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Hydraulic Design - Day 2 February 10, 2004 dams.pdf 1

of civilized societies II.A.2: Types of Dams � Gravity � Arch � Eggshell � Multiple arch � Buttress � Earth

E-print Network

Generalised Virasoro algebra for the Type IIA superstring.

We extend Siegel's generalised Virasoro algebra for Type I superstring to Type IIA superstrings. Since the Type IIA superstring can be obtained from the eleven-dimensional supermembrane by dimensional reduction, it is natural to seek a Type IIA Virasoro ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Potentiation of TNF-induced sPLA2-IIA expression in mesangial cells by an autocrine loop involving secreted phospholipase A2 and PPAR activation

Taipan snake venom, bee venom, Naja mossambica mossambica venom and porcine pancreas were obtained that various sPLA2s, including venom enzymes, human sPLA2-IIA, wild-type and catalytically inactive H48Q mutant, Germany), heparinase-1 was from Sigma (Deisenhofen, Germany), and all other chemicals used were from

E-print Network

Edema Toxin Impairs Anthracidal Phospholipase A2 Expression by Alveolar Macrophages

Bacillus anthracis, the etiological agent of anthrax, is a spore-forming Gram-positive bacterium. Infection with this pathogen results in multisystem dysfunction and death. The pathogenicity of B. anthracis is due to the production of virulence factors, including edema toxin (ET). Recently, we established the protective role of type-IIA secreted phospholipase ...

PubMed Central

Angiotensin II type 1-receptor antagonism prevents type IIA secretory phospholipase A2-dependent lipid peroxidation.

Accumulation and modification of low density lipoproteins (LDL) within the vessel wall represent key events in atherogenesis. Secretory phospholipase A2 type IIA (sPLA2-IIA) modulates the enzymatic process of LDL-modification and was recently identified as an independent predictor of coronary ...


Q4B Evaluation and Recommendation of Pharmacopoeial Texts for Use ...

... text from another pharmacopoeia as referenced in section II.A (2.1), in accordance ... The pharmacopoeial texts referenced in section II.A (2.1) of this annex can ...

Center for Drug Evaluation (CDER)

The differential regulation of group II(A) and group V low molecular weight phospholipases A(2) in cultured rat astrocytes.

In astrocytes, cytokines stimulate the release of secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) activity and group II(A) sPLA(2) expression. This paper reports that two sPLA(2) isoforms, group II(A) and group V, are in fact expressed by astrocytes. Our studies showed that tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) enhanced ...


Particle- and Photoinduced Conductivity in Type-IIa Diamonds ...

... Accession Number : ADD854813. Title : Particle- and Photoinduced Conductivity in Type-IIa Diamonds. Descriptive Note : Journal article,. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

25-hydroxycholesterol provokes oligodendrocyte cell line apoptosis and stimulates the secreted phospholipase A2 type IIA via LXR beta and PXR.

In several neurodegenerative diseases of the CNS, oligodendrocytes are implicated in an inflammatory process associated with altered levels of oxysterols and inflammatory enzymes such as secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2). In view of the scarce literature related to this topic, we investigated oxysterol effects on these myelinating glial cells. Natural ...


Cross-Talk between Oxysterols and Glucocorticoids: Differential Regulation of Secreted Phopholipase A2 and Impact on Oligodendrocyte Death

BackgroundOxysterols are oxidized forms of cholesterol. They have been shown to be implicated in cholesterol turnover, inflammation and in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis. Glial cells are targets of oxysterols: they inhibit astrocyte proliferation after brain injury, and we have previously shown that 25-hydroxycholesterol (25OH) provokes ...

PubMed Central

Temperature Dependent Photoconductivity Measurements on ...

... Title : Temperature Dependent Photoconductivity Measurements on Type IIa Diamonds and Polycrystalline Diamond Films. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Diamond and Diamond Films.

... The measurements were compared with the conductivity of two natural type IIa diamonds measured with the same apparatus. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Guidance for Industry

... 2. (2.1.2) The muffle furnace should be appropriately calibrated to ensure compliance ... in section II.A (2.1), in accordance with the conditions set out in this ...

Center for Drug Evaluation (CDER)

Antibacterial properties of chicken intestinal phospholipase A2

BackgroundThe presence of chicken group-IIA PLA2 (ChPLA2-IIA) in the intestinal secretion suggests that this enzyme plays an important role in systemic bactericidal defence. We have analyzed the bactericidal activity of purified ChPLA2-IIA, on several gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria by using the diffusion well and dilution ...

PubMed Central

Quantification of tear proteins and sPLA2-IIa alteration in patients with allergic conjunctivitis

PurposeAllergic conjunctivitis (AC) has been reported to induce the instability of the tear film. The tear protein and the lipid layer play important roles in maintaining the tear film. The aim of this study was to quantify the alteration of the major tear protein components and a lipid related protein secretory type IIa phospholipase ...

PubMed Central



DTIC Science & Technology

Non-Perturbative Corrections in N = 2 Strings

We investigate the non-perturbative equivalence of some heterotic/type IIA dual pairs with N=2 supersymmetry. We compute R2-like corrections, both on the type IIA and on the heterotic side. The coincidence of their perturbative part provides a test of duality. The type IIA ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A bifunctional role for group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 in human rheumatoid fibroblast-like synoviocyte arachidonic acid metabolism.

Human group IIA-secreted phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)-IIA) is an important regulator of cytokine-mediated inflammatory responses in both in vitro and in vivo models of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). However, treatment of RA patients with sPLA(2)-IIA inhibitors shows only transient benefit. Using an ...


Diamond radiation detectors I. Detector properties for IIa diamond.

The detector properties and carrier dynamics of type IIa diamonds are reasonably well understood. The trends in the electron and hole mobilities have been characterized as a function of temperature, impurity content, electric field and carrier density. Th...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)


G1 053 IA1H = A1 054 IA2H = A2 055 IB1H = B1 056 IB2H = B2 057 IC1H = C1 058 IC2H = C2 059 IC3H = C3 060 IC4H = C4 061 ISBH = SB 062 IIA1L = A1 063 IIA2L ...

NASA Website

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Roadmap: Dance � Dance Education � Bachelor of Fine Arts [CA-BFA-DANC-DEDU

DAN 17051 Modern Dance Technique I-A 3 Enrollment based on audition DAN 17052 Ballet I-A 2 Enrollment Modern Dance Technique II-A 3 DAN 27072 Ballet II-A 2 DAN 27074 Dance Composition I 3 DAN Elective II 2 Technique II-B 3 DAN 27172 Ballet II-B 2 DAN 27174 Dance Composition II 2 DAN Elective I ...

E-print Network

Distinctive Immunomodulatory and Inflammatory Properties of the Escherichia coli Type II Heat-Labile Enterotoxin LT-IIa and Its B Pentamer following Intradermal Administration.

The type I and type II heat-labile enterotoxins (LT-I and LT-II) are strong mucosal adjuvants when they are coadministered with soluble antigens. Nonetheless, data on the parenteral adjuvant activities of LT-II are still limited. Particularly, no previous study has evaluated the adjuvant effects and induced inflammatory reactions of LT-II holotoxins or ...


Increased type IIA secretory phospholipase A(2) expression contributes to oxidative stress in end-stage renal disease.

End-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients exhibit increased in vivo oxidative stress conceivably contributing to cardiovascular mortality. The type IIA secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) has proatherogenic activity. We explored the hypothesis that sPLA(2) contributes to oxidative stress generation and endothelial ...


Direct measurement of DNA bending by type IIA topoisomerases: implications for non-equilibrium topology simplification

Type IIA topoisomerases modify DNA topology by passing one segment of duplex DNA (transfer or T�segment) through a transient double-strand break in a second segment of DNA (gate or G�segment) in an ATP-dependent reaction. Type IIA topoisomerases decatenate, unknot and relax supercoiled DNA to levels below ...

PubMed Central


group IIA and group V sPLA2 have been shown to release arachidonic acid (AA) from cell membranes. Intrathecal dialysis and PGE2 assay To assess the release of PGE2 from the lumbar IT space of dialysis tubing. The middle lumen was used for local drug delivery. The probe was implanted as de- scribed

E-print Network

50 CFR 648.53 - Target total allowable catch, DAS allocations, and individual fishing quotas.
2010-10-01 paragraphs (h)(2)(ii)(A) § 648.4(a)(2)(ii)(E), year must have occurred on or before year must have occurred on or before November...pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(E)(1...

Code of Federal Regulations, 2010

Transcriptional regulation of the terephthalate catabolism operon in Comamonas sp. strain E6.

Two almost identical gene clusters, tphR(I)C(I)A2(I)A3(I)B(I)A1(I) and tphR(II)C(II)A2(II)A3(II)B(II)A1(II), are responsible for the conversion of terephthalate (TPA) to protocatechuate in Comamonas sp. strain E6. In the present study, we investigated the transcriptional regulation of the ...


