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Extension of 2007 NSDI CAP-Category 4

NSDI CAP Category 4 is reopened for proposal submissions. 

Category 4:  Geo-Enabled Federal Businesses Initiative
The purpose of this category is to effectively communicate to Federal business managers the value of incorporating geospatial approaches into business processes, especially to those who have had limited experience with geo-enabled decision-making.   Maximum award $50,000 (25% to 50% in-kind match), approximately two awards.  Lead - Doug Nebert (ddnebert [at]

The project grant awards are scheduled to be announced by USGS/FGDC contracts officer in March 2007 with obligated work to begin on each project by September 30, 2007.  More information is available at .

For more information about the NSDI CAP, please contact Gita Urban-Mathieux:  or 703-648-5175 or the FGDC Secretariat, c/o U.S. Geological Survey, 590 National Center, Reston, VA 20192; telephone 703-648-5513; fax 703-648-5755.

Last Updated: Feb 28, 2007 09:31 AM
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