DOJ Press Release letterhead

  • Wednesday, November 24, 2010
  • Contact: Office of Justice Programs
  • Telephone: (202) 307-0703

Weekly News Brief

Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2010—OJP's Bureau of Justice Statistics, in partnership with the National Center for Education Statistics, released this report of crime occurring in school as well as on the way to and from school. The report provides the most current detailed statistical information on the nature of crime in schools and school environments, and responses to violence and crime at school. Data are drawn from several federally funded collections, including the National Crime Victimization Survey, Youth Risk Behavior Survey, School Survey on Crime and Safety, and the Schools and Staffing Survey.

Highlights from the 2010 report include:

This report is part of BJS's Indicators of School Crime and Safety Series. More information is available at

OJP Science Advisory Board — Attorney General Eric Holder named 18 experts - scholars and practitioners in criminology, statistics, sociology, and practitioners in the criminal and juvenile justice fields - to the newly created OJP Science Advisory Board. Laurie O. Robinson, OJP's Assistant Attorney General, recommended the creation of the advisory board as a means of bridging the divide between research and practice in criminal justice fields. The board will provide an extra-agency review of and recommendations for OJP research, statistics, and grant programs, ensuring the programs and activities are scientifically sound and pertinent to policymakers and practitioners. More information, including members of the advisory board, is available at:
