Today's Military:

Military Glossary

Army ROTC Training

Army ROTC cadets build up their physical strength, teamwork skills and leadership abilities through various exercises.



Army ROTC cadets build up their physical strength, teamwork skills and leadership abilities through various exercises.

ROTC coursework and training depends on when a cadet begins ROTC. Freshmen in college will take the Basic Course, which involves physical and field exercises. Those who enter ROTC after completing two years of college can take an accelerated version of the Basic Course called the Leader’s Training Course. This four-week course is held during the summer.

By this point, those who enter ROTC as freshmen and as juniors are ready for the Advanced Course, along with a summer leadership camp. Upon graduation, cadets will become second lieutenants in the Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard.

See All: Field ExercisesROTC

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