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7 : Metadata Reference Information

Metadata Reference Information -- information on the currentness of the metadata information, and the responsible party.
Type: compound
Short Name: metainfo

Metadata_Reference_Information =
Metadata_Date +
(Metadata_Review_Date) +
(Metadata_Future_Review_Date) +
Metadata_Contact +
Metadata_Standard_Name +
Metadata_Standard_Version +
0{Metadata_Time_Convention}1 +
(Metadata_Access_Constraints) +
(Metadata_Use_Constraints) +
(Metadata_Security_Information) +

Metadata_Contact =
Contact_Information (see section 10 for production rules)

Metadata_Security_Information =
Metadata_Security_Classification_System +
Metadata_Security_Classification +

Metadata_Extensions =
0{Online_Linkage}n +

7.1 Metadata Date -- the date that the metadata were created or last updated.
Type: date
Domain: free date
Short Name: metd

7.2 Metadata Review Date -- the date of the latest review of the metadata entry.
Type: date
Domain: free date; Metadata Review Date later than Metadata Date
Short Name: metrd

7.3 Metadata Future Review Date -- the date by which the metadata entry should be reviewed.
Type: date
Domain: free date; Metadata Future Review Date later than Metadata Review Date
Short Name: metfrd

7.4 Metadata Contact -- the party responsible for the metadata information.
Type: compound
Short Name: metc

7.5 Metadata Standard Name -- the name of the metadata standard used to document the data set.
Type: text
Domain: "FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata" free text
Short Name: metstdn

7.6 Metadata Standard Version -- identification of the version of the metadata standard used to document the data set.
Type: text
Domain: free text
Short Name: metstdv

7.7 Metadata Time Convention -- form used to convey time of day information in the metadata entry. Used if time of day information is included in the metadata for a data set.
Type: text
Domain: "local time" "local time with time differential factor" "universal time"
Short Name: mettc

7.8 Metadata Access Constraints -- restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing the metadata. These include any access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on obtaining the metadata.
Type: text
Domain: free text
Short Name: metac

7.9 Metadata Use Constraints -- restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the metadata after access is granted. These include any metadata use constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on using the metadata.
Type: text
Domain: free text
Short Name: metuc

7.10 Metadata Security Information -- handling restrictions imposed on the metadata because of national security, privacy, or other concerns.
Type: compound
Short Name: metsi

7.10.1 Metadata Security Classification System -- name of the classification system for the metadata.
Type: text
Domain: free text
Short Name: metscs

7.10.2 Metadata Security Classification -- name of the handling restrictions on the metadata.
Type: text
Domain: "Top secret" "Secret" "Confidential" "Restricted" "Unclassified" "Sensitive" free text
Short Name: metsc

7.10.3 Metadata Security Handling Description -- additional information about the restrictions on handling the metadata.
Type: text
Domain: free text
Short Name: metshd

7.11 Metadata Extensions -- a reference to extended elements to the standard which may be defined by a metadata producer or a user community. Extended elements are elements outside the Standard, but needed by the metadata producer. If extended elements are created, they must follow the guidelines in Appendix D, Guidelines for Creating Extended Elements to the Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata.
Type: compound
Short Name: metextns

7.11.1 Online Linkage -- the name of an online computer resource that contains the metadata extension information for the data set. Entries should follow the Uniform Resource Locator convention of the Internet.
Type: text
Domain: free text
Short Name: onlink

7.11.2 Profile Name -- the name given to a document that describes the application of the Standard to a specific user community.
Type: text
Domain: free text
Short Name: metprof

Last Updated: Feb 09, 2006 01:26 PM
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