Pure spinor approach to type IIA superstring sigma models and free differential algebras

This paper considers the Free Differential Algebra and rheonomic parametrization of type IIA Supergravity, extended to include the BRS differential and the ghosts. We consider not only the ghosts ?�s of supersymmetry but also the ghosts corresponding to gauge and Lorentz transformations. In this way we can derive not only the BRS transformations of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Thermal Wave Measurement of Isotopic Effects in ...

... Isotopic Effects in Polycrystalline and Bulk Diamond Materials. ... Pagination or Media Count : 6. ... For isotopically enriched (0.1%, 0.5%), type IIA, single ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Study of the Effect of Microgravity on Enzymes - NASA - NSSDC ...

Sep 13, 2011 ... The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of microgravity on 1) metabolic enzymes of type I, IIA, and IIB muscle fibers; ...

NASA Website

Stringy evidence for {ital D}=11 structure in a strongly coupled type-IIA superstring

Witten proposed that the low energy physics of a strongly coupled {ital D}=10 type-IIA superstring may be described by {ital D}=11 supergravity. To explore the stringy aspects of the underlying theory we examine the stringy massive states. We propose a systematic formula for identifying nonperturbative states in {ital D}=10 type-IIA superstring theory, ...

Energy Citations Database

Issues in IIA Uplifting

Moduli stabilization in the type IIA massive string theory so far was achieved only in the AdS vacua. The uplifting to dS vacua has not been performed as yet: neither the analogs of type IIB anti-D3 brane at the tip of the conifold, nor the appropriate D-terms have been identified. The hope was recently expressed that the F-term ...

DOE Information Bridge

Effects of Zero-Gravity Exposure on ... - LSDA - Experiment

Apr 21, 2011 ... Gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) Content Myosin heavy chain (MHC), fast type IIA, tibialis anterior, muscle, rat ...

NASA Website

Branes and N = 1 duality in string theory

We propose a construction of dual pairs in four dimensional N = 1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory using branes in type IIA string theory.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

5 - NASA Technical Reports Server

... Chondrule Glass Alteration in Type IIA Chondrules in the CR2 Chondrites .... Validation of AUTODYN in replicating large-scale planetary impact events; ...

NASA Website

Inhibitory effect of thrombin on the expression of secretory group IIA phospholipase A(2).

It is well known that the expression level of secretory group IIA phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2) -IIA) is elevated in inflammatory diseases and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) up-regulates the expression of sPLA(2) -IIA in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Recently, lower concentration ...


Issues in Type IIA Uplifting.

Moduli stabilization in the type IIA massive string theory so far was achieved only in the AdS vacua. The uplifting to dS vacua has not been performed as yet: neither the analogs of type IIB anti-D3 brane at the tip of the conifold, nor the appropriate D-...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Galilean Type IIA Backgrounds and a Map

We study nonrelativistic AdS4�CP3 solutions with dynamical exponent 3 in type IIA string theory, both with and without Romans mass. The compactifications to four dimensions are found to describe Proca fields in anti-de Sitter spacetime. This leads us to conclude that the massive and massless IIA theories should be identified in four ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

vy2crs03.asc - NSSDC

G1 050 IA1H = A1 051 IA2H = A2 052 IB1H = B1 053 IB2H = B2 054 IC1H = C1 055 IC2H = C2 056 IC3H = C3 057 IC4H = C4 058 ISBH = SB 059 IIA1L = A1 060 IIA2L ...

NASA Website

Comparison of Rat Myosin from Fast and Slow Skeletal Muscle and the Effect of Disuse.

Certain enzymatic and structural features of myosin, purified from rat skeletal muscles representative of the fast twitch glycolytic (type IIb), the fast twitch oxidative (type IIa), and the slow twitch oxidative (type I) fiber, were determined and the re...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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M-theory on Manifolds of G{sub 2} Holonomy and Type IIA Orientifolds

We demonstrate that M-theory compactifications on 7-manifolds of G{sub 2} holonomy, which yield 4d N = 1 supersymmetric systems, often admit at special loci in their moduli space a description as type IIA orientifolds. In this way, we are able to find new dualities of special IIA orientifolds, including dualities which relate ...

DOE Information Bridge

Ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy characterizes chemical vapor deposition diamotmd film growth and oxidation

of fluorescence in the UV-excited Raman spectrum of diamond and CVD diamond films allows Raman spectroscopy of a polished type-IIa gem quality diamond. The Raman spectrum can be separated into three regions based Raman band in the first-order diamond spectrum; for a type-IIa single crystal it has a full width

E-print Network

Temperature Dependence of the Thermal Conductivity of Type IIA Diamond Crystals. (Reannouncement with New Availability Information).

Thermal diffusivities of Type IIA diamond crystals of two isotopic compositions are measured as a function of temperature between 255K and 390K. The results show that the isotopically enriched (0.1% 13C) sample is consistently higher (approximately 50%) t...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Matrix string theory from brane configuration

Configurations of fivebranes, twobranes and fourbranes in type IIA string theory, which give (1+1) dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories in the low energy limit, are constructed. It is shown that these brane configurations are equivalent to a certain class of matrix string theories. This opens up an avenue for the investigation of matrix string ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

M-theory on Manifolds of G(sub 2) Holonomy and Type IIA Orientifolds.

We demonstrate that M-theory compactifications on 7-manifolds of G2 holonomy, which yield 4d N-1 supersymmetric systems, often admit at special loci in their moduli space a description as type IIA orientifolds. In this way, we are able to find new dualiti...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Gauged Six-Dimensional Supergravity from Massive Type IIA String Theory

We obtain the complete nonlinear Kaluza-Klein ansatz for the reduction of the bosonic sector of massive type IIA supergravity to the Romans F(4) gauged supergravity in six dimensions. The latter arises as a consistent warped S{sup 4} reduction. (c) 1999 The American Physical Society.

Energy Citations Database

Exploring Left-Hand-Side substitutions in the benzoxazinone series of 4-amino-piperidine bacterial type IIa topoisomerase inhibitors.

An SAR survey at the C-6 benzoxazinone position of a novel scaffold which inhibits bacterial type IIa topoisomerase demonstrates that a range of small electron donating groups (EDG) and electron withdrawing groups (EWG) are tolerated for antibacterial activity. Cyano was identified as a preferred substituent that affords good antibacterial potency while ...


An M-theory flop as a large N duality

We show how a recently proposed large N duality in the context of type IIA strings with N=1 supersymmetry in 4 dimensions can be derived from purely geometric considerations by embedding type IIA strings in M-theory. The phase structure of M-theory on G{sub 2} holonomy manifolds and an S{sup 3} flop are the key ...

Energy Citations Database

Design of a chimeric promoter induced by pro-inflammatory mediators in articular chondrocytes.

We have designed a chimeric promoter that can be stimulated by various pro-inflammatory mediators and so drive the expression of therapeutic genes under inflammatory conditions. The promoter has two parts, the [-247/+20] fragment of the human type IIA secreted phospholipase A2 gene promoter, which is stimulated by ...


Binding of enzyme IIAGlc, a component of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system, to the Escherichia coli lactose permease.

Enzyme IIA(Glc), encoded by the crr gene of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system, plays an important role in regulating intermediary metabolism in Escherichia coli ("catabolite repression"). One function involves inhibition of inducible transport systems ("inducer exclusion"), and with lactose permease, a galactoside is required for unphosphorylated ...


The Sodium-Dependent Inorganic Phosphate Transporter SLC34A1 (NaPi-IIa) Is Not Localized in the Mouse Brain: A Case of Tissue-Specific Antigenic Cross-Reactivity.

The sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate transporter NaPi-IIa is expressed in the kidney. Here, the authors used a polyclonal antiserum raised against NaPi-IIa- and NaPi-IIa-deficient mice to characterize its expression in nervous tissue. Western blots showed that a NaPi-IIa immunoreactive band (~90 kDa) was only ...


The Eleven-Dimensional Supermembrane Revisited

It is argued that the type IIA 10-dimensional superstring theory is actually a compactified 11-dimensional supermembrane theory in which the fundamental supermembrane is identified with the the solitonic membrane of 11-dimensional supergravity. The charged extreme black holes of the 10-dimensional type IIA string ...

E-print Network

Purification and biochemical characterization of a secreted group IIA chicken intestinal phospholipase A2

BackgroundSecretory phospholipase A2 group IIA (IIA PLA2) is a protein shown to be highly expressed in the intestine of mammals. However, no study was reported in birds.ResultsChicken intestinal group IIA phospholipase A2 ...

PubMed Central

Massive Type II in Double Field Theory

We provide an extension of the recently constructed double field theory formulation of the low-energy limits of type II strings, in which the RR fields can depend simultaneously on the 10-dimensional space-time coordinates and linearly on the dual winding coordinates. For the special case that only the RR one-form of type IIA carries ...

E-print Network

Analysis of Haplotype Structure in the Bovine Major Histocompatibility Complex

The goal of this project was to identify and characterize polymorphic markers spanning regions of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (BoLA) to analyze patterns of genetic variation and haplotype structure across diverse cattle breeds with various breed histories and selection pressures. Genetic markers that demonstrated sufficient levels of polymorphism, locus specificity, Mendelian ...

E-print Network

Immunohistochemical study of collagen types I and II and procollagen IIA in human cartilage repair tissue following autologous chondrocyte implantation.

This study has assessed the relative proportions of type I and II collagens and IIA procollagen in full depth biopsies of repair tissue in a large sample of patients treated with autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). Sixty five full depth biopsies were obtained from knees of 58 patients 8-60 months after treatment by ACI alone (n=55) or in combination ...


The Kaluza Klein Melvin solution in M-theory

We study some aspects of the Kaluza-Klein Melvin solution in M-theory. The associated magnetic field has a maximal critical value B = +/-1/R where R is the radius of the compactification circle. It is argued that the Melvin background of type IIA with magnetic field B and of type 0A with magnetic field B' = B-1/R are equivalent. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Class IIa histone deacetylases are hormone-activated regulators of FOXO and mammalian glucose homeostasis.

Class IIa histone deacetylases (HDACs) are signal-dependent modulators of transcription with established roles in muscle differentiation and neuronal survival. We show here that in liver, class IIa HDACs (HDAC4, 5, and 7) are phosphorylated and excluded from the nucleus by AMPK family kinases. In response to the fasting hormone glucagon, class ...


Class IIa histone deacetylases: conducting development and differentiation.

The emergence of specialized cell types and their organisation into organs and tissues involve the temporal modulation of many genes that are essential for coordinating the correct timing of instructive signals. These transcriptional changes are orchestrated with a precision that reminds that of a classical symphony. Extracellular signals are transmitted to key integrators, ...


Conduction in ion implanted single crystal diamond.

We have implanted sodium, phosphorus and arsenic into single crystal type IIa diamond as possible n-type dopants. Particular emphasis was applied to the implantation of sodium at different temperatures and doses; combined implantation energies of 55,80 an...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

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################ NORDITA�2000/125 HE

(y ff ; x fi ). In the light of the previously defined algebraic dictionary, different microscopic and can be thought of as relating two different descriptions of the same theory, namely the type IIA limit in terms of bound states of D--branes wrapped on T 6 . On the type IIB front the microscopic

E-print Network

Enhanced antigen uptake by dendritic cells induced by the B pentamer of the type II heat-labile enterotoxin LT-IIa requires engagement of TLR2

The potent mucosal adjuvant properties of the type II heat-labile enterotoxin LT-IIa of Escherichia coli are dependent upon binding of the B pentamer of the enterotoxin (LT-IIa-B5) to ganglioside receptors on immunocompetent cells. To evaluate the immunomodulatory activities of ...

PubMed Central

Tightening of DNA knots by supercoiling facilitates their unknotting by type II DNA topoisomerases

Using numerical simulations, we compare properties of knotted DNA molecules that are either torsionally relaxed or supercoiled. We observe that DNA supercoiling tightens knotted portions of DNA molecules and accentuates the difference in curvature between knotted and unknotted regions. The increased curvature of knotted regions is expected to make them preferential substrates of ...

PubMed Central

Regulation of the raffinose permease of Escherichia coli by the glucose-specific enzyme IIA of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system.

In enteric bacteria, chromosomally encoded permeases specific for lactose, maltose, and melibiose are allosterically regulated by the glucose-specific enzyme IIA of the phosphotransferase system. We here demonstrate that the plasmid-encoded raffinose permease of enteric bacteria is similarly subject to this type of inhibition.

PubMed Central

Eccentric contraction-induced injury to type I, IIa, and IIa/IIx muscle fibers of elderly adults

Muscles of old laboratory rodents experience exaggerated force losses after eccentric contractile activity. We extended this line of inquiry to humans and investigated the influence of fiber myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform content on the injury process. Skinned muscle fiber segments, prepared from ...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

Compensatory regulation of the sodium/phosphate cotransporters NaPi-IIc (SCL34A3) and Pit-2 (SLC20A2) during Pi deprivation and acidosis.

The role of four Pi transporters in the renal handling of Pi was analyzed using functional and molecular methods. The abundance of NaPi-IIa, NaPi-IIc, and Pit-2 was increased by 100% in kidney from rats on a 0.1% Pi diet, compared to a 0.6% Pi diet. Pit-1 was not modified. Type II-mediated Pi uptake in Xenopus oocytes increased as the pH of the uptake ...


Aspects of superstring compactification on (2,2) vacua

Compactification form ten to four dimensions for the point field limit of the type IIA and IIB superstring theories is investigated. Initially an SU(3) invariant reduction of the type IIB supergravity theory is performed and compared to a similar reduction of the type IIA theory to give an ...

Energy Citations Database

University Board of Trustees

Opportunity Affairs College of Visual and Performing Arts School of Architecture Florida Mental Health Officer St. Petersburg Campus Executive Officer Sarasota/ Manatee Campus Executive Officer Lakeland Division of University Services Campus Boards Exhibit II.A.2.a. #12;University of South Florida College

E-print Network

Roadmap: Dance � Performance � Bachelor of Fine Arts [CA-BFA-DANC-DPER

Dance Technique II-A 3 Enrollment based on audition; see note on page 2 DAN 17052 Ballet I-A or DAN 37067 Ballet III-A 2 Enrollment based on audition; see note below DAN 27071 Modern Dance Technique II: Minimum eight semesters of modern dance, eight semesters of ballet and successful completion of the III

E-print Network

7 CFR 457.143 - Northern potato crop insurance-quality endorsement.

...after the end of the insurance period and a grade inspection completed within 21 days of sampling) and are damaged by freeze or tuber rot will be divided by the total sample weight; (B) The percentage determined in section 5(a)(2)(ii)(A)...

Code of Federal Regulations, 2010

Promiscuous and reversible blocker of presynaptic calcium channels in frog and crayfish neuromuscular junctions from Phoneutria nigriventer spider venom.

Peptide channel blockers found in venoms of many predators are useful pharmacological tools and potential therapeutic agents. The venom of the Brazilian spider Phoneutria nigriventer contains a fraction, omega-phonetoxin-IIA (omega-Ptx-IIA, 8360 MW), which blocks Ca2+ channels. At frog neuromuscular junctions (NMJ) bathed in normal Ca2+ (1.8 mM) saline, ...


TLR2-dependent modulation of dendritic cells by LT-IIa-B5, a novel mucosal adjuvant derived from a type II heat-labile enterotoxin.

A host of human pathogens invades the body at mucosal surfaces. Yet, strong, protective mucosal immune responses directed against those pathogens routinely cannot be induced without the use of adjuvants. Although the strongest mucosal adjuvants are members of the family of HLTs, the inherent toxicities of HLT holotoxins preclude their clinical use. Herein, it is shown that ...


Classification of the uptake hydrogenase-positive (Hup+) bean rhizobia as Rhizobium tropici.

Phenotypic and genetic characterization indicated that Hup+ bean rhizobial strains are type IIA and type IIB Rhizobium tropici. The Hup+ strain USDA 2840, which did not cluster with either of the two types of R. tropici in a restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, had electrophoretic patterns of PCR ...

PubMed Central

The Effects of Endurance, Strength, and Power Training on Muscle Fiber Type Shifting.

Muscle fibers are generally fractionated into type I, IIA, and IIX fibers. Type I fibers are specialized for long duration contractile activities and are found in abundance in elite endurance athletes. Conversely type IIA, and IIX fibers facilitate short duration anaerobic activities and are ...


Enzyme- and immunohistochemical aspects of skeletal muscle fibers in brown bear (Ursus arctos).

To further elucidate the pattern of MHC isoform expression in skeletal muscles of large mammals, in this study the skeletal muscles of brown bear, one of the largest mammalian predators with an extraordinary locomotor capacity, were analyzed. Fiber types in longissimus dorsi, triceps brachii caput longum, and rectus femoris muscles were determined according to the myofibrillar ...


The immunoglobulin-like domains 1 and 2 of the protein tyrosine phosphatase LAR adopt an unusual horseshoe-like conformation.

Neurogenesis depends on exquisitely regulated interactions between macromolecules on the cell surface and in the extracellular matrix. In particular, interactions between proteoglycans and members of the type IIa subgroup of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases underlie crucial developmental processes such as the formation of synapses at the ...


The effect of D-thyroxine on lipoprotein lipids and apolipoproteins in primary type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia.

The effect of 3 months' treatment with D-thyroxine on the lipoprotein lipids and apolipoproteins AI and B was investigated in 12 patients with type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia. VLDL, LDL and HDL were separated by preparative ultracentrifugation. Both apolipoproteins were measured in serum by electroimmunoassay procedures with monospecific antisera. There was ...


