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Plugins - TIFF images

This page provides links to manufacturers that offer free viewers for TIFF image file formats. Company home page URLs are provided as starting points in case the specific product page URLs change unexpectedly. 

The United States Patent and Trademark Office does not endorse the views expressed or facts presented on these sites. Further, the United States Patent and Trademark Office does not endorse any commercial products that may be advertised or available on these sites.

Product Web Page
 Quicktime (v 4.1 or greater) TIFF viewer, plug-in for pre-Safari Macintosh
Please visit and type "patent" to locate plug-ins for recent versions of Macintosh browsers.
Internetiff interneTIFF TIFF image browser plug-in for Patent images - IE & Netscape
Medical Informatics Engineering  AlternaTIFF TIFF image browser plug-in for Patent images - IE & Netscape
FOR LINUX USERS ONLY >> Plugger TIFF image browser plug-in for Patent images - LINUX

Read more about TIFF Image Viewers and Plug-Ins

Our Web site provides full text for patents issued from 1976 to the present . We provide TIFF images for all patents from 1790 (YES, REALLY 1790) to the present. You can search on text in all elements (fields) of the patent or select those fields you wish to search only for patents issued since 1976.

The direct link to the Patent Search pages is It is one of the options listed under "Patents" on the left side of the USPTO home page.

You can only search on patent numbers, issue date, and/or  classification codes for the pre-1976 patents . See How to Search for tips and links to classification-based searches and to Patent and Trademark Depository Library locations for local search resources and training. See  classification help for more on the US Patent Classification system.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you can view a screen that has a little rectangle with a red square, green circle and blue triangle in it, or if you get a message in your browser saying that some required software cannot be found, then you need to download and install a TIFF image viewer for your browser that works with our TIFF images.


More detailed directions for viewing patent images are on the website on the Patent Search page under " How to Access Full-Page Images. "

To view the images for any patent you must

(1) download and

(2) run the downloaded executable file to install a TIFF image plug-in that supports G4 compression;

When you get a search result listing the patent number, locate the image button near the top of the screen to launch the viewer. To access the image database, just click "Search Patents" on the lower right of and do a Search by Patent Number. When the result comes back, click on the "Images" button at the top of the page. Remember to read the detailed instructions and to download and also install the TIFF image viewer plug-in before attempting to view patent images.

You can order a copy of any patent online by clicking the "Order Copy" button near the top of the patent search result page.

 Disclaimer: The United States Patent and Trademark Office provides these links solely for the convenience of members of the public who may need to access documents offered in these formats on our Web site. The USPTO does not endorse these companies' products nor the accuracy of any information presented on their web sites. All brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective companies. 


United States Patent and Trademark Office
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Last Modified: 10/22/2009 3:47:27 PM