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A-16 Stakeholders Roles and Responsibilities Table

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Table 1: Roles Summary

Table 1 is a high-level overview of the roles of the key stakeholders in the geospatial community (Governmental and nongovernmental).  Readers can use this summary table as a quick reference guide to direct them to the appropriate section of table 2, which explains the roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

Entity Members Role

1. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)


Maintain OMB Circular A–16

2. FGDC Executive Committee

Seven Members of the FGDC Steering Committee whose agencies most heavily produce or use geospatial data or technology

Advise the FGDC Steering Committee

3. FGDC Steering Committee

Senior Agency Officials for Geospatial Information (SAOGIs) as referenced in OMB Memorandum 06-07 or agency officials as specified in the FGDC Steering Committee Charter

a.  Provide A–16 community leadership

b.  Represent Federal agencies on the FGDC Steering Committee

c.  Oversee agency OMB Circular A–16 investments

4. FGDC Coordination Group

Representatives from Federal agencies as specified in the FGDC Coordination Group Charter

a. Formulate recommendations by consensus on the strategic plans for OMB Circular A-16 portfolio management

b. Advise the FGDC Steering Committee

c.  Increase awareness of efforts associated with OMB Circular A–16 implementation and portfolio management and foster partnerships at all levels of government to leverage efforts and reduce development and investment redundancies

5. FGDC subcommittees

FGDC member agency representatives and FGDC-recognized stakeholder groups who have common interests that cross-cut or affect several A–16 theme-based subcommittees

Advise Theme Leads and associated National A–16 Dataset Managers

6. FGDC working groups

Representatives from Federal agencies and FGDC-recognized stakeholder groups who have common interests that cross-cut or affect several A–16 theme-based subcommittees

Produce cross-theme and cross-dataset development, portfolio management guidance and procedures

7. FGDC Secretariat

Executive and support staff and administrators that support the FGDC

a.  Assist agency Theme Leads and Dataset Managers

b.  Support the FGDC Steering Committee

c.  Support the FGDC Coordination Group

d.  Facilitate portfolio management activities with other FGDC activities and government initiatives

8. Lead agency for themes

Federal Agencies identified in OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, to lead the coordination of a theme

a.  Oversee the development, implementation, and maintenance of themes and associated datasets

b.  Executive Theme Champion

c.  Theme Lead

d.  National A–16 Dataset Manager

e.  Data steward

9. Stakeholder Community <Need to add anchor link>

a.    Members can come from Federal, State, tribal, or local governments as well as the private or nonprofit sectors or academia (may vary from theme to theme)

a.  Data steward

b.    Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Committee composed of representatives from Federal, State, tribal, and local governments and the private sector, the nonprofit sector, and academia

b.   National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC): provides advice and recommendations to FGDC Chair


c.     General users who may or may not have a relationship with a Federal agency

c.  Data end users

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Table 2: Key Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities

 This table describes the responsibilities of each A–16 stakeholder in detail.

Entity Members Role Description Existing A–16 Responsibilities Additional Responsibilities

1. Office of Management and Budget (OMB)


Maintain OMB Circular A–16

The Federal agency that issues circulars that set policy and the direction for geospatial themes and datasets of national significance as defined in OMB Circular A–16.

·  Acts as Vice Chair of the FGDC and is responsible for OMB Circular A–16

·  Works with agency budget offices to provide appropriate resources in support of NSDI activities

·  Provides final concurrence to changes to OMB Circular A–16 or its appendices

·  Makes recommendations to agencies and to the President regarding the coordination of all governmental map making and surveying

·  Maintains and coordinates changes to OMB Circular A–16


·  Responds to/implements recommendations from the FGDC Steering Committee with respect to portfolio management of A–16 themes and associated datasets

·  Reviews annual theme reports from FGDC and factors results into A–16 portfolio management resource planning with responsible agencies and factors these into budget discussions

·  Serves as catalyst to link A–16 portfolio management to Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) efforts through the Geospatial LoB and Chief Information Officers Council (CIOC)/Architecture Information Committee (AIC)

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Entity Members Role Description Existing A–16 Responsibilities Additional Responsibilities

2. FGDC Executive Committee

Seven members of the FGDC Steering Committee whose agencies most heavily produce or use geospatial data or technology

Advise the FGDC Steering Committee

This committee is responsible for making recommendations to the FGDC Steering Committee on policy, implementation, and investment directions.


