Data Definition Table

Variable Description National Regional State Large Cities/Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) Mid-Size Cities/Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) Additional Cities/Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA)
Number of Volunteers: Annual Annual number of adult volunteers (in millions), 2002-present. Calculated as in BLS reports. All annual totals, plus three-year average using 2008-2010 data All annual totals, plus three-year average using 2008-2010 data All annual totals, plus three-year average using 2008-2010 data Annual totals, 2004-present, plus three-year average using 2008-2010 data Four-year average using 2007-2010 data Five-year average using 2006-2010 data
Number of Volunteers: Historical Annual number of adult volunteers (in millions), 1974 and 1989.Calculated as in published results from these Supplements. All annual totals, both years All annual totals, both years All annual totals (selected states only for 1974) Not available Not available Not available
Volunteer Rates: Annual Annual adult volunteer rates, 2002-present. Calculated as in BLS reports. All annual rates All annual rates All annual rates Annual rates, 2004-present Not available Not available
Volunteer Rates: Historical Annual adult volunteer rates, 1974 and 1989. Calculated as in published results from these Supplements. All annual rates All annual rates All annual rates (selected states only for 1974) Not available Not available Not available
Volunteer Rates: Pooled Data Adult volunteer rate, calculated as in BLS reports using three years of pooled data (four for mid-sized MSAs;five years for small MSAs). 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2007-2010 rates 2006-2010 rates
Main Activities for Volunteers Proportion of volunteers performing each of the four most popular service activities using three years of pooled data (four for mid-sized MSAs). Calculated with 2008-2010 combined data Calculated with 2008-2010 combined data Calculated with 2008-2010 combined data Calculated with 2008-2010 combined data Calculated with 2007-2010 combined data Not available
Where People Volunteer - Organization Information  Proportion of volunteers serving with each main organization type.Data available for 1989 and last three combined years of CPS data (four for mid-sized MSAs). 1989 and 2008-2010 rates 1989 and 2008-2010 rates 1989 and 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2007-2010 rates Not available
Total Volunteer Hours Total hours served in previous year, all adult volunteers in USA, all organizations. All annual totals (in billions), 2002-present All annual totals (in billions), 2002-present All annual totals (in millions), 2002-present Annual totals, 2004-present, plus three-year average using 2008-2010 data (in millions) Four-year average using 2007-2010 data (in millions) Five-year average using 2006-2010 data (in millions)
Volunteer Hours per Resident (Total hours served in previous year) ÷ (CPS-estimated population, age 16+), 2002-present. All annual rates, 2002-present, plus pooled (2008-2010) rate All annual rates, 2002-present, plus pooled (2008-2010) rate All annual rates, 2002-present, plus pooled (2008-2010) rate All annual rates, 2002-present, plus pooled (2008-2010) rate Pooled (2007-2010) rate Pooled (2006-2010) rate
Intensive Volunteering (100+ hours)  Proportion of volunteers serving 100 or more hours, all organizations using three years of pooled data (four for mid-sized MSAs). 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2007-2010 rates Not available
Volunteer Retention Rates Proportion of year-1 CPS adult volunteers who also volunteer in year 2.See Technical Note for details. Rates calculated using combined 2008-09 and 2009-10 data Rates calculated using combined 2008-09 and 2009-10 data Rates calculated using combined 2008-09 and 2009-10 data Rates calculated using combined 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 data Not available Not available
Nonprofit Organizations per 1000 Residents 1000 × (Number of nonprofits, not counting congregations) ÷ (Census population estimate) Uses data from NCCS Business Master File, August 2010 Uses data from NCCS Business Master File, August 2010 Uses data from NCCS Business Master File, August 2010 Uses data from NCCS Business Master File, August 2010 Uses data from NCCS Business Master File, August 2010 Not available
Volunteering by Age Group   Volunteer rates for adults in eight age groups - 16-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, and 75+ - using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteer Hours by Age Group   Median hours for adults in eight age groups - 16-19, 20-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, and 75+ - using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Baby Boomer Volunteer Rates Volunteer rates for adults born between 1946 and 1964, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Baby Boomers: Median Hours Volunteered Median hours for adults born between 1946 and 1964, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Generation X Volunteer Rates Volunteer rates for adults born between 1965 and 1981, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Generation X: Median Hours Volunteered Volunteer rates for adults born between 1965 and 1981, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Young Adult Volunteer Rates Volunteer rates for adults aged 16 to 24, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Young Adults: Median Hours Volunteered Median hours for adults aged 16 to 24, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Older Adult Volunteer Rates Volunteer rates for adults aged 65 and over, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Older Adults: Median Hours Volunteered Median hours for adults aged 65 