPTO Internet at: 

Or call 571.272.1000 to request form 1050 to be mailed to you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Corrections to Published Patents

ODM Announcements:
Questions concerning the above notice should be directed to Mary Louise McAskill, Manager, Deliverable Inspection Division, Office of Data Management, by telephone at (703) 756-1569 or by e-mail at:

The weekly listings of Certificates of Correction can be retrieved at: 

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Duplicate Letters Patent

To request duplicate letters patent - contact the Office of Petitions at 571.272.3282.

  • Check printing status of duplicate letters patent - after the petition for duplicate letters patent has been granted - call Niomi Farmer at 703.756.1556

To request a presentation copy of a patent - contact the Office of Public Records Customer Service Line at 1.800.972-6382 or 571.272.3150 or go to

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Listing Patents for Sale or License in the Official Gazette (OG)

The owner(s) of a patent may request to have his/her/their patent listed for sale or license in the OG. The list of patents for sale or license appears in the OG every 2nd Tuesday of the month.

What is the cost? The cost per listing is $25.00.

How to list a patent for sale or license:

Send a check or money order in the amount of $25.00, payable to the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks.

Commissioner for Patents
Office of Data Management
Attn: Patents for License or Sale
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

For more information about listing patents for sale or license in the Official Gazette please contact Lamont Fletcher at 703.756.1558

 More about the OG... 

The OG issues every Tuesday and publishes a list of issued Patents, Trademarks, Notices, Erratum, Reissues, Re exams, Expired Patents, Patents Reinstated, Certificates of Correction, etc.

To order U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Notices, contact the Government Printing Office at 202.512.1800.

To access the eOfficial Gazette please visit: 

Frequently Asked Questions About the Official Gazette

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Lost Patent Grant Investigation

Patent grants and soft copies (if requested) are mailed to the address of USPTO record (as documented by applicant's original submission of mailing address, subsequent filing of request for change of address, or request for change of address as noted on Form 85b).

Patent Grants and soft copies (if requested) should be received within 3 weeks after the issue date.

To check on the status of patent grants and soft copies not received within 3 weeks after the issue date contact Niomi Farmer at 571.272.4200.

If it is determined that address is/was correct in USPTO system at the time patent grant was mailed, submission of a Request for Duplicate Letters Patent must be made to the Office of Petitions. The telephone number to the Office of Petitions is 571.272.3282.

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Patent Subscriptions

Customers may place standing orders to receive patents as they issue in selected technology classifications of the U.S. Patent Classification System. Patents are mailed the day of issue. This service is available only to holders of USPTO deposit accounts. Address inquiries to:

Commissioner for Patents
Office of Data Management
Attn: Application Assistance Unit
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

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Pre-Grant Publication - 18-month Publication under AIPA

Questions in regards to Pre-Grant Publication should be forwarded to the Application Assistance Unit at 571.272.4200 or to the PGPub mailbox at .

When referring a call or e-mail to the PGPub Division, in addition to the applicant's question(s), please include the following information:

  • applicant's name
  • applicant's telephone number
  • applicants e-mail (if possible)
  • application serial number

Weekly projections of applications to be published can be accessed at: 

 More about 18-month Publication.. 

 18-month Publication Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

 PBG (Patent Business Goals) - Final Rule

  Still need more assistance? For legal questions that cannot be answered from information provided in the 18-month Publication Frequently Asked Questions and Answers and the PBG - Final Rule documents please contact a Legal Advisor by calling 571.272.7701 or e-mailing: 

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Processing of After-Allowance Papers

Fees, drawings, or other papers filed after allowance, should be forwarded to:

Mail Stop Issue Fee
Commissioner for Patents
P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450

Tip: To expedite processing of CPA or RCE papers, send promptly after receipt of Notice of Allowance.

If additional information is needed please contact the Application  Assistance Unit at 571.272.4200 or 1.888.786.0101, or via e-mail at .

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Revival of Abandoned Files

To challenge the abandonment of a patent file, proof of timely fee payment or submission of drawings is required. Requirement is based upon reason for abandonment. To determine which requirement is applicable please refer to the Notice of Abandonment received.

Instructions on responding to a Notice of Abandonment.

If additional assistance is needed please contact the Application Assistance Unit at 571.272.4200 or 1.888.786.0101, or via e-mail at .

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Status of Patent Application and Patent Publication

For assistance in regards to the status of publication please contact the Application Assistance Unit at 571.272.4200 or 1.888.786.0101, or via e-mail at .

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Withdrawals of Patent Grants

To stop the issue process or to reopen prosecution of an allowed application, contact the Directors' office of the Technology Center to which the case was assigned.

The listing consisting of patent numbers that do not correspond to issued patents now may be accessed at the following Internet web page:

Images of reinstated previously withdrawn patents that were issued after 1976 can be accessed at the following web site: 

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United States Patent and Trademark Office
This page is owned by Office of Data Management.
Last Modified: 3/8/2012 1:22:26 PM