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EVAP-COND is a software package that contains NIST's simulation models for a finned-tube evaporator and condenser. EVAP-COND's help menu provides information about the program's capabilities and how to use it. The instructions include preparation of input data, execution of the program, and examination of simulation results.

Version 3.0 introduces the option for optimization of refrigerant circuitry based on computational intelligence methods. Regarding input data files, Version 3.0 is fully compatible with Version 2.3. The new graphical user interface contains a few convenience features, including an upgraded ability to modify the refrigerant circuitry.


  • Tube-by-tube or tube sectional simulation
  • One-dimensional, non-uniform air distribution
  • Simulation of refrigerant distribution
  • Refrigerant circuitry optimization
  • Condenser model capable of simulating above the critical point
  • REFPROP8 refrigerant properties
  • 11 refrigerants and refrigerant mixtures: R22, R32, R134a, R290, R404A, R407C, R410A, R507A, R600a, R717, and R744

 Evapcond 3.0 Screenshot


This software was developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), is not subject to copyright protection, and is in the public domain. It can be used freely provided that any derivative works bear some notice that they are derived from it.NIST used its best efforts to provide a high quality simulation tool and to select modeling methods and correlations based on sound scientific judgment. However, NIST assumes neither responsibility nor liability for any damage arising out of or relating to the use of EVAP-COND. The software is provided "AS IS";. NIST makes NO GUARANTIES and NO WARRANTIES OF ANY TYPE , expressed or implied, including NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


Version: 3.0

Last Updated: October 2010

Type of software: Simulation Models for Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers with Circuitry Optimization


Piotr A. Domanski
David Yashar


EVAP-COND Registration and Download (17.1 MB) VERSION 3.0 -- October 2010

Installation Procedure

Download the self-extracting file EVAP-COND Setup.msi  to a folder of your choice and execute* it. This will begin the installation wizard. Follow the prompts.

* To execute a file, locate the file in the folder and double-click on it, or click on the Start button, select Run, use the Browse key to locate the file or type the file name in the entry box (preceded by the full path).

The installation process will:

  1. Install the EVAP-COND package in the folder of your designation.  
  2. Create the EVAP-COND startup group accessible from the Start button. 
  3. Create the EVAP-COND shortcut and place an icon on the desktop.

To enable functionality of b. and c. for Win98, Me and some NT systems, you will have to download and install a patch “Microsoft Active Accessibility 2.0 Redistributable” from Microsoft’s web site .