Incorporating & Registering Your Business

Do you have a great name picked out for your business? Before you order a sign and business cards, be sure to check out the legal steps you must take to ensure the name is exclusively yours, and obtain the necessary licenses and permits to open for business.

  • Incorporating Your Business

    When you’re starting a business, one of the first decisions you have to make is the type of business you want to create. A sole proprietorship? A corporation? A limited liability company? This decision is important, because the type of ...
  • In order to operate your business, you must comply with a wide range of local, state and federal rules. SBA’s Business Licenses and Permits tool can help you navigate through this process.. Find Licenses and Permits for ...
  • Every business needs to be licensed to legally operate. Depending on your business, you may need to be licensed at the federal, state and/or local level. Beyond a basic operating license, you may need specific permits, such as an ...
  • Naming your business is an important branding exercise, but if you choose to name your business as anything other than your own personal name then you’ll need to register it with the appropriate authorities. This process is ...
  •   Choosing a business name is an important step in the business planning process. Not only should you pick a name that reflects your brand identity, but you also need to ensure it is properly registered and protected for the ...
  • Five Steps to Registering Your Business Whether you are starting a new business or expanding an existing business, these basic steps will help ensure that you have all the necessary licenses, permits and registrations to legally ...
  • Register Your Business With State Agencies Some business types require registration with your state government: A corporation A nonprofit organization A limited-liability company or partnership If you ...

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