·  Evaluates recommendations from the FGDC Coordination Group on proposed and current OMB Circular A–16 portfolios and portfolio management requirements

·  Develops, reviews, and coordinates interagency concepts and proposals, as requested by the FGDC Chair, for consideration by the FGDC Steering Committee as a whole.  All final decisions will be made by the FGDC Steering Committee as described in the FGDC Steering Committee Charter

·  Recommends annual OMB Circular A–16 investment priorities, revisions to OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, and requirement analyses for new national efforts, based on input from the FGDC Coordination Group


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Entity Members Role Description Existing A–16 Responsibilities Additional Responsibilities

3. FGDC Steering Committee

Senior Agency Officials for Geospatial Information (SAOGIs) as referenced in OMB Memorandum 06-07

a. Provide A–16 community leadership

The policy-level interagency group is responsible for overseeing OMB Circular A–16 related activities and the implementation of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI).  The Steering Committee’s central focus is to provide the leadership for the coordination of Federal geospatial activities between, among, and within agencies by establishing policy, providing guidance, and giving direction to FGDC member agencies.

·  Leads, develops, and supports the NSDI strategy, spatial data policy development, management, and operational decision-making

·  Directs and facilitates national implementation of the Framework Data Theme and other themes in the NSDI and implements the NSDI Clearinghouse

·  Advises Federal and other spatial data end users on NSDI implementation

·  Serves as lead Federal executive body charged with the leadership, development, implementation, and review of a strategic plan for Federal agencies responsible for the NSDI Framework Data Theme and other themes to collect and provide broad access to spatial data assets

·  Takes actions to recommend to the OMB additions, revisions, or deletions to OMB Circular A–16

·  Promotes and guides cooperation and coordination among Federal, State, tribal, and local government agencies, academia, and the private sector in the collection, production, sharing, and use of spatial information and NSDI implementation

·  Promotes coordination and portfolio management of the member agencies’ acquisition, management, development, maintenance, documentation, and dissemination of geospatial themes and datasets for which they are responsible as designated in OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, through the National Spatial Data Clearinghouse and the Geospatial One-Stop (GOS) portal

·  Acts on recommendations from the FGDC Executive Committee and the FGDC Coordination Group on priority OMB Circular A–16 investments, resource needs, and adjustments to their respective themes and datasets found in appendix E of OMB Circular A–16 for which they are responsible

·  Promotes coordination of geospatial investment management

·  Endorses, adopts, and supports portfolio management requirements, including annual reporting, using the lifecycle guidance as a basis and reporting requirements proposed by the FGDC Coordination Group and considers  recommendations for adoption of themes and datasets found in or proposed for inclusion in OMB Circular A–16, appendix E

3. FGDC Steering Committee


b. Represent Federal agencies on the FGDC Steering Committee

SAOGIs, as agency officials, have agency-wide responsibility, authority, and accountability for geospatial information issues.

·  Promotes and utilizes partnerships that promote cost-effective data collection, documentation, maintenance, distribution, and preservation strategies, and that leverage resources

·  Coordinates national security, national defense, and emergency preparedness program policies regarding data accessibility

·  Appoints a contact to coordinate with lead agencies for the collection, acquisition, maintenance, or dissemination of the spatial data themes used by the agency

·  Reports on status, requirements, implementation, and resource issues related to OMB Circular A–16 themes and associated datasets under the purview of their agencies to the FGDC Steering Committee and, as necessary, requests action

