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HUD Homes

Question: I hear that HUD sells homes. How can I buy one?

Answer: Read our section on how to buy a HUD home. Then look at the listings of HUD homes available. If you find a home that interests you, you'll need to contact a HUD-approved real estate broker (most brokers are HUD-approved), who can submit a bid for you. Successful bids are posted right on the page for your state.

Question 2: How can I get listings of HUD homes for sale?

Answer: You can see lists of HUD homes for sale right on our web page. In addition, we link to listings of homes being sold by other federal agencies. You can even get directions to the properties that interest you, see their locations on a map, and find out what schools are in the area.

Question 3: Will HUD buy my house? Can I sell my home to HUD?

Answer: No. HUD does not buy homes. The homes that HUD sells come into HUD's possession as a result of defaults on FHA (HUD) insured mortgages.

Read our section on selling your home. It offers basic information that is good to know when selling your home.

Question 4: I've heard of the Officer Next Door and Teacher Next Door programs. How can I find out more?

Answer: Teacher Next Door and Officer Next Door have been combined into Good Neighbor Next Door.

Question 5: I am a real estate broker, and I'd like to sell HUD homes. What do I need to do?

Answer: We have a section just for real estate brokers. There, you can find out about the requirements for certification, how to get listings, and more.

More information about HUD homes.

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