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Certain Combed Cotton Yarns: Effect of Modification of U.S.-Bahrain FTA Rules of Origin

Investigation No. FTA-103-025
USITC Publication 4173


The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) has released a public version of its report concerning proposed modifications to U.S.-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement (FTA) rules of origin.

Requested by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), the USITC's confidential report was submitted to that office on July 12, 2010.

The report provides advice on the probable effect of proposed modifications to the U.S.-Bahrain FTA rules of origin on U.S. trade and on domestic production for certain textile products. Details on the articles covered by the investigation can be found at:

USITC analysis indicates that for certain home furnishings made with certain combed, compacted, single, ring-spun cotton yarns, the proposed rule of origin changes could result in a large increase in U.S. trade under the U.S.-Bahrain FTA, but have little or no effect on total U.S. trade and little or no effect on U.S. producers of the affected articles.

The USITC’s report is now available at:

Also available on CD-ROM and in print; call 202.205.2000 for more information.