News / Middle East

Tensions Rising Again Over Iran’s Nuclear Program

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Meredith Buel

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by: Godwin from: Nigeria
September 14, 2012 10:55 AM
“Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before Israel,” Mr. Obama do you hear that? USA is not placing the red light but Obama is. In the light of the senseless violent protests in the islamic conference, listen to their leaders and tell us how safe the world will be when Iran obtains a nuclear bomb. The military build-up is the only answer. IAEA confirms that Iran is building nuclear bomb, and at the same time Iran instigates and sponsors terrorism all over the world using a network of deadly secret service that could poison Arafat in order to spite Israel. A strike on Iran will bring blessing in that it will not only deter it from the destructive mission but at the same time open the way for opposition as well as bring in liberties and rights to its long-starved people.
In Response

by: LeRoy Padmore from: Jersey City,NJ
September 14, 2012 9:07 PM
Godwin thank you taking your time to read the truth.Godwin I am inspired to do this.and may the Almighty God bless you too my brother.may he give you that wisdom and knowledge to write as you hear in your spirit.God Bless you stand up for the truth and speak the truth.John 8:23-34,my regards to your family