·  Identifies and reports on agency geospatial data requirements and resource needs to the FGDC Executive Committee about activities related to their respective themes for which they are responsible and for action

·  Ensures that anticipated OMB Circular A–16 data investments related to OMB Circular A–16 themes and associated datasets under the purview of their agencies are reported on the GOS Marketplace, and reviews the Marketplace prior to investments

·  Ensures agency compliance with OMB Circular A–16 Annual Reporting requirements, standards, and guidelines across the agency and its bureaus

3. FGDC Steering Committee


c. Oversee agency Circular A–16 investments

SAOGIs, as agency officials, have responsibility, authority, and accountability for agency geospatial information related to OMB Circular A–16 investments.

·  Carries out activities required to implement its responsibilities as described in section 8 of OMB Circular A–16

·  Identifies proven practices

·  Allocates agency resources to fulfill responsibilities of effective spatial data collection, production, and stewardship

·  Identifies an Executive Theme Champion for each agency that has been designated a “lead agency” for themes under OMB Circular A–16

·  Consults and coordinates with the Executive Theme Champions for each agency that has been designated a “lead agency” for themes under OMB Circular A–16

·  Meets regularly with Executive Theme Champions, under the purview of their agency, to keep current on planning, implementation, and overall portfolio management issues associated with each theme

·  Works with Executive Theme Champions to promote allocation of agency and partner resources to fulfill responsibilities of effective spatial data collection, production, and stewardship

·  Collaborates with agency chief information officers (CIOs) and Executive Theme Champions to ensure that agencies leverage cumulative geospatial information investments to benefit agency-wide business processes and support information technology

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Entity Members Role Description Existing A–16 Responsibilities Additional Responsibilities

4. FGDC Coordination Group

Representatives from Federal agencies

a. Formulate recommendations by consensus on the strategic plans for OMB Circular A-16 portfolio management



This group of agency representatives provides recommendations to the FGDC Steering Committee and the FGDC Secretariat on the management of the Federal component of the OMB Circular A–16 portfolio.

·  Communicates with and fosters communication among Federal agencies and others concerning spatial data technology development, transfer, and exchange

·  Solicits concurrence on OMB Circular A–16 related lifecycle and portfolio management guidance, standards, and procedures developed by FGDC working groups, subcommittees, and theme communities of interest

·  Convenes regular meetings with Executive Theme Champions, Theme Leads, and stakeholders to hear requirements for changes to OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, including the consolidation, splitting, addition, or deletion of themes

·  Invites Theme Leads and National A–16 Dataset Managers to present at monthly meetings so sufficient information is available for making recommendations to the FGDC Steering Committee

·  Reviews and discusses results of the annual theme status reports and annual GOS Marketplace postings to determine if any themes or associated datasets need further discussion or whether the FGDC Steering Committee needs to make recommendations

·  Identifies wasteful, duplicative, and (or) unnecessary overlap of geospatial portfolio management and makes recommendations to the FGDC Steering Committee through such mechanisms as GOS Marketplace or analysis of OMB data calls

4. FGDC Coordination Group

Representatives from Federal agencies

b. Advise the FGDC Steering Committee

This group of agency representatives provides recommendations to the FGDC Steering Committee on the content and configuration of themes in OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, and government-wide priorities for the development of standards and associated datasets.


·  Makes recommendations to the FGDC Steering Committee about the adoption of lifecycle and portfolio management guidance, standards, and procedures associated with OMB Circular A–16 developed by FGDC working groups, subcommittees, and theme communities of interest

·  Makes recommendations to the FGDC Steering Committee on whether to maintain the current OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, as is or to modify the appendix. Modification of the appendix occurs at least annually but no more than twice in a fiscal year and may include changes of lead agencies or configuration of the themes or associated datasets)

·  Makes recommendations on cross-agency investment priorities based on business requirements provided by member agencies and stakeholders for completing themes and associated datasets

·  Reviews, recommends, endorses, and, when appropriate, develops standards for themes and associated datasets and lifecycle and portfolio management guidance and procedures

4. FGDC Coordination Group

Representatives from Federal agencies

c. Increase awareness of efforts associated with OMB Circular A–16 implementation and portfolio management and foster partnerships at all levels of government to leverage efforts and reduce development and investment redundancies

This group of agency representatives convenes sessions and makes presentations at stakeholder meetings to ensure that the appropriate decision-makers and resource managers understand the needs of stakeholders.


