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  • Closed

Deadline extended 2 weeks--final submissions now due May 15th


  • Submission Period

    Oct 22


    May 15
  • Judging

    May 16


    Jun 13
  • Winners Announced

    Nov 22


Winners will be honored at a ceremony in Washington D.C.

Federal Communications Commission Prize (2)

The Federal Communications Commission prize is the placement of the vision on the FCC website and consideration for the Chairman's Awards in Advancement in Accessibility.

About the Challenge

Visions created in response to this challenge will help to provide direction and motivation to policy makers, software developers, and members of the public who wish to empower people with disabilities toward greater independence in life, and greater integration in society.

Members of the public are encouraged to visit this challenge and vote.  The winner of this voting will be recognized as "the popular choice."

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Pam Gregory

Federal Communications Commission


Clayton Lewis, Ph.D.

University of Colorado


Gregg Vanderheiden, Ph.D.

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Judging Criteria

How accessible the presentation is for a wide range of users, including people with disabilities.
How clearly the presentation suggests the value of cloud computing.
How clearly the presentation presents benefits for people with disabilities.
How imaginative the technical ideas behind the vision are.
How aesthetically appealing the presentation is for a wide range of users.
How well the case is made that the vision can soon be realized.
Whether the submission was created specifically for the challenge, or draws heavily on earlier work.

How to Enter

The presentation can use any combination of video, audio, photos, graphics, text, or other presentation media, with any natural language, as long as it is accessible to a broad audience, including people with disabilities.  Typically -- though not necessarily -- the presentation will be a video.  If so, it should be no more than 7 minutes in length, and be designed so that it is accessible when opened as a link through In particular, a video presentation should support the viewing of English captions and the operation of controls with a screen reader.  Contestants should upload the video to a site like or and post its link to  

Note that although YouTube has robust support for captioning, contestants should not expect to use its auto-captioning functionality, as the accuracy is insufficient.  Contestants can use one of various free or paid tools for creating captions manually and accurately.  Instructions for uploading video in various formats are available at the YouTube web site.  Links to more guidance are also included elsewhere on this web site.

Adding video description for blind viewers is also desirable.  Since tools and techniques for this are not widespread, however, contestants may instead describe the vision and presentation thoroughly in an accompanying document.

Submission Procedures

  • Create an accessible multimedia presentation of up to seven minutes in length. We expect most presentations will be between three and five minutes long, but will accept a maximum of seven minutes.
  • Create or use an account on a media-sharing web site, and upload the presentation there, e.g., to

Tag the presentation with the official title of this challenge: Lifted by the Cloud.

  • Also add the following language to the description of the presentation:

This presentation has been submitted as part of a contest sponsored by the Federal Communications Commission, the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities, and Raising the Floor, located on the web at

The presentation does not carry the endorsement, or necessarily reflect views, of the sponsors.

  • Create or use an account on Find the web page for this challenge, and complete the form that prompts for information about a solution. It will include the contestant's name, title of the presentation, and a link to its location on a media-sharing web site.

If a contestant wishes to drop an entry from consideration in the contest, this may be done by removing it from before the submission deadline.