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Applications and Information Packets Page

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Tobacco Permits

Permits Online (PONL): TTB's Online Permit Application Process
You requested it, and now TTB is proud to announce our Permits Online (PONL) system.  Use this system to file original and amended applications with us online and for FREE!  With Permits Online, we can process your application more quickly.

  • Manufacturer of Tobacco Products – Information and guidance you need to start business in the tobacco manufacturing industry
  • Importer of Tobacco Products – Information and guidance you need to start business in the tobacco importation industry
  • Tobacco Export Warehouse Proprietor – Information and guidance you need to start business as a tobacco export warehouse proprietor
  • Application Packets – Required forms and instructions along with tools and resources to aid you in filing an acceptable application
    • Tobacco Export Warehouse Proprietor
      Permitting information for businesses which export tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco, roll your own tobacco) to a foreign country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands or another United States possession
    • Tobacco Importer
      Permitting information for anyone who wishes to import tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco, roll your own tobacco) into the United States for personal* or business purposes.  [*Note, United States Customs determines acceptable limits for personal importation.]
    • Tobacco Products Manufacturer
      Permitting information for businesses which manufacture tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco, roll your own tobacco)
    • Manufacturer of Processed Tobacco (MPR):
      Businesses which manufacture processed tobacco must first obtain a manufacturer of processed tobacco permit.  Businesses with a valid TTB permit to manufacture tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco, roll your own tobacco) need not obtain a separate permit to manufacture processed tobacco. 
    • Importer of Processed Tobacco:
      Businesses that wish to import processed tobacco into the United States must first obtain this permit.  Businesses with a valid TTB permit to import tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco, roll your own tobacco) need not obtain a separate permit to import processed tobacco.  A permit to import tobacco products may be amended to include importation of processed tobacco.
  • Informational Packets - TTB’s informational packets address situations that do not require you to file an application or to request permission to operate.  Instead, these packets provide instructions on obtaining a special service or fulfilling a special requirement for your type of business
  • Permission to Operate – Information and links pertaining to operating a business governed by the Federal Alcohol Act or the Internal Revenue Code.