Pure spinor superstrings on generic type IIA supergravity backgrounds

We derive the Free Differential Algebra for type IIA supergravity in 10 dimensions in the string frame. We provide all fermionic terms for all curvatures. We derive the Green-Schwarz sigma model for type IIA superstring based on the FDA construction and we check its invariance under ?-symmetry. Finally, we derive ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Giant gravitons in a type IIA pp-wave background

We examine giant gravitons with a world volume magnetic flux q in a type IIA pp-wave background and find that they can move away from the origin along the x4 direction in target space satisfying Rx4=-q. This nontrivial relation can be regarded as a complementary relation of the giant graviton on a type IIA pp wave ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Solution NMR Structures of Productive and Non-productive Complexes between the A and B Domains of the Cytoplasmic Subunit of the Mannose Transporter of the Escherichia coli Phosphotransferase System*

Solution structures of complexes between the isolated A (IIAMan) and B (IIBMan) domains of the cytoplasmic component of the mannose transporter of Escherichia coli have been solved by NMR. The complex of wild-type IIAMan and IIBMan is a ...

PubMed Central

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Mucosal Adjuvant Properties of Mutant LT-IIa and LT-IIb Enterotoxins That Exhibit Altered Ganglioside-Binding Activities

LT-IIa and LT-IIb, the type II heat-labile enterotoxins of Escherichia coli, are closely related in structure and function to cholera toxin and LT-I, the type I heat-labile enterotoxins of Vibrio cholerae and E. coli, respectively. Recent studies from our group demonstrated that LT-IIa and LT-IIb are potent ...

PubMed Central

Thermal regenerated type IIa fiber Bragg gratings for ultra-high temperature operation

Thermally regenerated fiber Bragg gratings written in photosensitive fibers with nanosecond laser pulses without hydrogen loading have been shown to become temperature stable up to 600 �C. In this paper, we give an experimental analysis of the refractive index development for fabricating the gratings and for the thermal regeneration process. Furthermore, we identify a thermal induced ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mouse transgenic lines that selectively label Type I, Type IIA and Types IIX+B skeletal muscle fibers.

Skeletal muscle fibers vary in contractile and metabolic properties. Four main fiber types are present in mammalian trunk and limb muscles; they are called I, IIA, IIX and IIB, ranging from slowest- to fastest-contracting. Individual muscles contain stereotyped proportions of two or more fiber types. Fiber type is ...


Immunohistochemical analysis of the human psoas major muscle with regards to the body side and aging.

The aim of our study was to explore the age related changes of the fibre type composition of the human psoas major muscle. Moreover, we wanted to compare the fibre type composition of the left and right muscle. Muscle samples were collected from 15 young and 15 old males. Type I, IIA and IIX muscle fibres were ...


Mutations responsible for MYH9-related thrombocytopenia impair SDF-1-driven migration of megakaryoblastic cells.

MYH9-related disease (MYH9-RD) is an autosomal-dominant thrombocytopenia caused by mutations in the gene for the heavy chain of non-muscle myosin-IIA (NMMHC-IIA). Recent in vitro studies led to the hypothesis that thrombocytopenia of MYH9-RD derives from an ectopic platelet release by megakaryocytes in the osteoblastic areas of bone marrow (BM), which ...


Analysis of different complexes of type IIa sodium-dependent phosphate transporter in rat renal cortex using blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

Type IIa sodium-dependent phosphate transporter (NaPi-IIa) can be localized in the apical plasma membrane of renal proximal tubule to carry out a rate-limiting step of phosphate reabsorption. For the apical localization, NaPi-IIa is required to form a macromolecular complex with some adaptor proteins such as ...


Characterization of antigen-presenting cells induced by intragastric immunization with recombinant chimeric immunogens constructed from Streptococcus mutans AgI/II and type I or type II heat-labile enterotoxins.

Intragastric (i.g.) immunization with recombinant chimeric proteins constructed from the saliva-binding region (SBR) of Streptococcus mutans surface antigen AgI/II and the A2/B subunits of enterobacterial heat-labile enterotoxins has been successfully used to induce salivary and circulating antibodies against S.�mutans that have protective potential against dental caries. To investigate the mode ...


Two-dimensional mirror symmetry from M-theory

We construct two-dimensional gauge theories with N= (4,4) supersymmetry from branes of type IIA string theory. Quantum effects in the two-dimensional gauge theory are analyzed by embedding the IIA brane construction into M-theory. We find that the Coulomb branch of one theory and the Higgs branch of a mirror theory become equivalent at ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Supertubes and Superconducting Membranes

We show the equivalence between configurations that arise from string theory of type IIA, called supertubes, and superconducting membranes at the bosonic level. We find equilibrium and oscillating configurations for a tubular membrane carrying a current along its axis.

Energy Citations Database

Stringy Quantum Hall Fluid.

Using branes in massive Type IIA string theory, and a novel decoupling limit, we provide an explicit correspondence between non-commutative Chern-Simons theory and the fractional quantum Hall fluid. The role of the electrons is played by D-particles, the ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Simple de Sitter Solutions.

We present a framework for de Sitter model building in type IIA string theory, illustrated with specific examples. We find metastable dS minima of the potential for moduli obtained from a compactification on a product of two Nil three-manifolds (which hav...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Nucleation Behavior of Oxygen-Acetylene Torch-Produced Diamond Films

ZnSe zinc selenide. LIST OF ACRONYMS AND SYMBOLS (Continued) ...... As the temperature rises, the contribution of SB rises and, therefore, Gibbs free energy (G) ...... Boron-doped homoepitaxial crystals grown on {100} faces of type IIa ...

NASA Website

First Order Raman Spectrum of Diamond at High Temperatures.

Measurements of the first order Raman spectrum in natural type IIa diamond for the temperature range of 293 K to 1850 K are presented. Both the stokes and anti-Stokes components are analyzed for their intensity, Raman shift, and width variation with tempe...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Dynamics of the probe brane in the background of intersecting five-branes

This paper is devoted to the study of the dynamics of the Dp-branes, F-strings and M-branes in the background of the system of two stacks of five-branes in type IIA, IIB, and M theory that intersect on the line.

Energy Citations Database

Activity-Dependent Signaling Pathways Controlling Muscle Diversity and Plasticity - Figure 2: Muscle plasticity in adult and developing skeletal muscle

FIGURE 2. Muscle plasticity in adult and developing skeletal muscle. A: changes in MHC composition induced by inactivity and fast-type activity in slow skeletal muscle. Sections of control, denervated, and stimulated rat soleus muscles were stained with antibodies specific for type I (slow), all type II, type ...

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Topoisomerase II alpha: prognostic predictor and cell cycle marker in surface epithelial neoplasms of the ovary and peritoneum.

Immunohistochemistry for Topoisomerase II alpha (TopoIIa), a nuclear protein important for the separation of chromosomes and deoxyribonucleic acid replication, provides insight into the molecular events in the cell cycle and the response to chemotherapeutic agents, which target TopoIIa. We test the hypothesis that the percentage of ...


LT-IIc, a New Member of the Type II Heat-Labile Enterotoxin Family Encoded by an Escherichia coli Strain Obtained from a Nonmammalian Host ?

Two families of bacterial heat-labile enterotoxins (HLTs) have been described: the type I HLTs are comprised of cholera toxin (CT) of Vibrio cholerae, LT-I of Escherichia coli, and several related HLTs; the type II HLTs are comprised of LT-IIa and LT-IIb. Herein, we report LT-IIc, a new type II HLT encoded from an ...

PubMed Central

Isoelectric focusing of human von Willebrand factor in urea-agarose gels

An analytical technique has been developed for the isoelectric focusing (IEF) of plasma von Willebrand factor (vWF) in agarose gels containing urea. Under these conditions, vWF freely enters the gel and focuses without artifact. The focused vWF is visualized by staining fixed gels with /sup 125/I-labeled affinity-purified heterologous antibody. Utilizing a pH gradient of 5.0-6.5, normal vWF in ...

Energy Citations Database

The roles of sPLA2-IIA (Pla2g2a) in cancer of the small and large intestine.

The mouse secretory phospholipase A2 group IIA (sPLA2-IIA) gene Pla2g2a has been identified as a susceptibility gene for cancer of the small and large intestine. Interestingly, unlike most previously identified tumor susceptibility genes, Pla2g2a does not behave like a classical oncogene or tumor suppressor gene. ...


On superembedding approach to multiple D-brane system. D0 story

We develop superembedding approach to multiple D-particle (D0-brane) system. In flat target D=10 type IIA superspace this produces the supersymmetric and Lorentz covariant version of the Matrix model equations. The equations following from our superembedding approach to multiple D0 in curved type IIA superspace ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Moduli Potentials in Type IIA Compactifications with RR and NS Flux

We describe a simple class of type IIA string compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds where background fluxes generate a potential for the complex structure moduli, the dilaton, and the Kaehler moduli. This class of models corresponds to gauged {Nu} = 2 supergravities, and the potential is completely determined by a choice of gauging and by data of the ...

DOE Information Bridge

Phosphate transport in the kidney.

In kidneys of mammals, filtered phosphate ions (Pi) are reabsorbed along the proximal tubules. Transcellular transport of phosphate is initiated by several apically localized sodium-dependent Pi cotransporters (Na/Pi-cotransporters) that belong to the SLC 20 (SLC20A2) and 34 (SLC34A1, SLC34A3) families. Apical abundance of these Na/Pi-cotransporters is ...


