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Aquatic Worms

Benthic Macroinvertebrates

Sensitive Benthos

Moderately Tolerant Benthos

Pollution Tolerant Benthos

Clump of Tubifex Worms (Biodiversity of Malaysian Freshwater Worms)

Clumps of Tubifex WormsExit EPA Disclaimer


resemble earth worms, but more slender; segmented; color is reddish, brown, or grey; reach lengths of up to 3 inches.


hermaphroditic, similar to earth worms; fertilization and  development of embryos occur in a cocoon.


like earth worms, they ingest large quantities of mud and filter out organic debris; fed upon by bottom feeders or fish.

Scientific Name:

Phylum: Annelida
  Class: Oligochaetae
    Order: varies

Indicator Role:

aquatic oligochaetes are generally found in soft mud bottoms, and in high numbers are considered indicators of very poor water quality.

Information Source:

McDonald, B., W. Borden, J. Lathrop.1990. Citizen Stream Monitoring: A Manual for Illinois. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, ILENR/RE-WR-90/18. Springfield, Illinois.

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