·  Identifies and coordinates with agency and FGDC working group and subcommittee initiatives that may affect implementation of themes and associated datasets, either individually or across all themes

·  Attends stakeholder meetings and invites stakeholders to FGDC Coordination Group meetings to facilitate coordination, eliminate gaps, and reduce duplication

·  Develops mechanisms to routinely capture stakeholder business requirements and make Federal Government requirements known to stakeholders engaged in work associated with OMB Circular A–16 themes and datasets

·  Ensures leadership in FGDC subcommittees fully supports and has representation from theme lead agencies

·  Develops recommendations on the addition, deletion, or combination of A–16 themes and associated datasets

·  Develops recommendations for FGDC Steering Committee review on investment in activities and initiatives that support the NSDI


Entity Members Role Description Existing A–16 Responsibilities Additional Responsibilities

5. FGDC subcommittees

FGDC member agency representatives and FGDC-recognized stakeholder groups who have common interests that cross-cut or affect several A–16 theme-based subcommittees

Advise Theme Leads and associated National A–16 Dataset Managers

Subcommittees focus on issues pertaining to coordination and standards associated with a specific geospatial theme and associated datasets (especially with regard to data collection, access, and exchange), and those applications using data.


·  Advises A–16 National A–16 Dataset Managers on the direction, content and evolution of themes and associated datasets

·  Serves as subject matter experts on applying best practices for each area of the data lifecycle as it applies to specific themes and datasets

·  Provides recommendations to the Theme Leads and National A–16 Dataset Managers on how to organize themes and associated datasets

·  Advises the FGDC Coordination Group, the FGDC Executive Committee, and the FGDC Steering Committee, upon request

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Entity Members Role Description Existing A–16 Responsibilities Additional Responsibilities

6. FGDC working groups

Representatives from Federal agencies and FGDC-recognized stakeholder groups who have common interests that cross-cut or affect several A–16 theme-based subcommittees

Produce cross- theme and cross-dataset development, portfolio management guidance and procedures

Working groups develop data standards and protocols across all A–16 themes, and provide recommendations to the FGDC Coordination Group.

·  Assesses existing standards and identifies anticipated or needed data standards

·  Develops a plan to originate and implement needed standards with relevant community and international practices


·  Develops guidance for lifecycle and portfolio management that pertains to all themes and associated datasets for consideration and approval by the FGDC Coordination Group and the FGDC Steering Committee, including establishing timeframes for compliance and reporting

·  Provides recommendations to the FGDC Coordination Group regarding the improvement of existing practices in each area of the data lifecycle

·  Provides recommendations to the FGDC Coordination Group regarding the continued existence or potential combination of each A–16 theme

·  Establishes recommendations for the FGDC Coordination Group, the FGDC Steering Committee, and the National A–16 Dataset Managers to prepare, maintain, publish, and implement strategies for advancing geographic information and related spatial data activities appropriate to their mission and in support of the NSDI

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Entity Members Role Description Existing A–16 Responsibilities Additional Responsibilities

7. FGDC Secretariat

Executive and support staff and administrators that support  the FGDC

a. Assist agency Theme Leads and Dataset Managers


The Secretariat oversees implementation of OMB Circular A–16 portfolio management processes and assists A–16 Theme Leads in keeping abreast of portfolio management requirements.  The Secretariat also pursues partnership opportunities, as appropriate, across datasets housed within themes.