Hall Effect Thruster Interactions Data From the Russian Express-A2 ...

Hall Effect Thruster Interactions Data From the Russian. Express-A2 and Express- A3 Satellites. Acquire TM-Data for Type A and Type B Sensors for "Express-A" ...

NASA Website

Fe-Mn systematics of type IIA chondrules in unequilibrated CO, CR, and ordinary chondrites

We have examined Fe/Mn systematics of 34 type IIA chondrules in eight highly unequilibrated CO, CR, and ordinary chondrites using new data from this study and prior studies from our laboratory. Olivine grains from type IIA chondrules in CO chondrites and unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOC) have significantly ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Direct measurement of DNA bending by type IIA topoisomerases: implications for non-equilibrium topology simplification.

Type IIA topoisomerases modify DNA topology by passing one segment of duplex DNA (transfer or T-segment) through a transient double-strand break in a second segment of DNA (gate or G-segment) in an ATP-dependent reaction. Type IIA topoisomerases decatenate, unknot and relax supercoiled DNA to levels below ...


Rational solutions of the Sasano system of type A(2)4

In this paper we completely classify the rational solutions of the Sasano system of type A(2)4, which is given by the coupled Painlev� II system. This system of differential equations has the affine Weyl group symmetry of type A(2)4.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

EPR study of the Fe+(IIa) centre in chlorinated SrCl2:Fe crystals

A new electron trapped Fe+-type centre produced in SrCl2:Fe single crystals grown in chlorine atmosphere and X-ray irradiated at 80 K has been analysed using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). The Fe+(IIa) centre (S = 1/2) exhibits monoclinic local symmetry with the two g-tensor principal axes in a {110} plane being slightly tilted away from ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Antiplasmodial and Antitrypanosomal Activity of Tanshinone-Type Diterpenoids from Salvia miltiorrhiza.

In a medium throughput screen of 880 plant and fungal extracts for antiprotozoal activity, a dichloromethane extract of SALVIA MILTIORRHIZA roots was active against both TRYPANOSOMA BRUCEI RHODESIENSE and PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM. With HPLC-based activity profiling in combination with on- and off-line spectroscopic methods (PDA, -MS (n), HR-MS, microprobe NMR), the active compounds were identified ...


Investigating Inflation in Type IIA

We prove that inflation is forbidden in the most well understood class of semi-realistic type IIA string compactifications: Calabi-Yau compactifications with only standard NS-NS 3-form flux, R-R fluxes, D6-branes and O6-planes at large volume and small string coupling. With these ingredients, the first slow-roll parameter satisfies {epsilon} {ge} 27/13 ...

Energy Citations Database

Type II Secretory Phospholipase A2 and Prognosis in Patients with Stable Coronary Heart Disease: Mendelian Randomization Study

BackgroundSerum type II secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2-IIa) has been found to be predictive of adverse outcomes in patients with stable coronary heart disease. Compounds targeting sPLA2-IIa are already under development. This study investigated if an association of ...

PubMed Central

Hyperbaric Oxygen Exposure Reduces Age-Related Decrease in Oxidative Capacity of the Tibialis Anterior Muscle in Mice

The effects of exposure to hyperbaric oxygen on the oxidative capacity of the skeletal muscles in mice at different ages were investigated. We exposed 5-, 34-, 55-, and 88-week-old mice to 36% oxygen at 950?mmHg for 6 hours per day for 2 weeks. The activities of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), which is a mitochondrial marker enzyme, of the tibialis anterior muscle in hyperbaric mice were compared ...

PubMed Central

A torsion correction to the RR 4-form fieldstrength

The shifted quantization condition of the M-theory 4-form G4 is well-known. The most naive generalization to type-IIA string theory fails, an orientifold fourplane counterexample was found by Hori in [1]. In this note we use D2-brane anomaly cancellation to find the corresponding shifted quantitization condition in IIA. Our analysis is consistent with the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Two Functional S100A4 Monomers Are Necessary for Regulating Nonmuscle Myosin-IIA and HCT116 Cell Invasion.

S100A4, a member of the Ca(2+)-activated S100 protein family, regulates the motility and invasiveness of cancer cells. Moreover, high S100A4 expression levels correlate with poor patient survival in several cancers. Although biochemical, biophysical, and structural data indicate that S100A4 is a noncovalent dimer, it is unknown if two functional S100A4 monomers are required for the productive ...


Secreted PLA2 induces proliferation in astrocytoma through the EGF receptor: another inflammation-cancer link

We have investigated mechanisms that contribute to reinforce the relationship between inflammation and cancer. Secreted phospholipase A2 group IIA (sPLA2-IIA) is a molecule relevant in inflammatory events and has been proposed as a marker for some of these. Previously, we reported the mitogenic properties of ...

PubMed Central

Inducer exclusion by glucose 6-phosphate in Escherichia coli.

The main mechanism causing catabolite repression by glucose and other carbon sources transported by the phosphotransferase system (PTS) in Escherichia coli involves dephosphorylation of enzyme IIA(Glc) as a result of transport and phosphorylation of PTS carbohydrates. Dephosphorylation of enzyme IIA(Glc) leads to 'inducer exclusion': inhibition of ...


Nanostructured lipid carriers as delivery system for the phopholipase A2 inhibitors PX-18 and PX-13 for dermal application.

PX-18 and PX-13 are secretory phospholipase A2-IIA (sPLA2-IIA) inhibitors. An increased expression of sPLA2 in psoriatic skin has been reported. The selective inhibition of this enzyme is a new therapeutic approach. For dermal application PX-18 and PX-13 have been loaded to Nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC). The ...


Roadmap: Dance � Dance Education � Bachelor of Fine Arts [CA-BFA-DANC-DEDU

17151 Modern Dance Technique I-B 3 Enrollment based on audition DAN 17152 Ballet I-B 2 Enrollment based 27072 Ballet II-A 2 DAN 27074 Dance Composition I 3 DAN 37192 Dance Practicum 1 DAN Elective II 2 See DAN 27172 Ballet II-B 2 DAN 27174 Dance Composition II 2 DAN Elective I 1 See note 1 on page 3 ITEC

E-print Network

Type IIA photosensitivity and formation of pores in optical fibers under intense ultraviolet irradiation

Formation of the type IIA Bragg gratings in germanosilicate optical fibers is studied. We report the observation of such a type of gratings in the standard single-mode fiber (Corning SMF-28) under different experimental conditions. A mechanism for the type IIA photosensitivity in optical fibers ...

Energy Citations Database

Specific Contact Resistance Measurements of Ohmic Contacts to Diamond. (Reannouncement with New Availability Information).

We have demonstrated the applicability of the specific contact resistance measurement scheme of Reeves to semiconducting diamond. Four sample types were used: highly doped epitaxial films on and type IIa substrates; a type IIb diamond 0.25...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Skeletal muscle fibre types in the dog.

Using a variety of histochemical methods we have investigated the mATPase reaction of skeletal muscle fibres in the dog. Types I, IIA, IIDog (peculiar to the dog) and IIC fibres were identified. The results reveal that the interpretation of the fibre type composition depends on the methods used.ImagesFig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 3Fig. 4

PubMed Central

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################ Revised Version

supersymmetric string theories in pairs: heterotic E 8 #2;E 8 and Spin(32)=Z 2 , type IIA and type IIB, or type IB symmetry in String/M Theory. What this means is that, in general, a T-duality transformation on an embedding spacetime coordinate maps a given background of String/M theory to a di#11;erent background ...

E-print Network

Diamond radiation detector made of an ultrahigh-purity type IIa diamond crystal grown by high-pressure and high-temperature synthesis

Synthetic diamond radiation detectors made of ultrahigh-purity type IIa diamond crystals were developed. The diamond crystals, which were grown by high-pressure and high-temperature synthesis, contained less nitrogen impurity than 0.1 ppm, i.e., 1/10 of conventional type IIa diamond crystals. Since the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Surgery or radiation therapy for Stage I and IIA carcinoma of the cervix

The choice of treatment in carcinoma of the cervix is best decided after careful individual appraisal has been carried out. For best results, a long-term view must be agreed upon initially and careful followup by the same team is obligatory. At present, surgery, radiation therapy, and a combination of these two modalities have been employed successfully to manage carcinoma of the cervix. To a ...

Energy Citations Database

Reactive codoping of GaAlInP compound semiconductors

A GaAlInP compound semiconductor and a method of producing a GaAlInP compound semiconductor are provided. The apparatus and method comprises a GaAs crystal substrate in a metal organic vapor deposition reactor. Al, Ga, In vapors are prepared by thermally decomposing organometallic compounds. P vapors are prepared by thermally decomposing phospine gas, group II vapors are prepared by thermally ...

DOE Information Bridge

On the String Interpretation of M(atrix) Theory

It has been proposed recently that, in the framework of M(atrix) theory, N = 8 supersymmetric U(N) Yang-Mills theory in 1+1 dimensions (SYM 1+1 ) gives rise to type IIA long string configurations. We point out that the quantum moduli space of SYM 1+1 gives rise to two quantum numbers, which fit very well into the M(atrix) theory. The two quantum numbers ...

