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Environmental Resources

Tribal Environmental & Natural Resource Assistance Handbook
A handbook that is intended to provide a central location for federal sources of both technical and financial assistance available to Tribes for Environmental Management. Complete with addresses, phone numbers, and websites.

Related Documents
Regulations, Forms, Guidelines, and Sample Documents


Environmental Review Procedures for Entities Assuming HUD Environmental Responsibilities 


Rehabilitation Environmental Review (MS Word)


Statutory Worksheet Instructions


Statutory Worksheet  (MS Word)


Appendix A 2012 (MS Word)


Sample Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Funds (MS Word)


Environmental Contacts List 2012


HUD Region IX Instructions for Completing the Request for Release of Funds and Certification - HUD form 7015.15

Other Resources

 -   A Citzens Guide to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
 -   FEMA Flood Hazard Mapping
 -   Fish & Wildlife Endangered Species
 -   Indian Health Services
 -   Mold Prevention Guide for Residents in Indian
 -   National Lead Assessment and Abatement
Council (NLAAC)
 -   National Register of Historic Places
 -   National Tribal Court Clearinghouse
 -   National Tribal Environmental Council
 -   National Wetlands Inventory
 -   National Wild and Scenic Rivers by state
 -   Native Americans and the Environment
 -   Native American Fish & Wildlife Society
 -   Native American Water Association
 -   NEPA Statute
 -   Sole Source Aquifer
 -   Tribal Historic Preservation Officers

US Environment Protection Agency Resources

 -   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tribal Compliance Assistance Center
 -   Environmental Protection Agency
 -   EPA Superfund Sites
 -   Indian Program
 -   National Environmental Performance Partnership System -
Performance Partnership Grants
 -   Office of Enforcement and Compliance (OECA) Tribal Program Page
 -   Office of Pesticide Programs
 -   Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
 -   State Local and Tribal Environmental Network
 -   Superfund Reforms by Type: State and Tribal Empowerment
 -   Tribal Air site
 -   Waste Management in Indian Country