·  Maintains an online FGDC membership directory, including current subcommittee and working group memberships

·  Provides and annually updates an online status summary for each theme authored by the lead agencies, the FGDC, or other subcommittees, working groups, and advisory committees

·  Maintains the current list of themes and Theme Lead Agencies

·  Promotes maintenance of the current list of datasets, services, and metadata for each theme on Geospatial One-Stop (GOS)

·  Manages the FGDC Web site to disseminate information

·  Provides guidance for annual reporting to Theme Leads, National A–16 Dataset Managers, and data stewards

·  Analyzes annual theme reports from Theme Leads in a consistent manner providing the overall status of themes and datasets

·  Coordinates regular meetings with and among Theme Leads (for example, quarterly conference calls)

7. FGDC Secretariat

Executive and support staff and administrators that support  the FGDC

b. Support the FGDC Steering Committee

The Secretariat provides staff support to the FGDC Steering Committee in fulfilling its OMB Circular A–16 portfolio management responsibilities


·  Provides annual theme status reports to the FGDC Steering Committee and identifies areas needing attention, including overall theme standards, production, and development, as well as production schedules, milestones, performance measures, and metrics information

·  Develops recommendations for the FGDC Steering Committee review on investment in activities and initiatives that support the NSDI

·  Arranges presentations on A–16 themes or associated datasets at monthly meetings, as requested

·  Arranges, at the request of the FGDC Coordination Group, special sessions to discuss theme and portfolio management issues

·  Reports on portfolio management issues and concerns

·  Present to the FGDC Steering Committee a systematic 5-year plan for reviewing the status of all themes contained in OMB Circular A–16, appendix E.

7. FGDC Secretariat

Executive and support staff and administrators that support  the FGDC

c. Support the FGDC Coordination Group

The Secretariat provides staff support to the FGDC Coordination Group in fulfilling its OMB Circular A–16 portfolio management responsibilities


·  Reviews each annual theme report against the reporting requirements, and reports  the results of the review to the FGDC Coordination Group

·  Recommends topics, themes, and theme management for the FGDC Coordination Group to consider based on review of the annual theme report and new requirements identified by the FGDC Steering Committee, and FGDC working groups, subcommittees, and stakeholder groups, and (or) the OMB

·  Collaborates with the FGDC Coordination Group in developing recommendations for the FGDC Steering Committee on priorities of datasets within and across themes

·  Works with each Executive Theme Champion to prepare recommendations for changes to A–16 themes and facilitates the recommendations process with the FGDC Coordination Group

·  Performs administrative tasks, such as arranging meetings, issuing agendas, drafting meeting minutes, and providing presentation support

·  Facilitates annual theme status reports from agency theme leads to the FGDC Coordination Group, who recommends areas that need attention, including overall theme standards and production development as well as production schedules, milestones, performance measures, or metrics information

·  Promotes NSDI activities and partnerships to stakeholder communities and professional associations to support development, maintenance, and standards

7. FGDC Secretariat

Executive and support staff and administrators that support  the FGDC

d. Facilitate portfolio management activities with other FGDC activities and Government initiatives


·  Promotes and guides cooperation and coordination among Federal, State, tribal, and local government agencies, academia and the private sector in the collection, production, sharing, and use of spatial information, in NSDI implementation, and in the identification of best practices

·  Manages the clearinghouse that supports the infrastructure of networks, systems, services, and standards that provide a digital representation of Earth’s surface to users

·  Identifies where A–16 portfolio management activities intersect and need coordination with other significant FGDC activities [for example, Cooperative Agreements Program (CAP) grants, the Fifty States Initiative, The National Map, GOS, and the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)]

·  Facilitates action plans and tactical plans developed by the FGDC Coordination Group and the FGDC Steering Committee to implement integration efforts

·  Tracks the implementation of action plans and tactical plans approved by the FGDC Coordination Group and the FGDC Steering Committee

·  Assures that appropriate initiatives are coordinated with portfolio management activities

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Entity Members Role Description Existing A–16 Responsibilities Additional Responsibilities

8. Lead agency for themes

Federal agencies identified in OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, to lead the coordination of a theme

a. Oversee the development, implementation, and maintenance of themes and associated datasets

OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, lists agencies to whom responsibility for each spatial data theme is assigned.  Although a lead agency for themes may not create the national dataset for the theme with which it is identified, it is still responsible for the coordination, planning, and leadership needed to develop nationwide data coverage.