E-print Network

Trigger Pull Testing M16A2 Rifle and M4 Carbine

Page 1. ,- TRIGGER PULL TESTING ... 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED Final Report Trigger Pull Testing, M16A2 Rifle & M4 Carbine ...

DTIC Science & Technology

10 CFR 71.51 - Additional requirements for Type B packages.

...Krypton-85, an effective A2 value equal to 10 A2 may be used. (c) Compliance with the permitted activity release limits of paragraph (a) of this section may not depend on filters or on a mechanical cooling system. (d) For...

Code of Federal Regulations, 2010

Use of Fluorescence-activated Vesicle Sorting for Isolation of Naked2-associated, Basolaterally Targeted Exocytic Vesicles for Proteomics Analysis*S?

By interacting with the cytoplasmic tail of a Golgi-processed form of transforming growth factor-? (TGF?), Naked2 coats TGF?-containing exocytic vesicles and directs them to the basolateral corner of polarized epithelial cells where the vesicles dock and fuse in a Naked2 myristoylation-dependent manner. These TGF?-containing Naked2-associated vesicles are not directed to the subapical Sec6/8 ...

PubMed Central

Relationship of IgG and IgM autoantibodies and immune complexes to oxidized low density lipoprotein with markers of oxidation and inflammation and cardiovascular events: Results from the EPIC-Norfolk Study.

Levels of IgG and IgM autoantibodies (AA) to malondialdehyde(MDA)-LDL and apolipoprotein (apo)B-immune complexes (IC) were measured in 748 cases and 1723 controls in the EPIC-Norfolk cohort and their association to CAD events determined. We evaluated whether AA and IC modify CAD risk associated with secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) ...


Effects of starch synthase IIa gene dosage on grain, protein and starch in endosperm of wheat.

Starch synthases (SS) are responsible for elongating the alpha-1,4 glucan chains of starch. A doubled haploid population was generated by crossing a line of wheat, which lacks functional ssIIa genes on each genome (abd), and an Australian wheat cultivar, Sunco, with wild type ssIIa alleles on each genome (ABD). Evidence has been ...


PTH-induced internalization of a type IIa Na/Pi cotransporter in OK-cells.

Regulatory phenomena in brush border membrane sodium/phosphate (Na/Pi) cotransport are directly related to the type IIa Na/Pi-cotransporter and can be analyzed in opossum kidney cells (OK-cells). Parathyroid hormone (PTH) leads to a decreased expression of the type IIa Na/Pi-cotransporter protein at the apical cell ...


Regulation of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in activated alveolar type II cells

The biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine was studied in a population of activated Type II cells isolated from the lungs of rats treated with silica. Type II cells were separated by centrifugal elutriation into two populations, designated Type IIA and Type IIB. The Type IIB ...

Energy Citations Database

Effects of Al and Ti/Cu on Synthesis of Type-IIa Diamond Crystals in Ni70Mn25Co5-C System at HPHT

High-quality type-Ma gem diamond crystals are successfully synthesized in a Ni70Mn25 C05-C system by temperature gradient method (TGM) at about 5.5 GPa and 1560 K. Al and Ti/Cu are used as nitrogen getters respectively. While nitrogen getter Al or Ti/Cu is added into the synthesis system, some inclusions and caves tend to be introduced into the crystals. When Al is added into ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Purification and characterization of aminoglycoside 3'-phosphotransferase type IIa and kinetic comparison with a new mutant enzyme.

Aminoglycoside 3'-phosphotransferase [APH(3')s] provide an important means for high-level resistance to neomycin- and kanamycin-type aminoglycoside antibiotics. A four-step purification which affords milligram quantities of homogeneous APH(3') type IIa [APH(3')-IIa] is described. The kinetic parameters for the ...

PubMed Central

Oscilloscope, 647 Dual-Trace Preamplifier, Type 10A2 Time Base, Type 11B1 (Tektronix).

The procedure describes the calibration of the Tektronix 647 oscilloscope with the Tektronix type 10A2 dualtrace preamplifier and type 11B1 time base installed. This combination provides a broadband laboratory oscilloscope, with a calibrated main sweep, s...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

The secretory phospholipase A2 group IIA: a missing link between inflammation, activated renin-angiotensin system, and atherogenesis?

Inflammation, lipid peroxidation and chronic activation of the rennin � angiotensin system (RAS) are hallmarks of the development of atherosclerosis. Recent studies have suggested the involvement of the pro-inflammatory secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2)-IIA in atherogenesis. This enzyme is produced by different cell ...

PubMed Central

The effective action of D6-branes in mathcal{N} = 1 type IIA orientifolds

We use a Kaluza-Klein reduction to compute the low-energy effective action for the massless modes of a spacetime-filling D6-brane wrapped on a special Lagrangian 3-cycle of a type IIA Calabi-Yau orientifold. The modifications to the characteristic data of the mathcal{N} = 1 bulk orientifold theory in the presence of a D6-brane are analysed by studying the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Protein Kinase D controls voluntary running induced skeletal muscle remodeling.

Skeletal muscle responds to exercise by activation of signaling pathways that coordinate gene expression to sustain muscle performance. MEF2-dependent transcriptional activation of myosin heavy chain (MHC) genes promotes the transformation from fast-twitch into slow-twitch fibers, with MEF2 activity being tightly regulated by interaction with class IIa HDACs. Protein kinase D ...


Perturbative vacua from IIB matrix model

It has not been clarified whether a matrix model can describe various vacua of string theory. In this Letter, we show that the IIB matrix model includes type IIA string theory. In the naive large N limit of the IIB matrix model, configurations consisting of simultaneously diagonalizable matrices form a moduli space, although the unique vacuum would be ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Perturbative Vacua from Iib Matrix Model

It has not been clarified whether a matrix model can describe various vacua of string theory. In this talk, we show that the IIB matrix model includes type IIA string theory1. In the naive large N limit of the IIB matrix model, configurations consisting of simultaneously diagonalizable matrices form a moduli space, although the unique vacuum would be ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Evidence for vacancy-interstitial pairs in Ib-type diamond

Diamonds containing nitrogen in different forms have been irradiated by 3-MeV electrons or {sup 60}Co gamma photons and characterized by optical absorption (OA) and electron spin resonance (ESR). An unusually low production rate of vacancies (V) and interstitials (I) was observed in gamma-irradiated Ib-type diamonds (those containing isolated nitrogen) and pure ...

Energy Citations Database

Complete urethral duplication: Description of surgical approach mimicking distal epispadias repair.

OBJECTIVE: To present two cases of type IIA urethral duplication and propose a reproducible surgical approach. METHODS: Two cases are presented in this report. The first was a male child with a type IIA1 urethral duplication with two urethral channels arising from the bladder through separate bladder necks coursing ...


Biological and docking studies of topoisomerase IV inhibition by thiosemicarbazides.

4-Benzoyl-1-(4-methyl-imidazol-5-yl)-carbonylthiosemicarbazide (1) was synthesized, and its antibacterial and type IIA topoisomerase (DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV) activity evaluated. (1) was found to have high therapeutic potential against opportunistic Gram-positive bacteria, and inhibitory activity against topoisomerase IV (IC(50)?=?90�?M) but not ...


Electron Channeling Radiation from Diamonds with and Without Platelets.

Channeling-radiation spectra produced by planar-channeled, 30.5- MeV electrons in Type-Ia and Type-IIa natural diamonds have been measured and are compared with previous results for 54.5-MeV electrons. Because of the presence of platelets precipitated alo...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Effects of major tanshinones isolated from Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) on rat CYP1A2 expression and metabolism of model CYP1A2 probe substrates.

This study explored the effects of Danshen on metabolism/pharmacokinetics of model CYP1A2 substrates and hepatic CYP1A2 expression in rats. The effects of Danshen and tanshinones on CYP1A2 activity was determined by metabolism of model substrates in vitro (phenacetin) and in vivo (caffeine). HPLC was used to ...


The influence of brain inflammation upon neuronal adenosine A2B receptors

The influence of brain inflammation upon neuronal adenosine A2B receptors Susanna Rosi, Kristin Mc results suggest that anti-inflammatory therapies can slow the onset of AD. Adenosine, acting at type-2 for adenosine A2B receptors in the cortex. Daily administration of HCT1026, but not ...

E-print Network

The appearance of truncated cyclin A2 correlates with differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.

The presence of a form of cyclin A2 with an N-terminal truncation has recently been reported in various murine cell lines and tissues. The truncated cyclin A2 binds to and activates the cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2). However, CDK2 bound by the truncated cyclin A2 is ...


The effect of beta-pyridylcarbinol on lipoprotein lipids in primary type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia.

The effect of long-term treatment over 6 months with beta-pyridylcarbinol on the lipoprotein lipids was investigated in 12 patients with primary type IIa hyperlipoproteinemia. VLDL, LDL and HDL were separated by preparative ultracentrifugation. There was a significant decrease of serum cholesterol and phospholipids. The normal serum triglycerides were ...


