
Manslaughter Working Group Report to the Commission. (December 15, 1997) This report reviews the Voluntary and Involuntary Manslaughter guidelines, §§2A1.3 and 2A1.4, with the objective of assisting the Commission in determining whether the current guideline penalties are appropriate relative to other violent offenses.

Money Laundering Working Group Report Summary. (February 1995) This report summary reviews findings from the Money Laundering Working Group Reports relating to the operation of guidelines §2S1.1 and §2S1.2.

Money Laundering Working Group Report. (February 1995) This follow-up to an October 1992 report reviews the history of the Commission's consideration of the money laundering guidelines, summarizes the earlier report, and updates case law and other relevant information available since the 1992 report.

Report from Advisory Group on Environmental Sanctions. (December 1993) This 1993 draft of proposed sanctions for organizations convicted of environmental offenses was prepared by an independent Advisory Working Group on Environmental Offenses. The proposal concerns the determination of aggravating factors in sentencing, organizational commitment to environmental compliance, and probationary periods for organizations.