Static Links to Most Current HPI Data

HPI users have noted that the web addresses for files provided on the "Downloadables Data" page are dynamic.  That is, for a given data file (e.g., State Purchase-Only Indexes in TXT format), the web address changes each period.
Some HPI users have requested static "perma-links" pointing to data from the most recent release.  These perma-links would be helpful for users attempting to automate the regular download of the most recent data.

The links below provide this facility.  The web addresses for each listed file will not change over time.  The underlying data that are referenced, however, are updated with each new release. 

Most Recent HPI Data

Quarterly Data

Purchase Only Indexes (Estimated using Sales Price Data)

All-Transactions Indexes (Estimated using Sales Prices and Appraisal Data)

Monthly Data

Purchase Only Indexes (Estimated using Sales Price Data) Monthly

Quarterly Data

Purchase Only Indexes Volatility (Estimated using Sales Price Data)

All-Transactions Indexes Volatility (Estimated using Sales Prices and Appraisal Data)