String duality and modular forms

Tests of duality between heterotic strings on K3 � T2 (restricted on certain Narain moduli subspaces) and type IIA strings on K3-fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds are attempted in the weak coupling regime on the heterotic side by identifying pertinent modular forms related to the computations of string threshold corrections. Concretely we discuss in parallel ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Spinning and rotating strings for N=1 SYM theory and brane constructions

We obtain spinning and rotating closed string solutions in AdS5 � T1,1 background, and show how these solutions can be mapped onto rotating closed strings embedded in configurations of intersecting branes in type IIA string theory. Then, we discuss spinning closed string solutions in the UV limit of the Klebanov-Tseytlin background, and also properties ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Note about unstable M3-brane action

We construct an action for an unstable M3-brane in M theory. We argue that, in order to find M3-brane action that upon direct dimensional reduction leads to non-Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield D3-brane action in type IIA theory, we have to presume that the background possesses Killing isometry and that this isometry has to be gauged on the world ...

Energy Citations Database

Mirror Symmetry for Open Strings

The authors discuss the generation of superpotentials in d = 4, N = 1 supersymmetric field theories arising from type IIA D6-branes wrapped on supersymmetric three-cycles of a Calabi-Yau threefold. In general, nontrivial superpotentials arise from sums over disc instantons. They then find several examples of special Lagrangian three-cycles with nontrivial ...

DOE Information Bridge

Exploiting N=2 in consistent coset reductions of type IIA

We study compactifications of type IIA supergravity on cosets exhibiting SU(3) structure. We establish the consistency of the truncation based on left-invariance, providing a justification for the choice of expansion forms which yields gauged N=2 supergravity in four dimensions. We explore N=1 solutions of these theories, emphasizing the requirements of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

D-branes in the QCD Vacuum

Recent Monte Carlo evidence for long range sign-coherent membranes of topological charge in the vacuum of pure-glue QCD is considered in the context of string/gauge duality. Witten's holographic brane construction of four-dimensional Yang-Mills theory from type IIA string theory is reviewed. This leads to a picture of the pure-glue QCD vacuum as consisting ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Inhibitory effect of tanshinones on rat CYP3A2 and CYP2C11 activity and its structure-activity relationship.

This study investigated the effect of tanshinones on rat liver microsomal CYP3A2 and 2C11 activity and explored the structure-activity relationship of tanshinones with CYP3A activity. Cryptotanshinone, tanshinone I and tanshinone IIA were competitive CYP3A2 inhibitors (K(i) = 199-243 ?M) and ...


Heterogeneity of fiber characteristics in the rat masseter and digastric muscles

The functional requirements in muscle use are related to the fiber type composition of the muscles and the cross-sectional area of the individual fibers. We investigated the heterogeneity in the fiber type composition and fiber cross-sectional area in two muscles with an opposing function, namely the digastric and masseter muscles (n = 5 for each muscle) ...

PubMed Central

Matrix String Theory

Via compactification on a circle, the matrix model of M-theory proposed by Banks et al suggests a concrete identification between the large N limit of two-dimensional N = 8 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and type IIA string theory. In this paper we collect evidence that supports this identification. We explicitly identify the perturbative string states ...

E-print Network

Forensic application of Epstein-Barr virus genotype: correlation between viral genotype and geographical area.

Using 50 forensic blood samples, the latent membrane protein 2A (LMP-2A) gene of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA was amplified to find a geographic correlation among the EBV genotypes. EBV DNA was detected in nine samples. From a phylogenetic analysis using 18 reported sequences as a reference, six EBV subtypes (Ia, Ib, Ic IIa, IIb, and IIc) were found. Japanese isolates were ...


Y-type urethral duplication presented with perineal fistula in a boy

Urethral duplication is a rare congenital anomaly of the lower urinary system and has varied presentation. According to the Effmann classification, type IIA2-Y urethral duplication is charcterized by the duplicated urethra originating from the bladder neck and opening into either the rectum or the perineum. The accessory urethra is normal and functional ...

PubMed Central

Elementary steps of the cross-bridge cycle in fast-twitch fiber types from rabbit skeletal muscles.

To understand the molecular mechanism underlying the diversity of mammalian skeletal muscle fibers, the elementary steps of the cross-bridge cycle were investigated in three fast-twitch fiber types from rabbit limb muscles. Skinned fibers were maximally Ca(2+)-activated at 20 degrees C and the effects of MgATP, phosphate (P, P(i)), and MgADP were studied on three exponential ...


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Chemical Cleaning Solvents; Boiler Descaling with Tetra ...

... as a boiler water treatment chemical in the aft fireroom (2A, 2B boilers) ... to the Type Commander that boilers 1A and lB be chemically cleaned. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

An Activity Driver Based Analysis of Hazardous Materials ...

... the issue point managers of the organizations provided keen insight into potential drivers. ... IPC27A2 K1240A1 THINNER, PAINT TYPE III - ODOR ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Mutational Analysis of Residues in the Helical Region of the Class IIa Bacteriocin Pediocin PA-1 ?

A 15-mer fragment that is derived from the helical region in the C-terminal half of pediocin PA-1 inhibited the activity of pediocin PA-1. Of 13 other pediocin-like (hybrid) bacteriocins, only the hybrid bacteriocin Sak/Ped was markedly inhibited by the 15-mer fragment. Sak/Ped was the only one of these bacteriocins that had a sequence (in the C-terminal helix-containing half) identical to that of ...

PubMed Central

A comprehensive characterisation of the fibre composition and properties of a limb (Flexor digitorum superficialis, membri thoraci) and a trunk (Psoas major) muscle in cattle

BackgroundThe fibre type attributes and the relationships among their properties play an important role in the differences in muscle capabilities and features. Comprehensive characterisation of the skeletal muscles should study the degree of association between them and their involvement in muscle functionality. The purposes of the present study were to characterise the fibre ...

PubMed Central

Skeletal muscle fibre characteristics in young and old bulls and metabolic response after a bullfight.

Fibre type composition, activities of enzymes such as citrate synthase (CS), 3-hydroxyacyl coenzyme A dehydrogenase (HAD), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), as well as glycogen, lactate and pH levels were analysed in muscle biopsies (m. gluteus medius) obtained after bullfighting from 10 young and 10 old bulls. No changes were seen in fibre type composition ...


The construction of a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig in the vicinity of the Usher syndrome type IIa (USH2A) gene in 1q41

The gene for Usher syndrome type II (USH2A), and autosomal recessive syndromic deafness, has been mapped to a region of 1q41 flanked proximally by D1S217 and distally by D1S439. Using sequence-tagged sites (STSs) within the region, a total of 21 yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones were isolated and ordered into a single contig that spans approximately 11.0 Mb. The order ...

Energy Citations Database

Isolation, tissue distribution and molecular characterization of two recombinant canine coronavirus strains.

Canine coronavirus (CCoV) is an enveloped RNA virus, responsible for gastrointestinal infection in dogs. To date, two different CCoV genotypes have been recognized, CCoV type I and CCoV type II. Recently, CCoV type II strains of potential recombinant origin with transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) were detected and characterized ...


Fibre type composition of the human psoas major muscle with regard to the level of its origin.

The aim of our study was to explore the fibre type composition of the human psoas major muscle at different levels of its origin, from the first lumbar to the fourth lumbar vertebra, and to compare the muscle fibre size and distribution of different fibre types between levels with respect to its complex postural and dynamic function. Muscle samples were ...


Reliability of an electrophoretic and image processing analysis of human skeletal muscle taken from m. vastus lateralis.

The relative content of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms IIb, IIa and I in human skeletal muscle taken from the m. vastus lateralis of 30 healthy male subjects was analysed using mini-gel electrophoresis. Repeated electrophoretic gels utilizing the same methods were produced for all subjects and the determination of MHC protein bands was performed using a digital scanner and ...


KILnGAS RAM (Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability) IIA Summary Test Report.

This report summarizes the findings and results of the KILnGAS Commercial Module RAM IIA (Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability) test operation, which was the culmination of the RAM IIA program. The RAM IIA program was performed by the Allis-Chal...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Supersymmetric configurations, geometric transitions and new non-K�hler manifolds

We give a detailed derivation of a supersymmetric configuration of wrapped D5 branes on a two-cycle of a warped resolved conifold. Our analysis reveals that the resolved conifold should support a non-K�hler metric with an SU(3) structure. We use this as a starting point of the geometric transition in type IIB theory. A mirror, and a subsequent flop transition using an ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Effects of endotoxin and dexamethasone on group I and II phospholipase A2 in rat ileum and stomach.

Phospholipase A2 (EC is a key enzyme in inflammation and is thought to play an important part in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To investigate the nature and regulation of phospholipase A2 activity in the gastrointestinal mucosa, the distribution of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) ...

PubMed Central

A novel type of phospholipase A2 inhibitor, thielocin A1 beta, and mechanism of action.