·  Designates a point of contact within the lead agency who will be responsible for the development, maintenance, coordination, and dissemination of data

·  Supports allocation of agency resources to fulfill the responsibilities of effective spatial data collection, production, and stewardship

·  Prepares goals that support the NSDI strategy and, as needed, collect and analyze information from users about their needs for spatial data

·  Performs portfolio management for themes and associated datasets, including maintaining an inventory of themes and datasets, schedules for completion, and reports on progress

·  Other proposed tasks are associated with individual roles within the lead agency for each theme

8. Lead agency for themes

Federal agencies identified in OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, to lead the coordination of a theme

b. Executive Theme Champion

Provides high-level sponsorship and support for the theme and associated datasets; facilitates communication among the FGDC, other Executive Theme Champions, and agencies to promote effective and efficient development and management of themes and their associated resources to benefit implementation.


·  Plays a leadership role in promoting the theme vision and developing the initial scope and charter for the theme

·  Serves as director or senior level manager within the organization responsible for managing the theme

·  Provides (or finds) resources, in funding or in kind, for the theme and associated datasets by influencing program decision-making for the organization

·  Provides (or finds) resources (funding or in kind) for the theme and associated datasets through the agencies and business(es) served by the theme and associated datasets and advocates theme benefits

·  Provides (or finds) resources (funding or in kind) for the theme and associated datasets by establishing the appropriate core team

·  Ensures that the theme community focuses on business-critical issues that are in alignment with lifecycle outcomes and FGDC priorities

·  Promotes coordination among and reaches out to other agencies for development of the theme

·  Tracks common interests and facilitates common meetings of Theme Leads with representatives of relevant OMB cross-agency lines of business (LoBs) and Presidential Initiatives

·  Supports Theme Leads in convening communities of interest around topics or themes by providing facilitation and outreach assistance

·  Supports Theme Leads, National A–16 Dataset Managers, and data stewards in convening communities of interest around datasets by providing facilitation and outreach assistance

8. Lead agency for themes

Federal agencies identified in OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, to lead the coordination of a theme

c. Theme Lead

Coordinates and oversees the strategic planning and implementation of themes and associated datasets

·  Carries out the activities required to implement responsibilities as described in section 8 of OMB Circular A–16

·  Collects, maintains, disseminates, and preserves spatial information such that resulting data, products, or information can be readily shared with other Federal agencies and non-Federal users

·  Searches all sources, including the National Spatial Data Clearinghouse, to determine if existing Federal, State, local or private data meet agency needs before expending funds for data collection

·  Provides leadership and facilitates the development and implementation of FGDC standards, especially data content standards for each theme

·  Assesses existing standards, identifies anticipated or needed data standards, and develops a plan to originate and implement standards with relevant community and international practices

·  Publishes maps or comparable graphics online showing the current extent and status of the A–16 themes for which the agency has the lead; encourages other sources of data for those same themes to provide access to data through the clearinghouse as often as appropriate for each theme

·  Facilitates implementation of a plan for nationwide population of the A–16 theme for which the responsible agency’s plans include the development of partnership programs with States, tribes, academia, private sector organizations, other Federal agencies, and localities that:

-     meet the needs of users

-     address human and financial resource needs

-     identify needs for standards, metadata, and the clearinghouse

·  advance a timetable for the development of NSDI themes

·  Polls stakeholders on an ongoing basis within the context of subcommittee meetings, or through conference calls, Web meetings, or special interest group meetings at conferences, to either develop the theme or review the status of the various stages of the theme lifecycle to ensure that the theme remains relevant and current

