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Open Government at Social Security

On his first day in office, President Barack Obama issued a call for increased openness in government. The White House issued the Open Government Directive, calling upon each Federal agency to formulate a plan for how it intended to increase and accelerate openness in its programs and operations.

The Office of Open Government sets Social Security’s open government goals, objectives, and supporting activities. To obtain employee and public input while developing an open government plan, we solicited ideas and comments through our new Open Government web page. We received hundreds of contacts during the public comment process, and we will continue to use this page as well as other interactive tools to engage the public. We also consulted with stakeholders and open government advocates to get additional perspectives and input for the plan.

These suggestions and the public comments played a key role in developing our plan. We are excited about the opportunities to improve service to the American people by sharing data and information and allowing the public—either individually, or as part of academic, non-profit, or other government entities—help shape our policies and priorities. In addition, we look forward to using innovative data-sharing, collaboration, and participation technologies to support our mission.

While our plan spans about two years, we expect to refresh it as we gain experience and receive feedback from the public and our employees. We invite you to follow our progress in implementing this plan. You also may email comments to open.government@ssa.gov.

In the spirit of Open Government, we encourage you to visit our web page often and share your ideas and comments with us as we seek to improve our transparency and accountability to the public we serve.