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DOT logo NAVCEN logo 48th Meeting of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee

At the Marriott Riverfront Hotel
Savannah, Georgia
15-16 September 2008


Monday, 15 September 2008

08:00 Registration

Session I

09:00 Welcome/ Opening
Karen VanDyke, DOT/RITA, Chair, CGSIC
View presentation (160 KB PDF)

09:10 Meeting Overview
CAPT Thiedeman, NAVCEN, Deputy Chair

09:20 U.S. Space-based Position, Navigation and Timing: A Policy Update
Mike Shaw, NCO
View presentation (577 KB PDF)

09:40 GPS Wing Update
Mr. Tom Powell, U.S. Air Force, GPS Wing
View presentation (7 MB PDF)

10:00 GPS Constellation Status and Performance
LT Joe Rediesel, U.S. Air Force, 2SOPS
View presentation (965 KB PDF)

10:15 Break

10:30 Worldwide GNSS Interoperability
Ray Clore, U.S. State Department
View presentation (154 KB PDF)

10:50 The Effect of GPS Jamming on Safe Navigation at Sea
Sally Basker, General Lighthouse Authorities of the United Kingdom & Ireland
View presentation (571 KB PDF)

11:10 U.S. Interference Detection & Mitigation Plan (IDM)
John Merrill, U.S. Department of Homeland Security

11:30 Q/A Panel (Presenters)

12:00 Break for Lunch

Session II

13:15 WAAS and LAAS Program Status
Leo Eldredge, DOT/FAA, GNSS Program Manager
View presentation (8 MB PDF)

13:35 GNSS Evolutionary Architecture Study
Leo Eldredge, DOT/FAA, GNSS Program Manager
View presentation (8 MB PDF)

13:45 Update on NDGPS Program
Tim Klein, DOT/RITA, NDGPS Program Coordinator
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

14:05 NASA GPS Developments
Jim Miller, NASA
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

14:25 USDA/DOI GPS Challenge Team Overview
Mike Rasher, Department of Agriculture
View presentation (7 MB PDF)

14:45 Break

15:00 National PNT Architecture
Karen Van Dyke, DOT/RITA; Lt Col Patrick Huested, National Security Space Office
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

15:30 Q/A Panel (Presenters)

Session III

16:00 Subcommittee Reports

  Report from International Subcommittee
John Wilde, DW International
View presentation (37 KB PDF)

  Report from Timing Subcommittee
Dr. Wlodzimierz Lewandowski, BIPM
View presentation (144 KB PDF)

  Report from U.S. States and Localities Subcommittee
Rudy Persaud, FHWA

  Report from Surveying, Mapping, and Geosciences Subcommittee
Richard Snay, NGS
View presentation (585 KB PDF)

Session IV

17:00 The Significance of Multiple GNSS Systems to End Users
Glen Gibbons, Inside GNSS

17:15 WAAS for Mapping: It Works Where You Work
Eric Gakstatter, GPS World Magazine

17:30 End of Meeting Day

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

08:15 Registration

Concurrent Sessions: International and U.S. States and Localities

  International Session
John Wilde, Chair, ISC

09:00 Introduction
Karen VanDyke, DOT RITA, CGSIC Chair

09:05 U.S. Space-Based PNT International Cooperation
Alice Wong, U.S. State Department
View presentation (229 KB PDF)

09:25 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
Maureen Walker, U.S. State Department
View presentation (916 KB PDF)

09:45 GLONASS Update
Sergey Revnivykh, PNT Information Navigation Center, The Russian Federation
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

10:15 GALILEO Update
Paul Verhoef, Head of Unit, Galileo, European Commission
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

10:45 GNSS Systems Interoperability
Francisco Salabert, DDAS/GNSS Policy Office, EUROCONTROL
View presentation (815 KB PDF)

11:05 Break

11:15 Australia Country Report
Ian Mallett, CASA
View presentation (6 MB PDF)

11:30 The Two Basic Bills for GNSS Utilization in Japan
Hiroshi Nishiguchi, Japan GPS Council
View presentation (380 KB PDF)

11:45 Regulation of RTK Services in Denmark
Anna Jensen, on behalf of the Danish Mapping Agency
View presentation (99 KB PDF)

12:00 Some GNSS applications in the Czech Republic
Prof. František Vejražka, Czech Technical University
View presentation (5 MB PDF)

  Poland Report
ASG-EUPOS NETWORK, Janusz Sledzinski, FRIN
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

12:15 Panel Discussion: GNSS Market Access Issues
Ed Morris and Paul Verhoef, Working Group B Co-Chairs
View presentation (127 KB PDF)
Mike Swiek, GPS Industry Council
John Pottle, Spirent
Javad Ashjaee, Javad
TBD (possibly u-Blox)

13:00 Closing Remarks
CGSIC Deputy Chair (International) / ISC Acting Chair - John Wilde

13:05 Session Ends

  U.S. States and Localities Session
Rudy Persaud, Federal Highway Administration, Chair

08:30 Introduction
Capt Edwin Thiedeman, NAVCEN, Deputy Chair

08:35 Welcome
Rudy Persaud, USDOT/FHWA, Chair USSLS

08:40 Inland Nationwide Differential GPS (NDGPS) Program Status
Timothy Klein, U.S. DOT/RITA
View presentation (269 KB PDF)

09:05 NDGPS Project Status
LCDR Jacob. J. Ramos, NAVCEN
View presentation (3 MB PDF)

09:30 How NPS uses GPS to assist in GIS applications and Vegetation Inventories
Karl Brown, DOI/NPS
View presentation (10 MB PDF)

09:55 Elements of the Nation Spatial Reference System
Dave Doyle, NOAA/NGS
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

10:20 Break

10:35 Detail on techniques, results and lessons learned using GPS/NDGPS
Mike Rasher, USDA
View presentation (6 MB PDF)

11:00 Gravity survey campaign and update on Oregon real-time GPS network
Kenneth Bays, Oregon DOT
View presentation (9 MB PDF)

11:25 Contributions on GPS data to severe weather forecasting
Seth Gutman, NOAA/ESRL
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

11:50 Update on Minnesota GPS program
Richard Morey, Minnesota, DOT
View presentation (451 KB PDF)

12:15 Closing Remarks
Deputy Chair, DeLane Meier, North Dakota, DOT

12:30 Session End

Afternoon Concurrent Sessions: Timing And CORS User Forum

  Timing Session
Dr. Wlodzimierz Lewandowski, BIPM, Chair, Co-Chair: Victor Zhang, NIST

14:00 Introduction
Wlodzimierz Lewandowski, BIPM
View presentation (799 KB PDF)

14:20 Report from NIST
Victor Zhang, NIST
View presentation (167 KB PDF)

14:40 USNO Time Service
Demetrios Matsakis, USNO
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

15:00 Timing operations
Wendy Kelley, USNO
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

15:10 Progress on time transfer calibration
Ed Powers, USNO

15:20 Break

15:40 Update on the ITU-R WP7A work on the Future of UTC
Tom Bartholomew
View presentation (42 KB PDF)

16:00 Time and Navigation Exhibition at the Smithsonian: An Update
Carlene E. Stephens, National Museum of American History
View presentation (807 KB PDF)

16:20 Discussion

17:20 Session End

  Surveying, Mapping, and Geosciences Session
Chair, Richard Snay, National Geodetic Survey

13:30 Welcome
Dr. Richard Snay, NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey
View presentation (585 KB PDF)

13:35 CORS/OPUS: Overview and Status
Giovanni Sella, NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

13:50 NGS Support for Real-Time GNSS Positioning
William Henning, NOAA NGS
View presentation (2 MB PDF)

14:05 PANEL SESSION: Real-Time GNSS Networks
Art Andrew, Orange County, California
View presentation (2 MB PDF)
Ken Bays, Oregon Department of Transportation
Lewis Lapine, South Carolina Geodetic Survey
View presentation (1 MB PDF)
Gavin Schrock, Washington State Reference Network
View presentation (1 MB PDF)
Jim Waters, Tennessee Department of Transportation
View presentation (1 MB PDF)

14:45 Question & Answer Session with Panel of the Speakers

15:30 Break

15:45 Interactive Sessions within Small Discussion Groups

  • Group A: Real-Time Positioning from the Network Operator’s Perspective
  • Group B: Real-Time Positioning from the User’s Perspective
  • Group C: OPUS and other CORS Utilities
  • Group D: Ionospheric & Tropospheric Modeling

17:00 Session End

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