·  Provides regular recommendations to the FGDC Coordination Group regarding datasets under each theme

·  Presents evaluation of various sources of datasets for decisions by the FGDC Coordination Group per stage 2 of the data lifecycleb (Inventory/Evaluate)

·  Works with National A–16 Dataset Managers and data stewards to plan, develop, distribute, maintain, and evolve themes and their associated datasets

·  Compiles information for annual theme reports in a consistent manner and provides the overall status of themes and datasets, as well as standards development, production schedules, milestones, performance measures, and metrics information to assist the FGDC Coordination Group

·  Analyzes the status of standards development, production schedules, milestones, performance measures, and metrics information

8. Lead agency for themes

Federal agencies identified in OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, to lead the coordination of a theme

d. National A-16 Dataset Manager

Directly develops data theme (in whole or part) as a primary data steward

·  Supports annual reports to the OMB via the FGDC Secretariat on agency achievements relative to strategies as required by OMB Circular A–16

·  Uses FGDC data standards, FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata, and other appropriate standards, documents spatial data with the relevant metadata, and makes metadata available online

·  Searches all sources, including the National Spatial Data Clearinghouse, to determine if existing Federal, state, local or private data meet agency needs before expending funds for data collection

·  Provides or develops the required technology and services required to enable and provide access to NSDI data and information

·  Coordinates and works in partnership with Federal, State, tribal, and local government agencies, academia and the private sector to efficiently and cost-effectively collect, integrate, maintain, disseminate, and preserve spatial data, building upon local data wherever possible

·  Coordinates the creation or review of proposed data standards with all business data stewards and bureau data architects for their respective business subject area

·  Identifies and tracks geospatial data requirements to be satisfied within the stakeholder community

·  Works with theme mangers and appropriate working groups to establish and use standards in dataset design, development, modification, and improvement efforts

·  Works directly with Theme Leads and data stewards to implement accepted business rules, best practices, standards, quality control procedures, and security requirements for agency geospatial themes or business lines

·  Informs the agency budget process as to the condition of the dataset with respect to norms and policies established under the geospatial data lifecycle

·  Develops a dataset implementation plan with key stakeholders that addresses overall requirements for the dataset and outlines each step in the lifecycle

·  Brings findings to the Theme Lead for resource planning

·  Works with the Executive Theme Champion and Theme Leads to outline a resource acquisition plan for the current fiscal year and for out years

·  Sets up mechanisms to meet regularly with key stakeholders to ensure that data stewardship processes are in place and that user requirements are identified and met

·  Meets with State, tribal, and  local governments and private or nonprofit data collectors to measure Federal Government activities in a theme area and identify possible overlaps gaps, and available resources for theme development.

·  Evaluates theme portfolio management progress and reports progress, issues, or concerns to the Theme Lead

·  Maintains current data standards for the agency’s line of business

·  Submits proposed data standards to the data architect for formal review

·  Resolves review comments and conflicting data issues

·  Provides program leadership and management to develop themes, datasets, and the NSDI

·  Promotes integration of all technical and management aspects of the datasets

·  Provides annual review and development of operations and maintenance budget

·  Organizes and schedules yearly stewardship workshops

·  Provides tools, documentation, and training necessary to edit and update the dataset(s)

·  Hosts or provides information on applications developed for the datasets

·  Ensures availability of data to the user community

·  Provides documentation on transaction processes and guidelines needed for updating the datasets

·  Provides clear guidance on format, validation criteria, and expectations for acceptable updates

·  Adheres to the agreed-upon transaction process workflow

·  Provides best information technology (IT) practices concerning database mirroring, backup, and recovery

8. Lead agency for themes



 e. Data steward

The person charged by  the National A–16 Dataset Manager in conjunction with his or her management to be accountable for the production, maintenance, and usage of the dataset within the agency.


