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Modeling Subsurface Petroleum Hydrocarbon Transport

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The OnSite set of online tools for site assessment contains calculators for

  • formulas,
  • models,
  • unit conversion factors and
  • scientific demonstrations
to assess the impacts from ground water contaminants. For a quick overview of the calculators, read the fact sheet (PDF, 2 pp., 259 KB, About PDF), the extended report (PDF, 81 pp., 1.4 MB, About PDF), or join the listserver to receive updates on OnSite and the Internet modeling course.
Calculator introduction, full list of calculators
Highlights: chemical properties, vertical gradient, gradient from 3 or more points, effective solubility, retardation factor, plume diving
Examples: a company assessing a site, a regulator reviewing a report, fate & transport review

For more ideas and information on subsurface transport modeling, check our course on Modeling Subsurface Transport of Petroleum Hydrocarbons.
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