Criminal History

Computation of Recency Criminal History Points under USSG §4A1.1(e). (August 2010) This document provides certain information considered by the Commission as part of its determination to amend the guideines to eliminate the consideration of "recency" points provided in USSG §4A1.1(e). That amendment, amendment number 5, currently is pending before Congress as part of the package of amendments submitted to Congress on April 29, 2010. The amendment has a specified effective date of November 1, 2010.

Impact of Prior Minor Offenses on Eligibility for Safety Valve. (March 2009) This report provides an analysis of the role of convictions for prior minor offenses in the sentences of federal offenders. It examines the extent to which convictions for prior minor offenses may prevent drug trafficking offenders from receiving a sentence below the statutory mandatory minimum punishments for drug trafficking crimes. The publication utilizes data drawn from a large research sample of offenders sentenced in fiscal year 2006.

Overview of Federal Criminal Cases, Fiscal Year 2007. (December 2008) This publication provides a broad overview of federal sentencing data for fiscal year 2007. Readers will find this publication to be a brief, easy-to-use reference on the types of criminal cases handled by the federal courts and the punishments imposed on the offenders convicted in those cases.