and over, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Teenagers: Volunteer Rates Volunteer rates for adults aged 16 to 19, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Teenagers: Median Hours Volunteered Median hours for adults aged 16 to 19, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Millennials: Volunteer Rates Volunteer rates for adults born after 1981, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - Millennials: Median Hours Median hours for adults born after 1981, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - College Student Volunteer Rates Volunteer rates for college students aged 16 to 24, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteering by Age Group - College Students Median Hours Volunteered Median hours for college students aged 16 to 24, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Gender  Volunteer rates for adult men and women, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteer Hours by Gender  Median hours for adult men and women, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Race Volunteer rates for adults identifying with various racial groups - White, Black/African American, Asian, Native American, Native Hawaiian, and more than one race - using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteer Hours by Race Median hours for adults identifying with various racial groups, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Ethnicity  Volunteer rates for adult Latinos, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates Not available Not available
Volunteer Hours by Ethnicity Median hours for adult Latinos, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering for Veterans Volunteer rates for adults who have served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteer Hours for Veterans Median hours for adults who have served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces, using three years' worth of combined CPS data. 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians Not available Not available
Volunteering by Geographic Area Volunteer rates for adults living in central city, balance, or nonmetropolitan areas, using three years' worth of combined CPS data.[Not included:residents of "not identified" areas.] 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates 2008-2010 rates, excluding rural areas Not available Not available
Volunteer Hours by Geographic Area Median hours served by adult volunteers living in central city, balance, or nonmetropolitan areas, using three years' worth of combined CPS data.[Not included:residents of "not identified" areas.] 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians 2008-2010 medians, excluding rural areas Not available Not available
Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates -Homeownership rate % of residents who live in homes that are owned by a household resident From ACS, Table B25003, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B25003, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B25003, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B25003, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B25003, 2009 single-year estimates. Not available
Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates -Multi-unit housing rate % of homes located in structures that contain more than one housing unit. From ACS, Table B25024, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B25024, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B25024, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B25024, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B25024, 2009 single-year estimates. Not available
Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates -Commuting Time Average number of minutes spent traveling from home to work (residents who don’t work at home only). From ACS, Table GCT0801, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table GCT0801, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table GCT0801, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table GCT0801, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table GCT0801, 2009 single-year estimates. Not available
Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates -Education: percentage with college education or higher % of residents age 25 or older who have at least a bachelors' degree. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. Not available
Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates -Education: percentage of high school education or higher % of residents age 25 or older who have at least a high school diploma, or GED/equivalent. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B15002, 2009 single-year estimates. Not available
Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates -Poverty Rate % of residents who are living below the federal poverty line. From ACS, Table B17001, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B17001, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B17001, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B17001, 2009 single-year estimates. From ACS, Table B17001, 2009 single-year estimates. Not available
Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates -Unemployment Rate Annual average % of civilian labor force that was unemployed between October 2009 and September 2010.Calculated from monthly BLS LAUS (Local Area Unemployment Statistics) data. 2010 rates 2010 rates 2010 rates 2010 rates 2010 rates Not available
Factors that Influence Volunteer Rates - Foreclosure Rate % of homes that were in some status of foreclosure on September 30.Calculated from data provided by RealtyTrac. Change in rate between 2009 and 2010 Change in rate between 2009 and 2010 Change in rate between 2009 and 2010 Change in rate between 2009 and 2010 Change in rate between 2009 and 2010 Not available