Thielocin A1 beta, a novel phospholipase A2 inhibitor, was isolated from Thielavia terricola RF-143. It inhibited various phospholipase A2s in a dose-dependent manner. Among these, group II phospholipase A2 from rat was most sensitive to thielocin A1 beta (IC50 = 0.0033 ...


Koninginins, phospholipase A2 inhibitors from endophytic fungus Trichoderma koningii.

Many isolated compounds from endophytic fungus have been useful to human beings, mainly those with medicinal applications and particularly those that can be used in inflammatory processes. Trichoderma fungi produce substances known as koninginins that have great structural similarity to compounds like flavonoids and vitamin E, which are able to inhibit the phospholipase ...


Denervation effects on myonuclear domain size of rat diaphragm fibers.

Denervation (DNV) of rat diaphragm muscle (DIAm) leads to selective atrophy of type IIx and IIb fibers, whereas the cross-sectional area of type I and IIa fibers remains unchanged or slightly hypertrophied. DIAm DNV also increases satellite cell mitotic activity and myonuclear apoptosis. Similar to other skeletal muscles, DIAm fibers ...


Adenosine A2A receptors in both bone marrow cells and non-bone marrow cells contribute to traumatic brain injury.

Adenosine A2A receptors (A(2A)Rs) in bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) are involved in regulation of inflammation and outcome in several CNS injuries; however their relative contribution to traumatic brain injury (TBI) is unknown. In this study, we created a mouse cortical impact model, and BMDC ...


On the geometry underlying supersymmetric flux vacua with intermediate SU(2) structure

We show that supersymmetric flux vacua with constant intermediate SU(2) structure are closely related to some special classes of half-flat structures. More concretely, solutions of the SUSY equations IIA possess a symplectic half-flat structure, whereas solutions of the SUSY equations IIB admit a half-flat structure which is in a certain sense near to the balanced condition. ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Diamond radiation detectors I. Detector properties for IIa diamond

The detector properties and carrier dynamics of type IIa diamonds are reasonably well understood. The trends in the electron and hole mobilities have been characterized as a function of temperature, impurity content, electric field and carrier density. The carrier lifetimes are coupled through the nitrogen impurity. This leaves us with typical samples with ...

DOE Information Bridge

Phase IIA Chemopreventative Study of Selenium in Persons at ...

... Title : Phase IIA Chemopreventative Study of Selenium in Persons at Risk for Lung Cancer. Descriptive Note : Annual rept. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Phase IIA Chemopreventative Study of Selenium in Persons at ...

... Title : Phase IIA Chemopreventative Study of Selenium in Persons at Risk for Lung Cancer. Descriptive Note : Annual rept. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

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Faculty of Integrated Human Studies Faculty of Letters


E-print Network

The Elusive Third Subunit IIa of the Bacterial B-Type Oxidases: The Enzyme from the Hyperthermophile Aquifex aeolicus

The reduction of molecular oxygen to water is catalyzed by complicated membrane-bound metallo-enzymes containing variable numbers of subunits, called cytochrome c oxidases or quinol oxidases. We previously described the cytochrome c oxidase II from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus as a ba3-type two-subunit (subunits I and II) enzyme and ...

PubMed Central

Tensionless branes and discrete gauge symmetry

We argue that the tensionless branes recently found on non-BPS D-branes using noncommutative field theory are, in fact, gauge equivalent to the vacuum under a discrete gauge symmetry. We also give a simple construction of the D(2p)-branes in type IIA theory starting from a single non-BPS D9-brane.

Energy Citations Database

String Theory on Parallelizable PP-Waves.

The most general parallelizable pp-wave backgrounds which are non-dilatonic solutions in the NS-NS sector of type IIA and IIB string theories are considered. We demonstrate that parallelizable pp-wave backgrounds are necessarily homogeneous plane-waves, a...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Some phenomenology of intersecting D-brane models

We present some phenomenology of a new class of intersecting D-brane models. Soft supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking terms for these models are calculated in the u-moduli dominant SUSY breaking approach (in type IIA). In this case, the dependence of the soft terms on the Yukawas and Wilson lines drops out. These soft terms have a different pattern compared to ...

Energy Citations Database

Some phenomenology of intersecting D-brane models

We present some phenomenology of a new class of intersecting D-brane models. Soft SUSY breaking terms for these models are calculated in the complex structure (u)-moduli dominant SUSY breaking approach (in type IIA). In this case, the dependence of the soft terms on the Yukawas and Wilson lines drops out. These soft terms have a different pattern compared ...

DOE Information Bridge

Resolved conifolds in supergravity solutions

We construct generalized 11D supergravity solutions of fully localized intersecting D2/D4 brane systems. These solutions are obtained by embedding six-dimensional resolved Eguchi-Hanson conifolds lifted to M-theory. We reduce these solutions to ten dimensions, obtaining new D-brane systems in type IIA supergravity. We discuss the limits in which the ...

Energy Citations Database

Photosensitivity of a diamond detector to laser radiation in the 220 - 355-nm region

The photosensitivity of detectors of laser radiation based on the natural type IIa diamond (Alameda Applied Sciences Corporation, USA) are studied at the wavelengths 222, 308, 337, and 353 nm. The limiting intensities (0.5 - 4 MW cm{sup -2}) of UV laser radiation are determined at which the detectors operate in a linear regime. (laser applications and ...

Energy Citations Database

One Loop Superstring Effective Actions and d = 4 Supergravity

We review our recent work on the existence of a new independent R{sup 4} term, at one loop, in the type IIA and heterotic effective actions, after reduction to four dimensions, besides the usual square of the Bel-Robinson tensor. We discuss its supersymmetrization.

Energy Citations Database

N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories, branes and orientifolds

Starting with configurations of fourbranes, fivebranes, sixbranes and orientifolds in type IIA string theory we derive via M-theory the curves solving N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories with gauge groups SO(N) and Sp(2N). We also obtain new curves describing theories with product gauge groups. A crucial role in the discussion is played by the interaction ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mediating Supersymmetry Breaking in D-brane Models.

We consider the 3+1 visible sector to live on a Hanay-Witten D-brane construction in type IIA string theory. The messenger sector consists of stretched strings from the visible brane to a hidden D6-brane in the extra spatial dimensions. In the open string...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

M-Branes on k-CENTER Instantons

We present analytic solutions for membrane metric function based on transverse k-center instanton geometries. The membrane metric functions depend on more than two transverse coordinates and the solutions provide realizations of fully localized type IIA D2/D6 and NS5/D6 brane intersections. All solutions have partial preserved supersymmetries.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


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NASA Website

Inducer bacteria, unique signal peptides and low nutrient media stimulate in-vitro bacteriocin production by Lactobacillus spp. and Enterococcus spp. strains

Bacteriocins (BCN) provide promising potential to control bacterial infections in a variety of applications. We previously reported three Type IIa BCN produced by Lactobacillus salivarius B-30514 (OR-7), Enterococcus durans/faecium/hirae B-30745 (E 760) and Enterococcus faecium B-30746 (E 50-52). ...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

INTRODUCTION The vertebrate eye has been one of the most intensively studied

invagination of the distal portion of the optic vesicle leads to the formation of a two-layered optic cup of the ventral forebrain by the evagination and formation of the optic vesicle. Classical embryological studies formation (Nomura and Li, 1998). Animals with an inactivation of both activin receptor type IIA and IIB do

E-print Network

Human disease caused by loss of fast IIa myosin heavy chain due to recessive MYH2 mutations.

Striated muscle myosin heavy chain is a molecular motor protein that converts chemical energy into mechanical force. It is a major determinant of the physiological properties of each of the three muscle fibre types that make up the skeletal muscles. Heterozygous dominant missense mutations in myosin heavy chain genes cause various types of cardiomyopathy ...


Fuel Dynamics Loss-of-Flow Test L3. Final Report.

The behavior of FTR-type, mixed-oxide, preirradiated, ''intermediate-power-structure'' fuel during a simulation of an FTR loss-of-flow accident was studied in the Mark-IIA integral TREAT loop. Analysis of the data reported here leads to a postulated scena...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Four-brane and six-brane interactions in M(atrix) theory

We discuss the proposed description of configurations with four-branes and six-branes in M(atrix) theory. Computing the velocity dependent potential between these configurations and gravitons and membranes, we show that they agree with the short distance string results computed in type IIA string theory. Due to the ``closeness'' of these configuration to a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Finite-size giant magnons on A�CP?3

We investigate finite-size giant magnons propagating on ?-deformed A�CP?3 type IIA string theory background, dual to one parameter deformation of the N=6 super Chern�Simons-matter theory. Analyzing the finite-size effect on the dispersion relation, we find that it is modified compared to the undeformed case, acquiring ? dependence.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A naturally chimeric type IIA topoisomerase in Aquifex aeolicus highlights an evolutionary path for the emergence of functional paralogs

Bacteria frequently possess two type IIA DNA topoisomerases, gyrase and topo IV, which maintain chromosome topology by variously supercoiling, relaxing, and disentangling DNA. DNA recognition and functional output is thought to be controlled by the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the topoisomerase DNA binding subunit (GyrA/ParC). The deeply rooted organism ...

PubMed Central

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