·  See data steward responsibilities under the Stakeholder Community section of this table

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Entity Members Role Description Existing A–16 Responsibilities Additional Responsibilities

9. Stakeholder Community

Members can be from Federal, State, tribal, or local governments, as well as the private or nonprofit sectors or academia (may vary from theme to theme)

a. Data steward

A group of two or more willing parties working with National A–16 Dataset Managers to create, maintain, and evolve nationally consistent datasets.


·  Recommends to the FGDC Coordination Group agency member whether or not the FGDC Steering Committee should evaluate a data topic as a possible A–16 theme 1

·  Performs other tasks as directed by the SAOGI 2 and any relevant Theme Lead

·  Ensures that data in datasets conform to all applicable FGDC data standards

·  Characterizes datasets using FGDC metadata that are then posted on the GOS

·  Makes datasets accessible to Federal and non-Federal Government users through the GOS

·  Informs the agency budget process as to the condition of the dataset with respect to norms and policies established under the geospatial data lifecycle

·  Informs the National A–16 Dataset Manager of the condition of the dataset with respect to norms and policies established under the geospatial data lifecycle

·  Ensures that data standards reflect the programmatic needs of users and cooperates with the appropriate Theme Lead(s).

·  Implements best practices and standards for developing logical and physical data models for A–16 themes or business lines

·  Identifies sensitive data associated with OMB Circular A–16, or other geospatial themes or business lines, to ensure appropriate designations (that is, “Government Use Only,” “Proprietary,” “Subject to the Privacy Act,” or other applicable security classifications)

·  Identifies data quality metrics and coordinates data accuracy and quality assurance checks, formal reviews, and information exchanges relevant to OMB Circular A–16 portfolio management and information exchange relevant to data standards with the bureau data architect, subject matter experts, and other data stewards

·  Provides publicly available information on the status of data stewardship activities

·  Coordinates with other Federal and in-state agencies, adjacent States, Native American organizations, and counties and other local governmental organizations to identify and provide programmatic coordination on maintenance activities

·  Works with the organizational data architect, subject matter experts, and other data stewards to develop, review, modify, and (or) establish data standards for bureau subject areas or business lines

·  Maintains awareness of the activities of other agencies and organizations involved in stewardship

·  Provides data maintenance and ensures that all edits are in accordance with established standards, procedures, and timelines

·  Ensures integration of geometry and attribution

·  Accepts and responds to submittal of suggested edits within a reasonable timeframe

·  Performs quality assurance checks, formal reviews, and information exchanges relevant to A–16 portfolio management

9. Stakeholder Community


Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) Committee made up of representatives from Federal, State, tribal, and  local  governments, the private and  nonprofit sectors, and academia

b. National Geospatial Advisory Committee (NGAC); provides advice and recommendations to FGDC Chair

The NGAC may offer advice to the FGDC Steering Committee on the content of OMB Circular A–16, appendix E, standards for themes and associated datasets, and lifecycle and portfolio management for themes and associated datasets

·  Provides advice and recommendations related to management of Federal and national geospatial programs for the development of the NSDI, and the implementation of OMB Circular A–16 and Executive Order 129063

Reviews and comments upon geospatial policy and management issues and provides a forum to convey views and representation of non-Federal stakeholders in the geospatial community3

·  May review proposed lifecycle and portfolio management for A–16 themes and associated datasets and provides recommendations

·  May offer recommendations on stakeholder requirements for modifying, adding, or deleting themes and (or) datasets associated with OMB Circular A–16, appendix E

9. Stakeholder Community

General users who may or may not have a relationship with a Federal agency

c. Data end users

General users who may or may not have a relationship with a Federal agency


·  Provides feedback to data managers on how to make data and services more accessible and usable

1 - Applies to Federal data stewards only; if the data steward is from a non-Federal entity, the Federal Theme Lead will assume responsibility for directing how the information will be provided back to the community.

2 - Interaction with SAOGI applies to Federal data stewards only.

3 - Adapted from the NGAC Charter.

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Last Updated: Jan 15, 2010 04:42 PM
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