At the transportation security administration, your safety is our priority. TSA is partnering with airlines to phase in our new secure flight program – a behind the scenes process that standardizes the way travelers are matched against government watch lists. Starting this summer under secure flight, some airlines will begin asking passengers to book their travel with the name that appears on the government I-D they plan to use when traveling... as well as their date of birth and gender. Since secure flight is being implemented in phases, not all airlines will begin asking for this additional information right away. Passengers should not worry if they are not prompted by an airline to provide this information, as it should not impact their travel. Tsa is partnering with each airline, to implement secure flight, and passengers will be asked for this information as their airline's reservation system is able to accept it. 'Secure flight' matches the information for each passenger against government watch lists to identify known and suspected terrorists. Providing this information improves the pre-flight security process and helps passengers whose names are similar to those on watch lists avoid misidentification. Secure flight does not affect the security screening that takes place at the airport. The name passengers provide when booking their travel is used to perform watch list matching before boarding passes are issued, so small differences on boarding passes or id's should not impact travel. The new secure flight measures utilize state-of-the art technology to ensure passenger information remains private. Your cooperation helps t-s-a keep the traveling public safe… Every day... at every airport. For more information, go to t-s-a-dot-gov.