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Export Import Bank of the United States
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Kenneth M. Tinsley

Kenneth M. Tinsley

Senior Vice President of Credit and Risk Management
Export-Import Bank of the United States

As senior vice president of Credit and Risk Management, Kenneth Tinsley is responsible for overseeing risk management including credit underwriting, credit review and compliance, country risk and economic analysis, and engineering and environmental analysis.

Before assuming his current post, Tinsley was vice president of credit underwriting, where he was responsible on a global basis for underwriting all short- and medium-term risk, financial institution credit risk, and select long-term corporate risk for the Bank.

Tinsley came to Ex-Im Bank in 1979 as a loan officer following five years as a commercial banker. His service in a number of Ex-Im Bank divisions has given him experience in all of the lending programs including export credit insurance, working capital loan guarantees, loan guarantees, and direct credits. As a credit officer he has had market responsibility for such diverse areas as Latin America, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa.

In December 1992 Tinsley was appointed managing director of Ex-Im Bank's Buyer Underwriting Department, where he had global responsibility for underwriting the Bank's short-term and medium-term export credit insurance book. In February 1998 he was appointed vice president of the Americas and Western Europe Division, responsible for the processing of medium- and long-term loan guarantees and direct loans for those two regions. Subsequently he was named vice president of the Trade Finance Division, where he served until his appointment as vice president of credit underwriting.

Tinsley holds bachelors and masters degrees in business administration from Howard University in Washington D.C. He and his wife, Ingrid, reside just outside of Washington D.C., in Arlington, Virginia.
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