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Report Format for Web Mapping Service Projects

Category 4: 2004

NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program

Integration with Web Mapping Services

Interim and Final Project Report Format

Agreement Number:
Indicate Interim or Final report

Organization: Name, address, Web address
Project Leader: Name, telephone, email
List (if appropriate) Collaborating Organizations: Name, point of contact, address, Web address

Project Narrative: Summarize the project activities. Include its accomplishments, successes strengths and weaknesses, further challenges, and collaboration activities as appropriate.

Status of your Clearinghouse Node

  • Site Name
  • How many metadata entries?
  • How many metadata entries with OGC WMS references in them?
  • Issues in metadata management and service

Status of your Web Map Service

  • Software type and version used
  • Status/Issues with the OGC WMS setup
  • Provide URL to your WMS "getCapabilities" request
  • Describe what types and coverage of data are present


  • Provide status of Clearinghouse or search portal to access your maps through the metadata (URL)
  • Successes and Problems
  • Recommendations

Next Steps (if appropriate)

  • Describe the next phase in your project
  • Requirements (more technical assistance, software, other?)
  • What areas need work?

Feedback on Cooperative Agreements Program:

  • What are the program strengths and weaknesses?
  • Where does the program make a difference?
  • Was the assistance you received sufficient or effective?
  • What would you recommend doing differently?
  • Are there factors that are missing or need to consider that were missed?
  • Are there program management concerns that need to be addressed? Time frame?
  • If you were to do this again, what would you do differently?
Last Updated: Apr 09, 2007 07:59 AM
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